Sunday, July 26, 2009
Bacon Weekly
Tues- Open water swim in Texas at Quarry Lake with Karl 750 with 2 stops, plus warm up
Wed- 3 mile easy outside run at Hotel Texas
Thurs- off
Fri- 3.5 mile run at HR zones 2&3
Sat- 600 meter swim..NO BREAKS!!!
Sun- 900 meter swim...NO BREAKS!!!! plus 3.5 mile run..(haven't done yet)
BIG week for the you have seen in Karl's post, we had a great open water swim session on Tuesday followed by a classic Karl mental therapy session that lead me to 2 big swims yesterday and today. See I was still lacking some mental preparedness and focus until my Texas trip...I came back knowing that I can do it physically, so on Karl's advice...I just stuck with distance sessions, so Saturday I did the 600 and really felt like I could do more, but didn't and wanted to pace myself, so today I intended on uping the distance by only 100, but again felt so good that I just kept going and easily reached the 900 mark and could have done 900 more the way I felt. I crossed the barrier today men....I have reached a new level and I am pumped....I'm going to continue the big distances and do it again and again....I'll beat this thing at some point....thanks for all your guys encouragement as I navigate the dangerous waters of the YMCA!
Dinos Weekly
Tue: 2 mile run, 14 mile bike, 1 mile run
Wed: 6 mile run, 52:46
Thu: 15 mile bike @ 18.4 mph
Sat: 10 mile run @ 1:27:24
Sun: 4 mile run @ 8:21 per
decent week of exercise. even better with positive attitude through some tough times. Ive learned that happiness is not a certain set of circumstances, rather a certain set of attitudes. Still trudging along. Need to sign up for my next race for the fall. However, have been concentrating on our vacation trip to Jamaica to tie the knot yet again. (this time for sure)..... peace, love, and happiness. P.S. one Robert Creeek added me to his facebook friends list. Look at Coach Creeek!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Road to Ironman Arizona (7/20-7/26/09)
Monday 1:25 hour bike short hill climb workout (12x1 minute climbs)
Tuesday 50 minute Fartlek run (8x30 second @ VO2max); 2250 yard open water swim with Claude Bacon (@baconky) at Pure Austin Quarry location
Wednesday 2 hour bike/run brick: 1:30 hour bike followed immediately by 30 minute run
Thursday 1:30 hour foundation bike workout
Friday 3:37 hour bike ride: 62.57 miles; 17.3 mph average speed; 126 avg. heart rate
Saturday 1:50 hour long run at Brushy Creek Lake Park; 2700 yard endurance swim
Sunday Rest Day
I’m writing my update a day early because my mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law, and niece are in town for a week of family vacation fun.
Had a super week! REALLY enjoyed my open water swim at the Pure Austin Quarry with Claude. It was nice to have a training partner to workout with, especially a best friend and Team Topper Tri brother.
This weekend’s workouts were my best to date. Yesterday’s bike ride went perfectly according to plan. I had hoped to average 16 mph plus at a low heart rate and I was able to exceed my goals beyond my expectations. Today’s long run felt effortless for well over half the distance and I averaged a 149 heart rate for the entire run. My swim workout was scheduled for 54 minutes but I completed the session in 52 minutes. May not seem like much, but two minutes here and there really adds up, especially when completed at a smooth, relaxed pace.
This gives me a lot of confidence that my training is taking hold. If I can stay consistent and committed to the training, I believe I’ll be more than ready for both the half IM in September and the full IMAZ in November.
This next week is a recovery week and it couldn’t have come at a better time: my vacation week! I plan some easy bike rides with my brother, some ocean swim sessions, some beach runs, and even a day of golf with my him and our father. Other than that, there will be a lot of seafood eating, a little beer drinking, and a lot of laying out beach- and poolside. It promises to be a wonderful, relaxing week of family bonding and good times.
Best wishes on your training and in your lives to all my Team Topper Tri brothers and our triathlon friends across the world!
