Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Blog Post: When Silence Is A Lie

"When truth is replaced by silence," the Soviet dissident Yevgeny Yevtushenko said, "the silence is a lie."

Dr. Cornel West used this quote on a PBS show I watched tonight in describing how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. could not stay silent about his feelings on the Vietnam War. (

It made me wonder how many of us "lie" by keeping silent about our feelings and beliefs. We stay silent to keep the peace, to keep our jobs, to keep from conflict or confrontation, or just because we're too tired to "fight the good fight."

I have to wonder what that silence (selling out) does to our psyche, our soul, our mental health, and our physical well-being.

What are you keeping silent about?

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

Monday, March 29, 2010

And I can't pay for more than one recycling bin in my city???

Getting paid to save energy, recycle? Incentives expand

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

New Blog Post: Jamie's Food Revolution USA and Weekly Update

Please sit down as a family as we did this week and watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. I'm a firm believer that a LOT of what we eat is the problem with not only the obesity rate in this country (that's the obvious part) but also with a lot of our health problems. We have no real idea how the many preservatives and additives in our food are interacting with each other and with our bodies to do us harm. This show will open our eyes to a lot of what is killing us and what we can do about it. The question will be: do we have the will to change? As with so much of life, we know what we NEED to do. However, are we WILLING to make the change?

I did not have a great workout week for various reasons. This week was the end of my base training plan, so it's now time to move up to a race training program. Not sure what that will be just yet (triathlon, cycling-only, running-only), but I'll make that decision in the next couple of days. I have a conference and a trip to Houston to get through yet.

Monday Core work
Tuesday Core work
Wednesday 30 minute bike ride with my son followed by a lone 30 minute run.
Thursday Off (a little core work)
Friday Off
Saturday 45 minute run
Sunday Off

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bacon Weekly

Mon- sick
Tues- 4 miles @9:12 avg pace
Wed- off
Thurs- 7 miles @ 10:12 avg pace
Sat- 22 miles, 3:52 total; 10:36 avg pace, Avg HR 149
Sun- off

Bounced back quickly on Tuesday after a major stomach flu bout ran through the house...Started with Samantha; then the girls; then me. Was a 24 hour deal and oddly enough was 100% by Tuesday afternoon and the same for the family. Missed 2 runs for life days, but prepared me nicely for another long run on Saturday. Headed out about 7 a.m. for the 22 miler on a perfect near-spring Kentucky morning...46 degrees and sunny....this run had a cool twist too..about an hour into the run and running through campus of Kentucky Wesleyan College I ran into a contingent of Kappa Deltas setting up for what I learned was a 5k race to benefit Muscular Dystrophy. One of the ladies recognized me and asked that I come back in an hour and run the race with them, so I headed down to the Ohio River turned around and came back..asked one of them to fill out me entry sheet for me and I signed it on the fly and kept running until the race start and I just joined in and ran a 5K which ended being miles 14,15,and 16 and was a nice boost at a tough part of my long run. They gave me a t-shirt, I grabbed a piece of bagel and a water at the finish and just kept going...I promised them a donation on Monday morning, so I'm pitching in $100 for their efforts.....was a different experience too as I could not be competitive and just had to run my training pace and not be tempted worries on that cause I was in pain! Got back to the house at mile 20 and ran the last 2 miles in a .5 circle around my, the last 2 were tough...bent down about every half mile for 5 secs in the last 2 miles to make it....My new goal is too finish this thing inside of 5 hours! I had a better long run this round cause I started my pace slower and that helped me in the end...I'll try to kick it up race day and leave it all out there....

Making it happen

I'm getting better and making it happen despite all the things going on in life. Like everyone else; work, classes, family, and other challenges life throws out at us seem to always want to take away from our exercise time. Despite everything I was feeling so much better this week and I am back at about 95% since being ill. Ran the Columbia 5k with Becca and friends this weekend. I was pumped to do it in 31:31. Becca finished in under 45 minutes and had a huge smile on her face. Her and some friends have committed to registering for a few others coming up in the area. I finished the run and headed out for a slow group ride with some of my boys that are getting ready for our Texas Century. The sun was shinning, it was 65 degrees, and despite the 15 mile an hour head wind it was all good!

