Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - Buy, Sell, Trade your Triathlon gear!
What it REALLY takes to qualify for Kona
Under Armour® | Shop | Footwear | Cross Trainers | Click-Clack | Cleats
MJ's Bike of the week is LA's Training bike. 58cm Pro Fit Tre... on TwitPic
Biking is your lifeblood, not your hobby, and you're not a millionaire (yet). You’re addicted, and Chainlove is here to help. We're the stone-cold pusher on your corner with the premium product at cut-rate prices. Our merchandise? Everything from the Tour to the North Shore, and we’re not afraid to take it off the back of a truck if our connect gets spooky. We’re talking completes, components, apparel, tools—just name your vice.
Here's how it goes down:
We slap a primo piece of cycling gear on our site at a scandalous price.
We sell it 'til it's gone.
You leave feeling like a smooth criminal.
The gear arrives fast and you're back in the saddle.
Sign up for Instant Alerts so you always know The Deal. But don't blame us if you overdose.
Who We Are
We clip in or mount up every chance we get, rain or shine, hot or cold. We sneak away at midnight just to stare at our secret two-wheeled lover. Carbon fiber parts and CNC-machined aluminum pivots make us sweat and shake like we're extras in Flashdance. We're always searching for the next high: the rush of breaking away from the pack, the ecstasy of that perfect stretch of single track, the burn in our body the day after. We live for the ride.
Abusers Beware:
Those who come falsely to Chainlove seeking monetary gain, take heed: our agents are many and our reach is long.
You can buy up to three (3) of any one product per household.
No resale. Anywhere.
Abuse will result in swift punishment of a most merciless nature.
You’ve been warned.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Bike Trainer Advice
Mini Marathon Goal- Bacon
Weight Loss Tips at Runner's
Monday, December 29, 2008
Beginner Swimmers: Common Swim Questions
training. Worth checking out. I have it bookmarked.
the truth about diet soda
For the last 2 years, outside of special occ, I have been able to follow a fairly strick diet soda regimin that only includes 1 per day...and it's Diet Pepsi...that said I have 2 cups of coffee in the morning and in the winter and will only have 1 cup in Spring and Summer.....get plenty of water in Spring and Summer; however finding it difficult to get enough water in winter...need it the way the #1 unhealhiest drink is from Baskin Robbins and has 108 grams of fat adn 2,390 put that in perspective for me...on my last 80 run the treadmill said I burned like 1400 calories, so it would take 20 miles to burn 1 of these off!
CAT Want New Year's resolution inspiration? One man's weight-loss story: Caterpillar employee goes from almost 300 pounds to a triathlon
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Bacon Weekly
Tuesday- Arms, Shoulders, abs
Wednesday- 8 hill sprints 8X90 and 2X6 min intervals
Thursday- off
Sunday- 80 minute run, treadmill (9.33 miles at 8:30 pace)
Another new long run goal fact, each week for the next 6 or so will be my longest runs as I add 10 minutes to each Sunday..this means I'll reach the 10 mile mark next Sunday and 90 minutes. Great advice on the fluid intake for this week...on the 70 min run last week I took in only 1 large water bottle and crashed hard after the run....this week 2 large water bottles and 1 20 oz G2 gatorade....this made me feel much better in the last 20 minutes and after the run...still struggling a bit mentally after the run...just zapped...took on my protein shake, some pretzels and additional water, but didn't come out of my zombie like state until after dinner....Christmas was really good...destroyed the my Garmin 305 running watch from Mom and some new p90x tapes...little bit of gear for running too...all was good...
Twittelator Link
Near Catastrophic injury
2 of the kids got "Rip Sticks" for x-mas... A cross between a skateboard and surfboard on 2 wheels.... It takes a little coordination and skill to stay up on the boards... Well, after about 30 minutes of practice, Dino got a little brave and challenged a huge hill at my house. All was well for the first few yards and speed began to pick make a long story short, Rolled it over 3 times on the asphalt. Injuries sustained to left elbow, left hip, left knee, and right hand....Ripped a nice leather jacket all to hell (total loss)..... Kids had a great laugh at an old man "Givin it Hell".........
