Monday, October 13, 2008

2009 Event Selection

Here's a suggestion on next year's group event.....after ample time for research, we set a deadline for submittal (this sounds like a job) and everyone submitted 1 event that they would think the group would benefit.....then in some fashion....we can vote and decide?

Just a thought?

Deadline for idea submittal...maybe Nov.15th?


Anonymous said...

I like your suggestion. Let me add that perhaps it would be good to determine our personal calendars, as well, in order to stay away from potential conflicts. For example, I know Mark and I will be out for a week or two in July for a trip to Puerto Rico. It is also our hope to do the Arizona Ironman in November, so we'd want to stay away from anything in mid to late October.
I'll send my thoughts on potential events soon.

CBacon said...

good idea on personal calendars...I'll be out in December for the WNBR Seattle national can yahoo it for more information. I should clear otherwise.