The recent posts have been so inspiring and encouraging. Keep them coming boys.

Sun: 1.5 mile run - TM:17:32. Crossfit Maintenance.
Mon: Off
Tue: Bike - TM:1:36:22/DST:21.9/AVG:13.6
Wed: 5K Run - TM:31:31. Bike - TM:2:05:06/DST:28.4/AVG:13.6
TR: Off
Fri: Crossfit Maintenance. 1mile run - TM: 9:40. Bike - TM:58:56/DST:17.7/AVG:18.0
Sat: 5K Race - TM:31:31:09. Bike - TM:3:00:08/DST:42.65/AVG:14.1

L3 - Live, Learn, and Lead.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Will 90 be the new 40?

The obesity experts tell us that our children may be the first generation to live a shorter life span than their parents.

These folks tell us that many of them will live to be from 90 to 100 years old.

I’m confused. What gives?

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

Monday, March 22, 2010


Well I managed to break my fever and started feeling better but the sinus infection and resulting chest cold may be the worst I have ever experienced. Regrettably I passed it on to Cole who ended up spending two days at home on Thursday and Friday. I told him he was brilliant considering the NCAA tournament was on. I have simply been easing in to the week. The cough and sinus junk makes me get choked during periods of cardio work. By the end of the week I was feeling better and actually got out for a few rides. I am back at about 85%. I trust this week will be better and I will kick whatever is left in my system.

Next Saturday Rebecca and I are running in a 5K being sponsored by the Columbia Chamber of Commerce. It should be fun, I'm not a runner but I am focused on encouraging Becca. She is now registered for a mini tri in September, and she is also doing the 3-Day cancer walk in Atlanta in October.

March 14-20

Sunday - Off
Monday - Off
Tue - 25 min. run on treadmill/25 min. spin trainer
Wed - 25 min spin trainer/ light weight circuit
Thur - Bike - TM: 1:38:24/DST: 21.22/AVG: 13.3
Fri - Bike- TM: 1:38:12/DST: 22.17/ AVG: 13.5. Crossfit workout. 1 mile treadmill run (TM: 11:06).
Sat - Bike- TM:1:52:50/DST:31.06/AVG:16.5

L3 - Live, Learn and Lead my Brothers!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blog Post: When You Are Feeling Sorry For Yourself, Just Look Around

I had one of those days today. Sundays make me feel this way more than not and when they come at the end of an extended weekend with family, it only exacerbates it. I was feeling a bit, as the poets would call it, melancholy. Having spent a wonderful four full days with my wife and kids, the thought of getting back into our weekly routine tomorrow was making me a little depressed. After going to the movies with the family, I decided to go for a run in hopes that the endorphins would help me through the rest of the evening.
Sure enough, it wasn't long into my 1.5 hour run that the mix of the warm sun with the strong cool wind had me in better spirits. As I ran, I reminded myself of the many blessings I have, not the least of which is the good health that enables me to be out there for the run. As I neared the end of my run, I looked ahead of me on the trail and noticed the unique running motion of the runner several yards away. It wasn't until I got closer that I noticed the reason for his distinctive motion. The runner was a double arm and double leg amputee. He was running with prostethes, thus his side to side hopping stride. Call it a divine/Godly message or just coincidence, it was a reminder that when we start feeling sorry for ourselves, sometimes all we have to do is look around to get our life back in perspective and ourselves in a positive frame of mind. If only that man knew how he inspired me.
Here is my base training schedule for this past week:
Monday: Strength and Balance Workout
Tuesday: 45 minute speed run
Wednesday: Strength and Balance Workout
Thursday: 30 minute easy run
Friday: 1 hour bike ride
Saturday: Thunderstorms canceled my scheduled 44 mile Spurs and Spokes Ride
Sunday: 1:15 hour run

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

Bacon Weekly

Mon- Off
Tues- 7 miles at 9:08 avg pace-
Wed- travel Atlanta
Thurs- 3 miles at 10:48 avg pace
Fri- off
Sat- Owensboro Parks and Rec St. Patrick's Day 10K race-
7:55 avg pace- 49:27 total - avg Hr 174
Sun- off

Great start to the week, crappy middle of the week, great race with sinus infection, sick today.

