Sunday, September 27, 2009

Road to Ironman Arizona (9/21-9/27/09)

Monday 2200 yard swim in community pool

Tuesday 1:25 hour Bike lactate intervals workout

Wednesday 36 minute Run lactate intervals workout

Thursday Off

Friday 1:00 hour foundation bike workout

Saturday 1:30 hour ride from 5th St. to Shoal Creek/183 and back with Aaron Rochlen

Sunday Off

Thank goodness this was a recovery week because my heart and mind weren’t into training this week. Allergy season has hit Austin (Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) crowned Austin, Texas "the most challenging place to live with fall allergies.”) and I’m a sufferer. I spend most of the day unable to breathe and the only way I can sleep is thanks to drowsiness-inducing nose sprays. Getting up early for workouts was extra torture this week. I am on both oral and nasal allergy medication (non-drowsy formulas) and I feel as good today as I have in many days.

Whether caused by the allergies or from overtraining, I felt very fatigued both mentally and physically this week. I chose to skip some workouts and take two days off completely in order to get some needed rest and in hopes of getting mentally re-charged for the final few weeks of training ahead.

That said, I got in over half of my assigned workouts and still had good results. I feel much more rested and ready to begin the peak period of my training plan tomorrow. The Peak will include longer sessions at threshold intensity in order to take my fitness level to race intensity preparedness. I look forward to the challenging workouts ahead and the taper which follows this phase right into race day.

Two weeks from today is the Ironman World Championships in Kona. I look forward to spending much of that day by my computer (hooked up to the TV) watching the best IM athletes in the world battling it out for both elite and age-group titles. Kona is a great motivator going into my final weeks of training.

All my best wishes to my Team Topper Tri brothers and to all those who follow our weekly updates. Make it a great week and keep on tri-ing!

Kia Kaha!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Vibram Five Fingers: Discover the Barefooting Alternative

Bacon Weekly

Decided to post my weekly report on Saturday cause I now nothing in store for me tomorrow. I had my femoral hernia surgery on Wednesday and am beginning the recovery...still very swollen and sore, but making return to full pace is weeks away...turned out that laposcopic wasn't a possibility, so had to go for the full incision...about 4 inches which takesmore time to recover...coughing hurts if that gives you an indication of the pain level...not crying though, I am able to walk around ok.... one big problem I'm already having is controlling my appetite despite no training to burn the calories....a little Wii training is about the extent! I may ended up just picking up my winter weight early and will motivate me through the fall to get fit through the holiday season....... I have a pretty cool picture of my scar too! Keep moving!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Road to Ironman Arizona (9/14-9/20/09)

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday Rest Day- Took two rest days following Sunday’s PrairieMan Half Ironman. Quads were a little sore and I was a bit fatigued.

Wednesday Bike/Run Brick Workout (1:30 hour bike, 45 minute run at threshold intensity); This was a real confidence booster. After a hard day on Sunday and only two days off, I was able to put together 5.6 miles in 45 minutes at threshold for an 8:02 pace.

Thursday 1:45 hour steady state bike (morning); 2725 yards swim workout (350 warm up, 10x25 drills, 5x100 at moderate intensity, 8X100 at VO2 max, 9x25 at speed, 10x25 kick, 350 cool down) (afternoon)

Friday Off Day

Saturday 5 hours on bike trainer- Our son had flag football practice and our daughter had cheer clinic, so I had to break up my bike workout into two sessions of 2:30 hours each. 5 hours on the trainer is brutally monotonous but thanks to the 2Pac channel on Pandora on my iPhone, I survived it. A bike trainer session is more intense than my traditional outdoor ride and those 5 hours are comparable to 6 or 7 hours of outdoor riding (no free spinning or downhills).

Sunday 2:30 hours long run (10 minutes run/1 minute walk)- The run felt great. I only felt muscle fatigue in the last couple of miles and was able to push a fast pace coming down the home stretch. I dialed in my nutrition/hydration and that definitely helped. I followed the run with a 3600 yard long swim in the community pool. The cool water was great for my tire legs and I didn’t cramp up until the very final lap. 72 laps in the pool is as brutally monotonous, if not more, than the bike trainer. No 2Pac to keep me company.

