Monday Lunch: Three plates of fajitas. Dinner: Fuddrucker's for hamburgers and fries...and yes, I dipped my fries in melted cheese. This was followed by a Sonic banana split.
Tuesday Dinner: Hamburger and macaroni and cheese
Wednesday Lunch: Buffet with dessert; Dinner: Pizza
Thursday Lunch: Hamburger and Fries: Dinner: Hot Dogs, chips, potato salad
Friday Wendy's spicy chicken and fries for lunch; pizza for dinner
Saturday 12.2 mile run; last 5k at race pace; averaged 9:03 pace with 7:16 max pace
Sunday Trip to New Orleans
Men, as I promised, I took this week off and enjoyed some of the things I've been craving for so long. I can tell you that Doritos, chips and dip, hot dogs with sauerkraut, and those loaded fajitas never tasted so damn good! It was a great week off the wagon...but now it's back on.
It took me several days to come up with a plan for the winter "break," but I finally decided to make it a run focus with some bike cross training. The plan is to run Monday, Wednesday (speed session), and Saturday (long run) with a bike session on Friday. I'll use the remaining days for a little core work, some upper body (push ups, primarily) work, and injury prevention exercises and stretches. The hope is to build my long runs up to marathon distance while increasing VO2Max and speed. If I can take just one minute off my pace for next year's runs, my triathlon times can come down considerably.
We know the next few months will be tough with Thanksgiving and Christmas. Let's not be too hard on ourselves. We've sacrificed enough this year that we can feel OK about partaking a bit over the holidays. Don't take the fun out of life. This is supposed to enhance our lives, not make us miserable. Sometimes it's a fine line, especially for motivated type A's like some of us are.
I'd like to hear from ALL of you about your goals for the winter. I haven't seen a few of us on here in a LONG time. I hope we can get everybody back to sharing on at least a weekly basis.
Look forward to hearing race reports from Claude and Dino on their upcoming BG10K. Wish I could be there with you guys. Give it hell!
Kia Kaha!
PS If you didn't get to see the Ironman World Championships, let me say that it was amazing. It was a great race on both the men and women's sides. I was able to hook my computer up to my flat screen and it was most excellent! NBC will surely do their annual Ironman telecast later in the year. Keep an eye out for it.
1 comment:
Nice work Miller....... I've enjoyed a few treats here of late myself, as a suck down another bud light after eating doritos and tacos... Now I don't feel so guilty since I read your report of indulgence.... I also am going to try to get my run distance up to 26.2 miles this winter. Going to do my first full "Mary" April 25th, 2009.... a little scared as I did a 16 miler today...... very painful. Also, I've marked off a 26.2 mile course.....Looks really far..... To Cloverport and back ... Still wanting to learn to swim......Don't know how or when, but I think it will happen. Asking the universe to change for me right now (in more ways than one) it just takes time to get the gears in motion...... keep up the good work and give it hell!
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