What a roller coaster week for me... a travel week to Atlanta derailed my training due to long working days and poor hotel opportunities (really bad treadmills and only a small parking lot to run) to fit in the mileage....the lack of sleep with time change and late dinners made it tough for sure. Was still able to put together a nice run at only 7 seconds off a PR, but at a cost I think...I was not feeling so hot yesterday morning but raced hard anyway and likely pushed me into an advanced sinus infection, so I'm taking the extra day off today and reorganizing my training schedule for next week. Samantha had plans to do the 5k too, but got sick just before we left, still went to the race to toe it up, but another sick episode in the car had her pull out and went home...she was disappointed, but will plan another one soon. Need to feel better this week as I prepare for a 22 miler on Sunday. Another quick story I reached mile 5 I had plans to coast on in, but saw a couple of guys ahead; the competitiveness kicked in and I went on the hunt running 6:30 avg mile to catch them... I did and felt good...thought it was enough to capture a 3rd place finish, but not so....I'll have the total results later today to check my placing and other stats..... keep it real and yo hand out my pocket book....

trudging along

still a rather busy man... still getting a few maintenance runs in... really struggling with the fact that my fitness level has slipped since my knee injury. Havnt gotten back to "the zone" yet. too much going on the excel... just maintaining and still training for the mini marathon in April.

The 100 Best Triathlons On Earth...Arguably #triathlon

No doubt these are among the best triathlons on Earth. It is my dream that I get to do even a handful of them in my lifetime. The reason I added "arguably" to this blog's title, however, is because the best triathlons on Earth are those we are fortunate enough to actually compete in.
My very first triathlon was a local sprint tri with very few amenities. Nonetheless, it will be among my favorite triathlons for life.
My favorite Ironman will be my first. Yes, I know there are many Ironman races more "sexy" than Ironman Arizona, but IMAZ was and always will be my first (perhaps my only). It will hold a special place in my heart forever.
Isn't it wonderful we triathletes have so many incredible race venue options. Get out there and enjoy every single one you can.

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ed. Sec. Duncan proposes NCAA Ban for low grades. Who is he kidding? #education #ncaa

Thomas Jefferson said it would require an educated populace for a democracy to work effectively. Statements like these from politicians tell me just how ignorant they believe us to be. This is the kind of tough talk Secretary Duncan thinks we want to hear. We are just as ignorant about this as we are the health system, the economic bailouts, the recession and what caused it, and on and on and on. It seems to me DC figures the more ignorant we remain, the better. Of course, then we run into the greater problem of apathy...but that's another post for another day.
The reality is that there are policies in place that allow many athletes to gain admission to universities for which they would not qualify as a non-athlete applicant. They already come in underprepared and the athletic departments spend a lot of time and money keeping these athletes eligible. The article admits "graduation rates for black basketball players are 18 percent higher than for male black students who are not athletes." Obviously, the large academic/tutoring offices in these athletic departments are doing something well.
The other important point this article does not cover is the fact many of these athletes are not going to school to graduate/get a degree in the first place. Their sole objective is to get through a year or two until they can get drafted into the professional ranks. If the student does not want a degree, is it the programs' fault when they don't graduate? Where does personal accountability come into play? This is just more of that "everyone must have a college degree" thinking. But again, I digress. That, too, is another post for another day.
The final point has to do with all the economic realities that make recruiting the best athlete and not the best student-athlete a critical necessity. Are coaches earning million dollar salaries for graduating players or for winning championships?
We might even stretch and make the case that these students being recruited into the pros will benefit the school in their future philanthropic activities on campus. As a college fundraiser, I can tell you that is the rare exception and not the rule. Go around the country and count the number of large donations given by professional athletes to their alma maters. You'll count them on two hands.
Let's quit kidding ourselves. We pay the exceedingly high tickets costs, we buy the corporate luxury suites, more of us donate to/support the athletic enterprise of schools than we do the academic enterprise, and we do all these things to see our team win. We don't want them to lead the Academic All-America count. We want them to win when it counts...on the field or the court. To do that, we expect our schools to get the best athletes and we don't blame any of them when they leave school early for the pros. We quickly forget about the bench warmers who never graduated. We are just looking to the next freshman class of great athletic talent.

