Mon: 2 miles @ 7:59
Tues: 1 mile hill repeat @ 9:00
Wed: 5 mile run 7:39
Thur: 6 mile run @ 8:15
Sat: 22 mile run @ 10:13
Logged 36 miles of running and still think I gained a couple of pounds during the T-giving holidays...... Wow! It really is 80% of what we eat..... 22 miles kicked my but a bit....... looking for any advice past the 15 mile mark....... its insanity
1 comment:
Dino, first off...nice work! Glad to see you at it and pushing hard. Hope things are on the upswing for you.
As for your question, in my humble opinion it could be one of the following or a combination of these things:
1. Tired legs: You didn't have any rest days (or cross training days) this week. Your legs had to be tired.
2. Nutrition: What are you drinking and eating on the run and how often? How much water are you losing on your long runs?
3. Leg strength: It takes months and years for your legs to get accustomed to that kind of mileage. In the meantime, strengthening the front and back leg muscles, the core muscles (no problem for you there), the hip flexors (normally the weakest on most people), and the back muscles is key to making your legs strong enough to carry you at race pace for that long.
4. Pacing: If you start out too hard, the legs and heart get fatigued early. Practice negative splitting. Most pro marathoners negative split...they run slower for the first half of the marathon than the second half. You want to have people passing you in the beginning and you passing a LOT of people in the last few miles.
All that said, a marathon is an exercise in pain management...especially the final 6 miles. Find your goal pace and hang around it. With 10k to go, if you feel pretty good, give it hell!
I have no doubt you'll go under 4 hours. You definitely have it in you. Trust your training, taper in the last few weeks, and have a nutrition plan to follow. You'll have an epic day!
Kia Kaha!
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