After three hard weeks including a half Ironman race, I’m looking forward to the coming recovery week. Only 9:36 hours of training in the week ahead. SAAAAWEET!

This coming week is the IMAZ minus 2-month mark. It will be here before we know it. The butterflies are already starting to build, so I can only imagine how I’ll feel the week of, the day/night before, and the morning of. That said, the training has increased my confidence greatly and I’m looking forward to taking what will be 37 weeks of training into competition.

My thanks to Schmidt Dog for calling to check in on me after the half Ironman. He mentioned that we need to begin thinking about our adventure for next year and getting something on the calendar. For various reasons we weren’t able to get anything scheduled this year. Please give thought to what we might want to do and let’s start the discussion and planning.

Kia Kaha!

Don't work out -- train! |

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Road to Ironman Arizona (9/07-9/13/09)

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday 1:35 hours Bike Lactate Intervals (8x3 minutes at VO2max)

Wednesday 44 minute Run Lactate Intervals (4x3 minutes at VO2max w/ 3 minutes recovery)

Thursday 1 hour easy bike ride

Friday Off Day

Saturday Trip to Dallas. Took bike for inspection and went to PrairieMan packet pick-up

Sunday Awoke at 3:30 am for breakfast of oatmeal and orange juice. The rain that started on Friday continued all night and as we drove to the race site, it did not let up. We parked the car and made the half-mile walk to the transition area in pouring rain. We decided to leave our shoes and other transition “stuff” in our Rocket Science Sports triathlon bags. We put the enclosed rain cover over them and put our drink bottles on the bike. Luckily, we had dressed in layers. The rain did not stop and we put our swim caps on to keep the warmth from escaping our heads. This helped keep the chill off as the winds picked up. 10-20 mph winds were forecast. At 6:45 we got the call to exit transition for the pre-race meeting and swim start. During the pre-race instructions, we were informed that the bike course would be cut by 14 miles because the road they planned to use was flooded. They warned us to watch for flooded areas and debris on the road and to take it slow on the downhills. Despite the torrential rains, the race would go on!

We entered the water at 7:30 and the race began. The winds and rain made for choppy conditions and several white caps could be seen across the water. Several times when turning for a breath or sighting ahead, a wave would catch you and fill your mouth and nostrils with water. As we turned at the first buoy, the waves actually helped. Unfortunately, as we turned at the final buoy, the waves once again hindered progress. Despite that, I finished in 47 minutes, only three minutes slower than my recent 1.2 mile swim at the CapTex Open Water Swim.

I got my bike shoes out of the transition bag, put them and my aero helmet on, and headed out for 42 miles in pouring rain and on rain soaked streets. It was important to stay in the middle of the road so as not to end up in the puddles on the sides of the street. My cadence and speed monitor were not working, so I went by feel and ended up averaging 17.9 mph and completing the bike in 2:20 hours.

I racked the bike, took off the helmet, took my running shoes out of the transition bag and headed out for the 13.1 mile run. I took off easy and held to my 10 minutes run/1 minute walk plan. I would switch between water and Gatorade at every other water stop and took a gel after the first hour. Up to the turnaround, the run seemed smooth and easy. I decided to push the pace for the final half. For the last four miles I had a difficult time keeping my heart below lactate threshold. Even after my 1 minute walking break, it would be only seconds before I’d be back above LT. I held to my plan and finished the run in 2:09, a 9:55 minute mile pace. I was pretty stoked to keep the pace under 10 minute miles despite the rain, wind, and walking strategy. It proved to me that keeping the heart rate low and going easy until the final 10K helps you go faster in the long run and finish strong.

This was my most fulfilling race to date! Finishing with such a respectable time under such tough conditions did a lot for my confidence and motivation going into the final two months before IMAZ. I did not want to race in the rain, but after doing it…I felt pretty damn proud! And sharing the experience with my brother and seeing him have a great race too made it even more special.