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

Thursday, March 18, 2010

TIME Mobile: Texas Governor Race: Can Bill White Beat Rick Perry?

As a Texas resident, I just had to share this.
I'm interested to know what you think. Does Bill White have a chance? Especially interested to hear from Houston residents. What do you think?

Texas Governor Race: Can Bill White Beat Rick Perry? :,8599,1972070,00.html?xid=rss-tops...

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Team Building

The bottom half of this article spoke to me about all of our racing challenges and our connection through this blog. I know Jeremy and he understands what hard racing, competition, and teamwork is all about. When it really hurts and we see others falling off the pace, or dropping out, our mind can start to play tricks. We sometimes start making allowances, this is exactly the time we need to refocus and challenge our bodies to overcome, and push through the pain. It defines us as competitors, and can lead to the results we all dream about. I think we should have fun, but for "sick" competitors like us there is something fun about going to that pain cave and coming out ahead of others. Although we all compete individually our accountability on this blog is our "teams" way of holding each other up.

Let's all keep pushing through our life, work, and training challenges and keep the bar high. You guys motivate and inspire me to keep my water bottle held up high!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Number of Charities and Foundations Passes 1.2 Million

When I read this, my questions are:

Are charities created to support needs that aren’t already being well met or met at all?

If so, does this mean there are approximately 1.2 million (realizing foundations could support many different causes) causes/needs that aren’t being addressed by other means (or not addressed effectively)?

If we can’t adequately fund many (most) of the charities around today, won’t having more of them make that more difficult?

(I realize this is an oversimplification and funny math, but stick with me for a second. I want to know your thoughts on this.)

My hypothesis is that many of these charities (and foundations) are duplicates, meaning they support areas already being supported by other charities and foundations, sometimes even in the same city. There are certainly situations where this makes sense, but I contend there are many times when it would behoove these entities to collaborate if not merge. Not only might they have a better chance at garnering support (and more of it), but the impact they could have might be doubled, if not tripled or quadrupled.

We may have gained 61,662 tax-exempt 501 c organizations between 2008-09, but I have to wonder how many we lost because of little or no funding support. According to this article, even some of this very number are already defunct concerns. (The IRS acknowledges that an unknown number of the groups classified under Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code are still on the agency's books, even though they have shut down.)

We have a GREAT need for these wonderful organizations. I hate to see them wither and die because someone didn’t counsel the founders into investigating the synergistic relationship opportunities already available locally or regionally. I also know of situations where an agency will find its synergistic partner only to have that agency’s leadership (president, CEO, and/or governing board) refuse to partner for personal, philosophical, political, scholarly, or other reasons. Pride, paranoia, envy, and/or greed can kill a lot of potential good.

Sustainability may never be promised, but you can come close through good planning and strategy. Part of that strategy may be a partnership rather than going it alone. It’s not about you, after all. It’s about those you want to help. Is it worth it for them? If you don’t think so, I would question why you want to create a charity in the first place.

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

Plane kills beach jogger in S.C. emergency landing

Leave the iPod at home when you go run or ride your bike.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Havent posted in awhile, but here goes... Im running to maintain sanity only.... still maintaining fitness level.... doing 3-4 mile speed, 5-6 mile maintenance runs and 8-10 long runs. Prepping for the Ky Derby Mini marathon. Will not be a personal best but intend to finish around 1 hour 50 min. or so. Going to run it for fun and tradition.