Kia Kaha!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Dinos Weekly
Tue: 6 mile run (8:45)
Wed: 2 mile run, 14 mile bike, 2mile run
ThU: 2 mile run,14 mile bike, 2 mile run
Fri: 4 mile run @ 9:00
Sun: 5 mile run @ 8:45
Rode the Fuji a bit this week... feels real good (even though I did some joy riding)... Love the run, bike, run workouts...... nice pain and overall good workouts. Good to see everyone had productive weeks.... Stay Focused and stay strong
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Bacon Weekly
Tues- off
Wed- swim- 1000 meters worth, 600 drills, 400 constant
Thurs- 4.3 miles of intervals, 1 mile warm up with 3 minute all out,3 minute slow pace
Fri- swim- 600 drills
Sun- 5 mile...the single most enjoyable solo run I've had thus far
Good week overall... can't help but talk about the unreal July weather we've had...lows in the mid 50's and highs in the 70's with no humidty...that made today's run just plan awesome...I had a great time and could have easily ran many more bike's being worked on right now, so I'm out of commision on it for a week or so, but that's ok.I need more swim time anyway . I'm traveling to Texas this week and have a scheduled long ride in the following week. As Karl said in his post, we have a super cool swim scheduled in Austin this week so I can't wait for that...I hope my Tweety Bird arm floaties don't embarass him, seriously, I'm more concerned about my Brazilian cut swim suit than anything.
Road to Ironman Arizona (7/13-7/19/09)
Monday 1:20 hour bike: 11x 1 min short hill climbs (morning); 2600 yard swim
Tuesday 50 minute Fartlek run: 6x30 seconds at VO2max intensity
Wednesday 1:15 hour bike (morning); 45 minute run (afternoon on treadmill)
Thursday 1:30 hour bike (morning); 2500 yards swim Fartlek and sprint (afternoon)
Friday 1:45 bike/run brick (1:15 bike; 30 minute run)
Saturday 50 minute run; 2250 yards swim (1650 at race intensity)
Completed every workout this week, which always makes for a good workout week. It was especially nice to get all my swim sessions in, considering there aren’t many weeks where that is possible.
I had to back my wake-up time to 4:30 am due to the increasing volume. This means bedtime comes at 9 pm every night along with the kids. Jennifer is enjoying a good hour or two of quiet time at night. I think that’s her Facebook catch-up time.
Felt motivated and strong this week. I’m not saying it’s easy to wake up for every workout, but once I get going, it feels good. My intensity is where it needs to be and I figure getting my body accustomed to being race ready early in the morning is not a bad thing. And I’ll gain an hour in Arizona!
Now that the workouts are getting longer, I started adding some sports nutrition to my workouts other than only water. My sweat rate is very high and in this heat (those garage bike trainer sessions are a sauna), the added electrolytes help my performance.
This next week jumps back to over 14 hours because of the 3:30 long bike on Friday and 1:50 long run on Saturday. What’s nice (and was not planned) is that the following week is a recovery week while we are in Port Aransas for vacation. I will be taking my bike and running gear to get some light workouts in over the week. My brother, who is also training for IMAZ, will be with us, so I’ll have a training partner for the week. It will be a nice, and needed, change of pace.
Claude Bacon (@baconky) will be in Austin this week. We are scheduled to try out the open water swimming area at Pure Austin (north location). It really looks great on the website…750 meters marked with buoys! I’ll trade one of my weekly swim sessions for a nice open water workout. Looking forward to it!
Have a great week, All. Kia Kaha!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Dinos Weekly
Bacon Weekly
Tues- 4 mile race pace run
Wed- 950 M swim, 100 warm-up, 800 M with 20 sec rest after 200M, 50 cool down
Thur- Bike- 10 mile low intensity
Fri- 3 mile HR zone 1 run
Sat- 2009 Hilliard Lyons Health and Fitness Classic 29 mile bike race and 10K run
Good workout week that culminated to a great day of racing and family fun on Saturday. Started yesterday morning with a personal best on the bike averaging 18.4 mph for 29 miles and all that with 4 gears..2 in the big ring and 2 in the small ring, my bike is in shambles and needs BIG love...and on a tough butt course...many, many short but STEEP hills that kep the HR drilled and punished my legs...I really didnlt want to push too hard cause I had the 10K in the afternoon but you guys understand the spirit of competition and I could not hold back.. next was the kids race and Maggie Beth and Hadley had been talking about it for a week...they had a blast too, neither were contenders for the title but think they are greased was Samantha and the 5K and I caxnnot tell you how proud I was of her...she bested her 5K time by 8 minutes as she ran a portion and walked the other parts...she too is becoming a victim of competition and wanting to take the next step and start a beginner running program...she was full of smiles as she crossed the finish..then I capped of the evening with a 50:42 10k (5th in my age group) that missed my personal best by 2 minutes, but a fun run....humidty was killer, could not keep the water off of me and bogged my pace down overall...the 29 mile ride in the morning certainly didn't help, but overall a great day for my family and me. Plus I was quite proud of my LinGate family...our company won the corporate challenge by logging in 23 LinGate partcipants and I accepted a very nice plaque at the awards ceremony.