Final numbers: 5:23:34 finishing time; 97/172 total finishers; 85 out of 136 males; 18 out of 30 40-44 year old males. This was a strong group of competitors. The 172 finishers of this race were some of the best racers you will come across. I was honored to be among them.

Now, it’s a couple of days off before diving right back into training before my next and final race of the year: Ironman Arizona!

Kia Kaha!

Exercise Quote

"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby (1799-1869)


Monday, September 14, 2009

Bacon Weekly

Mon- 1250 swim (1000M constant)
tues- 3mile run
Wed- swim drills
Thurs- nada
Fri- 800 m swim
Sun- 5 mile run at HR zone 2

This week initially was to consist of pre-operation workouts to stay fit; however I was selected for jury duty and the trail has lasts through today (monday), so I had to postpone the surgery for Wed. the 23rd...disappointed cause that puts my recovery time to a point where I'll likely miss the BG 10K classic. I had at least hoped to run the 5k with Samantha...we'll see...

Was feeling motivated this past Monday and swam my first 1000M straight swim...really just to see of I could do it...I did and could have gone much confidence continues to build in the swim...

Samantha bought her ceremonial first pair of "real" running shoes this her the Adidas Supernova..... we wet tested her feet and thankfully she's many options were available.

Samantha and I are reading (and do the daily exercises) for the book "One Month To Live" by Kerry and Chris Shook We started yesterday and part of the assignement was to ask someone or a group to mark 30 days from yesterday on a calendar and ask me how my life has changed at that time. Our church is leading this exercise. Even after only 1 day, I would highly reccomend you and yours reading and doing the exercises. The basic premise is if you knew you had only 30 days to live; how would your life change. Then navagating why you're not living that way everyday...check it out, but please ask me how my life has changed in 30 days.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dinos Life

Sorry guys for not logging in over the past few weeks...... My mandatory overtime and my preparations for my Jamaican Vacation/wedding put me in a rut with the physical workouts. However, I still managed to pull a few small bricks over the past couple of weeks (bike/runs) and I also ran through the streets of downtown Ocho Rios, Jamaica about 5 times during my vacation. Also, I swam with some dolphins and connected with relaxing in the water. I made my longest swim in my life swimming from pier to pier at the resort. Wasnt but about 100 meters, but I made it easy and was not breathing hard at the end. My pull and relaxing has gotten better. Now, after returning from vacation I twisted my knee even worse at work. Next week Im going to have to get it checked out.... so Im in a season ending position until my knee gets better. Im very proud of you guys for your accomplishments..... awesome work guys... Bacon is kicking but, and the Miller boys are months away from the title of "Ironman".... that is truly amazing! As for me, my vacation to Jamaica was the best time of my life. Everything was perfect. That island is very mystical and is the best place on the planet earth. It also helped that we stayed at a sandals resort. First class service... all the drinks I could handle, 5 star restaurants with 5 course meals.... the absolute best..... be sure to check out my pictures on my facebook page..... they are amazing! later my brothers......


Monday, September 7, 2009

Bacon Weekly- Race Report

Mon-Sat- training...blah,blah,blah

Sunday- Bowling Green, KY Sprint Triathlon

Sorry not wasting anytime with prep week training, cause I want to get to the good stuff. My last race of the season was the BG Sprint on Sunday... 400 M pool swim, 23K bike, 5k run. Complete results here:

Swim 9:43 T1: 1:14 Bike 46:48 18.3 mph T2: 0:50 Run 25:39 8:17 avg total 1:24:12

49 of 95 Men, 9 of 16 age group, 11 of 16 in pool, 7 of 16 on bike, and 9 of 16 on run