Nutrition "Black Bean Rocket Fuel"
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, diced
3 cups whole grain brown rice
1 can black beans
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup chopped red onion
2 chopped garlic cloves
1/3 cup chopped red pepper
1/3 cup chopped yellow pepper
1 carrot thinly sliced
1 cup brocoli in small pieces
1 cup zucchini diced
8 oz sliced mushrooms
3 cups baby spinach
cook the brown rice with water and no butter
heat olive oil and add diced onion, and minced garlic clove over med-high heat for about a minute. Add chicken breast until pan-sear. Add chopped veggies to chicken. Let veggies slightly soften and absorb flavors from the chicken. Add black beans, simmer until beans are warm. Season with you choice of herbs and spices. Remove from heat. Add spinach and cover with brown rice and gently mix together. The spinach will wilt from the heat of the chicken and veggie mixture. Mix the chicken and rice in a large mixing bowl. Package in plastic containers and freeze for leftovers all week long........
Makes about 10-12 servings.......fuel for the whole week....... Good Stuff with lots of enery and antioxidents.
Dino Weekly
Tue: 10 mile run @ 8:03
Wed: 2 mile run @ 8:50
Fri: 5 mile run @ 8:01 and 45 minutes on the Fuji (indoor trainer)
Sat: 7 mile run @ 8:34 and 1 hour on Bike (indoors)
Sun: 4 mile run @ 7:58 (outdoors)
Wow! logged in 35 miles of running and one hour and 45 minutes on the bike. Good overall week. Plus ate like a dog for 36 hours. Burned that off, so I actually stayed even for the week. Christmas tree down....Bike on trainer back up..... Signed up for the Louisville triple Crown of running (5K, 10K, and 10 miler). Also went ahead and signed up for the Ky Derby Marathon (26.2). Big steps. A little nervous, but jacked up at the same time. With the next month off of work and being on a day shift schedule, I anticipate great gains over the next month. Eating is doing lots better since Thursday. Just have to find a way off 3rd shift come Febuary. It really is draining not getting the proper sleep. I already feel much better just from the last week and a half. Have a good safe begining to the new year. As for me, I started my new year Dec 26th.... No reason to wait until Jan 1.
Weekly Review- Karl
Tuesday Flight back to Austin from CA
Wednesday Off
Thursday Christmas
Friday Off
Saturday 1 hour bike trainer session (big gear workout)
Sunday 11.96 mile run; 8:47 pace; 1:45 hours
Had a great Christmas week with the family. Spent a lot of time off playing with the kids and "our" new toys. Between cops and robbers gun fights, Xbox games with Tristan, and Sponge Bob Operation with Karlie, it was a really fun week. Exercise took a back seat to family time and lots of food. I managed a couple of runs and a bike session just to keep the body moving and the blood flowing.
Hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for a safe and prosperous New Year!
Kia Kaha!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Team Topper Tri reviewed by
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Karl Miller "The FREAK"
Where the hell do you find all the time to post/read all these damn articles? Im sure they are all excellent reads....... Im struggling to speed read 80% of them. And really dont have the mathmatical skills to implement them into my workouts....
But, food for thought........ Ive began using a gel of my own creation. I mix about 80% honey with 20% water in my gel flask and consume it during long workouts at the rate of 1 shot per mile. I also drink water or sport drink with it. seems to work well so far.......
Articles from Mark and Dallas Athletes
Please check them out. You'll be glad you did!
Hot Fudge Sundae Nutrition
Hot Fudge Sundae
Hydration – Fueling – Sodium (minerals)
Factors that affect performance
Ø Body size
Ø Intensity of exercise
Ø Duration of exercise
Ø Humidity and air temperature
Ø Fitness level of athlete
Muscle Fatigue-Factors affecting the muscle strain, fatigue and failure during exercise
Ø Dehydration
Ø Increase in body temperature
Ø Low blood sugar
Ø Decrease in muscle and liver glycogen
Ø Increase in lactic acid
Ø CNS fatigue (mental fatigue)
Ø Protein (muscle) catabolism
When your body becomes dehydrated, this causes a reduction in your blood volume. The blood helps to not only pump oxygen and nutrients throughout your body but equally, the blood flow helps monitor and regulate the body’s cooling mechanism. If you lose even 1-2% of your fluid volume (i.e. 150 lb. person with a loss of 2% = 3 lbs.) this can cause your body to “rev-up” its cooling mechanism, which causes an increase in your heart rate.