Road to Ironman Arizona (7/06-7/12/09)
Monday 1:15 hour Bike Hill Workout (morning); 2450 yard swim of drills and speed work (afternoon)
Tuesday 45 minute Fartlek run
Wednesday 1:45 hour brick workout (1:15- bike; 30 min run)
Thursday 1:30 hour foundation bike (moderate aerobic pace)
Friday 3:15 hour long bike
Saturday 1:40 hour long run; 2500 endurance swim
Sunday Rest day
Felt a lot more motivated this week. Woke up no later than 4:30 am every weekday in order to get the workouts in. Of course, this meant going to bed no later than 9:30 pm every night. I went to bed at 8:30 am on Thursday night in order to wake up at 3:30 am to get my 3:15 hour long bike in BEFORE work. I think my short daily doses of watching the Tour de France have really helped. To see what those guys are capable of over such incredible distances and hill climbs, gives me a LOT to work toward.
My bike is coming along nicely. I am pushing a bigger race gear than a month ago at a lower aerobic intensity. On the run, however, I still find it difficult to stay in the moderate aerobic range at any distance over the 1 hour mark. On the shorter runs, I’ve seen a difference. Guess I’ll need to stay patient, stay hydrated (I’m losing 3 lbs of water weight on most runs), and slow down as needed.
I have some IT band soreness after yesterday’s long run and my right calf cramped badly at the end of my long swim. The swim cramp is explained by the fact I lost so much fluid (electrolytes) on the run, but my IT band hasn’t bothered me for months. I’m icing it and taking some anti-inflammatory meds in an effort to get it down ASAP. I need to get back to doing my leg strength and stability exercises, which I’ve let slip since beginning this new program.
I’ve been thinking a lot this past week about the sacrifice this kind of training takes (if you do it with commitment and consistency). And while I may be losing a few hours of TV every night or a relaxed morning coffee in the mornings, the true sacrifice is made by those closest to you. It’s my wife who has to take and pick up the kids from school and do more around the house because I’m out on yet another swim, bike, or run. And when your wife has her own full-time job, this makes it even a bigger family commitment. I’m very fortunate to have a spouse who is my partner in achieving this dream. Thank you, Jennifer. You can be assured I’ll be thinking about you a lot during my grueling hours in the Arizona desert. I love you!
Make it a great week and Kia Kaha!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Bacon Weekly
Road to Ironman Arizona (6/29-7/05/09)
Monday Bike Intervals 1:20 (8x20 sec sprints)
Tuesday 1150 yard swim workout with Claude (@baconky). 7x100 w/ 5 sec rest
Wednesday 1 hour bike (morning); 35 minute run (afternoon). Ran while Tristan rode his bike. It was a GREAT run and a fun time.
Thursday 1 hour bike
Friday 1:35 bike/run brick (1:15 hour bike and 20 minute run)
Saturday 55 minute run
Sunday Rest Day
This was the fourth (rest) week of the 8-week base in this training program. I really felt tired this week. I think it comes from a combination of a lack of sleep and a need for vacation (and probably the weeks of 100 degree weather we’ve had). I have one planned for the last week of this month and it will not come soon enough. I did take Friday off this week b/c my children’s summer care was closed. It was nice to sleep in late (6:30 am).
Work (a trip to Dallas on Thursday) and my pool’s schedule (they were closed on July 4th) caused me to miss two of my swim workouts. The swim workout I did have, I did with Claude while he was in town for business. Despite not having his own swim gear, he did more than hold his own in our workout. I was really proud to see how far he’s come along.
I signed up for my next race (the Prairie Man half Ironman in September) this past week and it’s nice to have something else on the calendar to work toward. I have to admit to waning motivation this past week. Having been through several training plans over my three year triathlon “career”, I understand “valleys” are part of every training plan and every race. You have to take the up’s with the down’s. It’s a metaphor for life itself.
Enjoyed celebrating our country’s birthday yesterday. I give thanks to have been born with U.S. citizenship. I know I won the world lottery through that privilege.
Enjoy Wimbledon today and the Tour de France all week. I’ll be cheering for our Austin, Texas, and U.S. champions, Andy Roddick and Lance Armstrong, respectively.
Have a great week! Kia Kaha!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Whats Up With Dino