Could have done better in the swim, but the transistion to get under the lane lines cost me some seconds...I have pre-timed myself in my home pool in the 8:20 range..don't think the cold water helped either though... tranistions were all good in my opinion...the bike was brutal, I feel like I have said that after each race and that may be cause that's where I can improve, but a few hills on this course made it the real one time pedaling in the 3 mph range for at least 10 minutes then the dredded double devils backbone that switched and back up again...the decent was just a wicked as I started feathering my brakes at 39.5 mph....just didn't feel comfortable hitting that 40 mph mark... "too fast..too fast for love" was my chant to calm myself on the decent....the second portion of the ride and pedaled hard and caught plenty of riders but the early ones that passed me on the hill were no where in season increasing my average on the bike alone will move me up plenty of spots in the ranking 4 minutes seperate me from 4th place in this race, so just averaging a mere 1.5 more mph hour covers that spread in this race. a much better run than evansville an 8:17 avg was quite good despite the next see as we started the race at the waterpark I deduced during my run that we would end there too right...well see as I got sight of the park I saw about 8 people that I could hunt down, so flash gordon went and spanked all 8 only to realize I started my grand, last race sprint finish at mile number 2!!!!!!!!! You can imagine my disappointment when no finish line was in sight and 2 runners quickly passed ym whezzing butt, so I'm mad as you can imagine....last race of the year and I blew my wad on mile I gathered myself and slowly hunted back down the 2 runners I had passed...first a very fit age grouper who I was pleased to pass; however a male in my age group and one I had battled on the bike back and forth was the last in my reach and the last of the 8 I had originally here I come then with maybe a 1/4 mile left and my breathe close to his back, I saw him reach back and grab a like a shark to blood, dead meat and I quickly moved passed him, now I was not glad he was hurt and I would have passed him anyway, but sure made the last 1/4 easier on what I will now call the "Shoot The Wad Sprint Triathlon" I will never forget that moment..

Now, thanks to you guys for all you support this season. You all know I had a rough beginning to my triathlin season, but have quickly moved passed that now and most of that to you guys credit for encouraging me along the way. There is no question that I could not have accomplished this years feats without your guidance and support. In fact, this stuff would likely not interest me unless I had you guys to do it along side. I've also taught myself an even better lesson about hard work and determination that all of us can do whatever we set our goals with the right amount and type of training and practice....remember, just months ago I was in a beginner swim class and had to be sectioned off from the rest of the group because Iwas so fundamentally unsound (and unsafe)...not until about week 6 did they let me off the short bus and join the rest of the class....when I started running, I was running almost 10 minute miles, now I'm running in the 7's in 5ks, on the bike and while I don't know the exact figures, I could only imagine I was riding in the 14 mph avg range; since, I've been in the 20's on longer rides. I wouldn't venture to say that it's been easy, in fact, just the me, I had plenty of mornings I did not want to wake, plenty of road trips where I would have preffered late nights on the town, but hit the sack instead, and plenty of other reasons not to do all this, but I'm in the best shape of my life, feel better physically and mentally, my wife started training for her first 5k, and my daughter at 1st grade asked to be on the XCountry team, and my wife summed it all up when she came in from on of her first training runs and said "wow, this stuff really makes you feel good"...then I knew that all this was worth it, that others (including at work and other places) admire and want to follow what we it's our reposnisbility to share this with others so they can get the good feelings too...thanks for everything guys.... Goals for next year...not sure right now, some depends on how quickly and good I recover from this surgery, but you can bet your money that I'll set the bar high and work hard to get there.....Thanks again.

Road to Ironman Arizona (8/31-9/06/09)

Monday 1:30 hours long hill climb bike session (7x5 min hill climbs); Supposed to also do a swim session but the recreation center is still closed. It reopens 9/08 after being closed an additional week than originally planned.

Tuesday 44 minute lactate interval run session (12x1 min at VO2max intensity w/ 1 min active recovery)- Completed this session on the treadmill. On any interval sessions I’m striving to raise my speed throughout the workout. This makes for a tough workout but I can tell the difference it’s making in my easier workouts. I’m negative splitting every discipline at this point.

Wednesday Bike/run brick (1:30 hours on bike followed immediately by 30 min run). May have been my best brick workout of the year. Thanks to cooler morning temperatures, I ran 3.4 miles in 30 minutes (8:49 pace) after 30 miles on the bike. My form stayed strong and everything felt easy. And the best part is that I was holding back. I did this with my heart rate well below LT at a nice moderate pace. If I can only feel like that on race day!