The prime area to avoid dehydration is 1-1.5%; 4% body loss can lead to heat cramps and heat exhaustion
Weigh yourself before and after exercise. Record the sum of all fluid consumed during exercise. For example a 150 lb. athlete exercised for 2 hours.
64 ounces of fluid consumed during exercise or 32 oz. per hour = 4 lbs of fluid
Weight loss after exercise = 2 lbs, 4 + 2 = 6 lbs of total fluid
An athlete should lose no more than 2% of their total body weight 2% x 150 lbs = 3 lbs
The total fluid consumed (64 ounces) was adequate to fulfill the athlete’s requirements.
The athlete should continue to hydrate for an additional 2-6 hours post exercise at 150% of the total fluid lost.
Metabolic rate and heat liberation will require 150% of 2 lb H2O loss = 3lb or 48 ounces fluid post exercise
Q: A 150 lb. runner losses six-pounds on a two-hour run. How much fluid needs to be ingested during the run to remain hydrated?
Proper fueling during exercise
Ø Prevents dehydration
Ø Reduces core temperature
Ø Enhances the immune system
Ø Spares muscle glycogen
Ø Reduces muscle damage
Ø Expedites muscle recovery
For athletes training on a daily basis proper fueling will ensure that the athlete recovers at the fastest rate.
The rate of blood sugar and muscle glycogen usage depends upon the factors mentioned. Generally an athlete at high intensity of exercise (80% of VO2 and above) will need to ingest a FRD after fifteen to twenty minutes of exercise. Below 80% VO2 an athlete will typically maintain performance for forty to sixty minutes before ingesting FRD. The conditions dictate the fueling demands. Bottom line, WORKLOAD-PACING!
Types of Fuel
A mixed sugar complex (6-8% total sugar) in a FRD should contain: Malt dextrin, sucrose and a smaller percentage of glucose.
Fructose and Galactose are quite often added to FRD and can cause GI distress
Protein in FRD reduces CPK and may raise amino acids in blood to reduce potential damage to the muscle.
Fluid Replacement Drinks: The balance of electrolytes, carbohydrates, protein and levels of antioxidants will affect the athlete’s performance. The components of the FRD vary dramatically from the wide selection of available choices.
Optimal Components-Minerals and Range of FRD consumed during exercise
See in Sodium-minerals
Carbohydrate of 6-8% sugar (20-26 grams; 80-104 calories)
Protein (whey) 5-6 grams; 20-24 calories
Sodium 120-250 Mg
Potassium 60-120 Mg
Magnesium 60-120 Mg
Vitamin E 20-60 IU
Vitamin C 30-120 Mg
Sodiumland: Phosphate, citrate, chloride, bi-carb, Clooney, pitt and jolie!
Bottom Line – Tips – Suggestions
Bottom line: we all want to know EXACTLY how much and when! Collectively, we are pretty much all the same. We need to hydrate, fuel and minerals. Individually, our needs vary.
Tip: Do not exercise on an empty stomach. Suggestion: Introduce 150 easily digestible calories prior to exercise
Tip: One water bottle and one bottom of replacement drink are often times not enough. Suggestion: Be aware of YOUR fueling needs. How do YOU feel during exercise? Did YOU get hungry?
Tip: Fueling at a high heart rate (80+ max.) is difficult. Suggestion: 99% of all exercise troubles can be reduced or eliminated by slowing down.
Tip: Your sodium-mineral needs change with temperature and humidity. Suggestion: Don’t let all your hard work suffer due to sodium/electrolyte loss!
Tip: Post-workout fueling is essential. Suggestion: In many cases, 250-300 calories (protein, carbs and a wee bit of fat) within 45-minutes of exercise is a good start. (There are formulas that dial in your post-exercise fueling needs.)
Tip: 150-200 calories per hour on the bike & 100-125 on the run at a sub-lactate threshold is a good start. Suggestion: Experiment with water and gels.
Tip: Add sodium to your exercise routine. Suggestion: Start with 200-400+ mg per hour.
Please remember, ALL OF US have different nutritional needs! There are people who after a hard workout are covered in salt while others look like they just got out of the shower!
Knowing your sweat rate and fueling needs are two critical advantages to all athletes. (Psst, more people have no clue of their fueling needs or sweat rate. That gives us a HUGE advantage. Knowledge is Power!)