Other life: just finished a 65 hour work week... working 7 days a week and a couple of 12 hours mixed in.

Going to school on tues and thurs. 104 average so far... imagine that

have signed a contract for a house in historic old louisville on 2nd street. a couple blocks from 4th street live. Also will be next to the downtown YMCA. Look out.... indoor pool and anything else I can imagine. Also close to central park, and a short bike ride to Cherokee park. Not to mention JCTC, UL, Churchill downs and any form of stimulation I could possible imagine. Really excited, but really stressed with all the paperwork, and coordinating, and packing, etc ..... thank God Ive got a great logistics manager in the form of my lovely wife!

Also trying my best the raise 5 kids and make sure they have what the need.

Im a busy man.... busier than I have ever been in my life! CRAZY! Im running for totally different reasons presently.... but still love it and must do it. Bettering the I Am every day.


Bacon Weekly

Mon- off
Tues- 7 miles @ 10:10 avg, 45 degrees- a.m.
Wed- 5 miles @ 10:21 avg, 52 degrees- a.m.
Thurs- off
Fri- off
Sat- 3 miles @ 9:27 avg, 45 degrees, partly sunny, windy
Sunday- 10 miles @ 9:09 avg, 46 degrees cloudy, windy

Interesting week as my body still in shock from the 20 miler and as you can see my pace grinding early in the week and little to no motivation to perform. After a consultation with Coach Miller we decided that an extra day off might do the trick and as you can pace and motivation quickened for the weekend runs. I didn't post-supplement or work on my body well after my 20 miler so had some major lactic build up in the legs...they felt like concrete on every step early in the week and the pain was severe, so that broke me down a bit. But this brings up a good point about this blog for the current members or the visitor who stops by to read our adventures and that is..... use each other here...without my interaction with Karl last week about my pain, motivation, etc....I doubt I would have recovered as well physically and mentally...and we all have plenty to offer each other, plus if you're a visitor...come aboard and join what we are will help you no matter if you're training for your first 5K or your 50th marathon....if 50th marathon you'll be teaching us (smile).... A long way to say thanks to you guys for your support, but thanks...I choose no other group to share my stories....

High and Tight

The guard fell off the razor as I got my haircut yesterday. In order to "fix" it, the beautician had to "buzz" it all the way around. My grandfather called this a "high and tight" haircut.
At least my hair grows quickly.

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Frustration and Disappointment

Schmidty Weekly

March 7-14

Sun: Bike - Time: 1:47:09, Dist: 29:52, Avg: 16.5

Mon: Bike - Time: 1:04:40, Dist: 18.22, Avg: 16.9

Tue: Crossfit - 20lb Wall ball, Box jump, Push ups, Sit ups 25 reps/3rnds: Time 20:06

Wed: Bike - Time: 1:26:17, Dist: 21.9, Avg: 15.2

Thur: Nothing

Fri: Nothing

Saturday: Nothing

I have been feeling so good about my strength and fitness but then life smacked me in the face and I got a huge dose of frustration and disappointment. This Saturday was going to kick off my race season, and I had committed to doing the entire KY/IN race series. Things took a huge turn when I went home early from work around 2:30 on Thursday. I had cold chills and felt achy, so I jumped in bed and tried to sleep it off. I never got back up out of bed. I never call in sick, and Friday morning I could hardly get out of bed. My fever, achiness, and chest cough had me down. I told myself if I felt remotely better on Saturday I was still going to drive up to the race. I dumped all the fluids and vitamin C I could get in my body, but I was toast. I don't think I slept one solid hour Friday night. I shipped my family out of town for the weekend to avoid my illness. I never left the couch, and sometime around 7:30 pm my fever finally broke and I actually started feeling better. By Sunday I was feeling much better, my chest and cough still hurt but I am definitely better.

