Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bacon Weekly

Monday- 3 mile run
Tuesday- Chest,back, and abs
Wednesday- 30 minute swim, 30 min stat. bike
Thursday- 2 mile speed run 6:50 and 7:44
Friday- Rest
Sat- Medical Center 10K
Sun- Off

Again...good week and great 10K...tired today and a little cranky...Sunday School and Church helped though...good message today short, regardless of the election turnout...we all really know who the true President is......more of the same on training until I figure something out for the winter....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell your preacher I said, "!Obamanos!"
I said this on Dino's comments, too, but it sounds like we could all help each other with our winter plans. Let's try to open that up for discussion and throw out some ideas.