Thursday Day off for a business trip to McAllen, TX. Left the house at 5am and returned at 8pm.

Friday 1:30 hours steady state bike. Again supposed to do a swim session but I couldn’t get into another pool. This has frustrated me a bit. I’ve missed thousands of yards in swim training over the past two weeks. Hoping to make up for that as my pool reopens this coming week.

Saturday 4:00 long bike ride- Was supposed to do 4:30 hours but a flat at about the 3:30 hours mark caused me to change the workout. I had only one CO2 cartridge and had it not been for a couple of good Samaritan fellow riders out on the road who donated part of their CO2, I would have been stranded several miles from home. It was good training in changing a tire, however, since I’d not had a flat in nearly two years. When you do as much indoor training as I’m forced to do, you don’t experience flats as often. I was still able to get over 70 miles in and did so at an average 123 heart rate. I was even able to get in some big chain ring riding without fatiguing my legs. I was pushing 23 mph and feeling easy.

Sunday 2:20 hours long run on the Brushy Creek Lake Trail. I continue to do 10 minutes run/1 min walk and it is really working well for me. I maintained a 153 average heart rate but the final 1:30 hours were spent in heart rate levels 4 and 5, with a max of 175. I really need to max out around 168 and spend less time in those higher heart rate zones. The weather was so nice that I probably pushed the pace a little too much in the beginning. That said, I felt great throughout; the best I’ve felt on a long run in several weeks. My community pool was not being used, so I was able to get 3200 yards in on my way home. I got a cramp in each calf which caused me to take two breaks of at least two minutes each. Guess I should be glad the swim comes before and not after the run. My arms were really heavy and fatigued to start, but after about 1000 meters, I got into a nice tempo. Once again, another example of the importance of staying patient and consistent in endurance athletics. Of the 8850 yards I was supposed to swim this week, I completed only this 3200 yards.

I’m looking forward to today’s day off from both training and work. A true rest day is hard to come by, so I’m cherishing this one.

Next Sunday is the Prairie Man half-Ironman distance race in Grand Prairie, TX. Mark and I are both signed up to participate. Since I don’t plan a full race taper for this “training” race, I will continue training up to race day but at a reduced quantity. With nearly 14 hours of scheduled training for this week and given that the race will take me around 6 hours, I plan to train 8 hours this week with today’s rest day and a Saturday rest day. In effect, that will provide me a taper but allow me to still get the required training hours in. And given the increased intensity of race day, I will get a greater workout week in than originally scheduled.

I’m looking forward to testing my pacing and nutrition given what I’ve learned since my last (and first) half Ironman race. This will be my first triathlon race since the CapTex Olympic distance earlier this spring. In that race, my swimming was average, my bike was strong, and my run was awful. I hope to have a more consistent/even race this time around. Without a wet suit swim and with the larger distances, I must be more consistent to have a good day.

My congrats to Claude on his year-ending triathlon in Bowling Green. Congrats to Mark on completing the Hotter n Hell 100 under tough circumstances and still having a great race. Best wishes to Dino on his nuptials. Kudos to Jeremy for joining a gym and embarking on a new training regimen. And my best to all of you in your personal and professional lives. Hope to hear from all of you on our blog in the days and weeks to come.

Kia Kaha!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bacon Weekly

Mon- 600 Meter swim
Tues-Fri- Zero
Saturday- 5 miles to YMCA...400 M swim at race pace...5 mile bike home
Sunday- Off

A trip to New York derailed my weekly training which bummed me out just a bit. One night on the town and my training was shot for a few days...I'm just preparing for the Bowling Green Sprint Tri on;s a 400 pool swim, 20 mile bike, and 3.1 I wanted to test my race pace in the pool....I would like a strong finish in this race before my surgery on the we'll see...

Fuel. Win. Evolve.

Dr. John Ivy is chair of the Dept. of Kinesiology and Health Education in the College of Education at UT-Austin. He also created PureSport.