Why do we do this? Is it for health, Is it obedience, Is it the victory of crossing the finish line, Is it so that other people watch and talk about us, Is it to make momma proud, Are we trying to impress, are we addicted to the endorphin rush? Just curious as to why you guys are doing this........ Is it the medals, the t-shirts, a hobby..... what the hell?
1 comment:
What a great question! Believe me, in the last half of any race, I often ask myself that question.
My reasons are multiple, but the overall reason (what it all come down to) is how it makes me feel about myself. It's totally internal. I just feel more confident and my self-respect is enhanced. A lot of that comes from the external reactions from family, friends, co-workers, and even total strangers, but the reality is that I feel great pride in overcoming both physically and mentally, to be in such control of my body and mind under extreme pain and negative thinking and still come out on top. It's something that no one can take away from me. And I believe that even if no one else knew what I'd accomplished, the great personal satisfaction I gain from it makes it something I want to continue. I do worry that the day will come when I can't get any better or faster or stronger, but as I grow to enjoy it more and more, it's become something I am rather than something I do.
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