My frustration and disappointment is mostly because I was psyched up for the first race of the year and I feel like I had a productive winter with training. I was ready to see how I measured up with other guys I know from the previous seasons races. I also know that this illness will have an effect on training this week and now makes me wonder if I should do next weeks crit. That decision depends on where my respiratory system is in the next few days. I have no immediate cardio exercise plans until my chest and breathing is right. It's all part of training, and living with frustration and disappointment is part of it. It's a long year and there are lots of events and racing ahead.

Stay healthy brothers.

L3- Live, Learn, and Lead


TIME Mobile: Twitter and TV: How Social Media Is Helping Old Media

I follow my favorite and special event television shows on Twitter. Amazing how engaging with your fellow viewers enhances your enjoyment of the show. Highly recommend you give it a try.

Twitter and TV: How Social Media Is Helping Old Media :

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Building a Better Teacher

This article has stayed on The New York Times "Popular" list longer than any other. I figured that makes it worth sharing. Oh, and it's a good article, too. -Karl

Building a Better Teacher

There are more than three million teachers in the United States, and Doug Lemov is trying to prove that he can teach them to be better.

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Schmidt Weekly

Feb 28-March 6

Sun: Off

Mon: Bike- Time: 58:16, Dist: 16:54, Avg: 17.0. Crossfit: 3 rnds for time (37:41) - 30 triceps dips, 100 air squats, 50 toe touches (on back, legs raised, 15 lb kettlebells in each hand).

Tue: Bike- Time:52:00, Dist: 14.1, Avg: 16.2. Crossfit: 8x400 meter run w/ 90 second rest between sets. Time: 29:23 (includes rest time).

Wed: 2 sets w/ 35 pound dumbell(s)- Dumbell Press(15 reps), One arm bent row(15), Get up sit up(10), Push up row(10), Squats(10), One arm push press(15), Single leg dead lift(10). Crossfit: Push Press w/ Olympic bar (3 reps/7 sets, post weights) - 45lbs(warm up), 65, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, and 145lbs.

Thur: Bike- Time:50:04, Dist:13.0, Avg:15.5

Fri: Bike- Time:47:41, Dist:13.68, Avg:17.2. Crossfit: Reps 21, 15, 9. (Dead lift 135 lbs, Overhead squat 95lbs)

Sat: Off

It was a real weird week. I was battling a lot of deadlines and issues at work and I was scrambling home to try and get some real bike time before darkness. I was happy with all my rides but the temps were pretty cold and the wind was bitter. Crossfit keeps going well and I feel very strong. I can see a little difference on the bike but I dont think I will know exactly how it has translated until I test it completely. I am definitely leaner, my cycling clothes are getting loose, something I have never been able to say before.

This is a big week, I have my first race this weekend on Saturday. It's a 1.8 mile circuit race in Louisville. I will race 35 minutes plus 2 laps if I can hold on to the lead group. I have done a few crits but not a circuit race, just a little different tactics. I am interested to see where my fitness is compared to everyone else. The weather was terrible all around the region so I am sure most people only have indoor trainer miles on their legs. I could be racing for 45 minutes or could get shelled and pulled quickly. The course has a long extended climb and is not ideal for me but I feel good so we will have to see. It will be important to stay tucked in the main field and let them pull me up the climbs. I just need to avoid the crashes. The weather forecast for this week is rain, rain, rain so that may make things a little difficult for training but I will just have to dodge the raindrops.

I plan on having a promising report next week. Stay focused and keep working.

Live, Learn, and Lead.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bacon Weekly

Mon- off
Tues- 4 Miles Hill Sprints, 1 mile wu, 1.5 miles 6 hill sprints at 6:30 pace, .5 cool down
Wed- 4 miles @ 9:39 pace, a.m. 35 degrees
Thurs- 7 miles @ 9:57 pace, 38 degrees
Fri- off
Sat- 3 miles @ 8:54 pace, afternoon 55 degrees
Sun- 20 miles @ 10:14 pace, afternoon 60 degrees (3 hours 24 minutes)

Had a tough travel week with early a.m. (4:30) trips on Monday and Tuesday and that caused the worst hill sprint day of my running career...bad attitude, bad mood, etc. Probably should have skipped and opted for the rest, but didn't...will switch for a non qaulity run the next time and go for the rest. My wife has been great in allowing me the rest too cause she let me get it in the next 2 days and made for a nice mid week mental and physical change from the weeks start. Ended the week with a new long run for me at 20 miles....had my sub 4 hour pace through about mile 15; then reality sets in the legs and forces my pace slower...took another gel and brought it back up, but really dont get an appreciation for this volume until you're there, so it makes me appreciate what Dino, Karl, and Mark have already done....will likely be revising my goal time now too.... took 2 powergels, 1 powerbar, 96 oz Gatorade for the entire run...1 gel at 45 minutes, 1 bar at 1:45 minutes, another gel at 2:45 minutes, and basically a couple of sips every 10 minutes..... 2880 calories burned....recovery went well tonight...legs sore...mental recovery very good....I did say that this was stupid at mile 18 and was pissed the last 2 miles...I was punished...(smiling now)

Anabolic v. Catabolic

If you are an endurance athlete, you need to know the difference between catabolic and anabolic processes. These are the states you are in either during workouts or rest. Please do some research to learn more (there are some great articles and podcasts available on these processes), but in very simple terms, catabolic is the process of tearing down muscle tissue while anabolic is the process of building/creating muscle tissue. It is critical that your body get the right amount of each process during your training cycles in order for you to increase your endurance and speed and garner your best performance on race day.

One thing we often forget is that stress causes us to be in a catabolic state. If you are under stress because of work, family, or other life issues, you need to find ways to create an anabolic state. Just because you may not be working or training “hard”, you may still be in a catabolic state much of the day. Listen to your body, evaluate your environment, and find a way to rest and/or relax.

PS I encourage you to research catabolic dieting. Interesting concept.

Monday Off*

Tuesday Off*

* My family and work schedules made it difficult to get my workouts in. Could I have given up sleep to get them in? Yes. Did I choose to? No.

Wednesday 30 minute cycle trainer session

Thursday 30 minute run

Friday  Rest Day

Saturday 45 minute run (negative split- I’ve been doing all my runs on negative splits. I run to a point that equals 50% of the total run plus one minute and try to get back to my starting point by goal time. For example: 45 minute total run: I run to 28:30 (50%+1 minute) and get back to the starting point in 45 minutes.)

Sunday 45 minute cycle trainer session (hard, constant effort)

This was a scheduled rest week. Next week returns to a build week.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bacon Weekly

Mon- Drills and 800 m swim
Tues-6 miles at 10:23 avg- 1:02 total time - 35 degrees, light snow, a.m.
Wed- 5 miles at 9:58 avg- 50:14 total time- 28 degrees, a.m.
Thurs- off
Fri- off
Sat- 7 miles at 8:54 avg- 1:02 total time- 35 degrees, sunny
Sun- 7 miles at 8:54 avg- 1:02 total time- 38 degrees, cloudy

Great week overall...ended up missing a 7 miler on Thursday cause I headed to Lexington to see the Cats and South Carolina. Ended up sitting directly behind Magic Johnson and Steve Beshear, KY's Governor. Magic was great...autographed our tickets; then I went and bought a few basketballs for him to sign but he bailed at half-time, so my pastor and I ventured down the sideline and scored a Rothlesbeger autograph on a UK basketball so pretty cool. Back to the training. some blistering cold early runs this week; followed by a couple of nice weekend runs at a swift pace that "felt" sustainable...both runs felt much better mentally and physically than last weeks runs. The light snow run this week was really fun as the flakes hit my eyes and the other uncovered parts of my face...felt good in a cool way. Dropped another 1.5 pounds this week and still feeling good. Traveling to Cincy tomorrow. Glad to get signed up for the GHASP Century ride in Austin!