Pre Workout Fueling
Calories per gram: Carbohydrate and protein = 4. Fat = 9. Alcohol = 7.5.
Minimum pre-workout fueling required to boost blood sugar is 110-160 calories.
Before an extended workout (60-minutes plus running, 2-hours or more on the bike, swim-run or swim-bike workout) try introducing this formula into your training two-hours before an extended workout.
- Divide total body weight by 2.2 to convert to kilograms. 170 lbs. DVB 2.2 = 77 kg. Your body weight DVD 2.2 = ___________.
- Multiply 77 kg x 4, which equals total calories per gram of carbohydrates. This equals, 308 calories. Your body weight (kg) ____ x 4 = _________.
- Take total carbohydrate calories (308) and divide by 20%, which equals, 61. Sixty-one is your total protein calories. Add total carbohydrate calories (308) + protein calories (61) = 369. Your protein calories = __________.
- Take total carbohydrate calories (308) and divide by 15%, which equals, 46. Forty-six is your total fat calories. Your fat calories = __________.
- Add total calories of carbohydrates (308), proteins (61) and fats (46) = 415. This number (415) represents your pre-race or workout fueling.
Your pre-workout fueling calories for an extended workout = ___________.
Daily Fueling Requirements
On a light or off day from training use the number four (4). On a heavy day of training use the number seven (7).
The range for fueling is 1.4 – 2.0.
For purposes of this example we are going use 70 kg on a heavy day of training (level seven) with the top of our fueling range (2.0).
70 kg x 7 (level seven) = 490
490 x 4 (calories per gram of carbs) = 1960
70 kg x 2.0 (top fueling range) = 140 x 4 = 560 calories of protein
Total calories from carbs (1960) + protein calories (560) = 2520.
Take 20% of total calories (2520) and multiple by 20%, equals 504 calories.
Total Daily Calories = 3024
We want to separate into three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) along with a, mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack.
This equals 390 calories of carbs, 112 protein and 100 from fat per meal/snack.
Workout Calories Burned
In order to calculate your energy costs, an energy factor can be determined based on the intensity of your exercise. The following chart is an approximation for the swim/bike/run.
Exercise Energy Factor Speed /Distance
Swim: .10 1:10 per 100-yards
Swim: .08 1:20 per 100-yards
Swim: .06 2:00 per 100-yards
Bike .15 23 mph
Bike .12 20 mph
Bike .09 17.5 mph
Bike .08 15 mph
Run .13 6:00 per mile
Run .10 7:00 per mile
Run .08 9:00 per mile
Example: calories x minutes x pounds = total calories
Cycling 17.5 mph = .09
Cycling minutes = 90
Weight = 180 lbs.
.09 x 90 x 180 = 1458 calories burned
During exercise, the total calories that need to be replaced are approximately 25-33% of total calories expended. The range during exercise is 365-490 calories.
Estimating the calories consumed post-exercise during the window of 15-45 minutes is approximately 50% of net calories. In this example, the athlete consumed approximately 400 calories during exercise with a 1400-calorie workout.
1400 – 400 = 1000 calories x 50% = 500 calories.
So in order for the recovery machinery to maximally rebound, this athlete should take in approximately 500 calories of carb/protein within the mentioned recovery time.
Finally, within 2-3 hours post workout, the athlete should introduce another 20%, or 200 calories. This brings the total calories consumed during and post-workout to 1100 calories.
When your body becomes dehydrated, this causes a reduction in your blood volume. The blood helps to not only pump oxygen and nutrients throughout your body but equally, the blood flow helps monitor and regulate the body’s cooling mechanism. If you lose even 1-2% of your fluid volume (i.e. 150 lb. person with a loss of 2% = 3 lbs.) this can cause your body to “rev-up” its cooling mechanism, which causes an increase in your heart rate.
The prime area to avoid dehydration is 1-1.5%
Example, on a three-hour bike ride, a 170 lb. loses 2% or 3.4 lbs. or approximately 1 pound per hour. (16 ounces equals 1 lb.).
Fueling During Workouts
Fueling During Workouts
Tips and Suggestions
· A good rule of thumb for workouts lasting longer than one hour you should try to drink 20-24 ounces per hour of a sports recovery drink and see how this affects your body. Spread your drinking out per mile or every 15 minutes. You can adjust up or down depending on how your body responds.
· Try and ingest between 30-60 grams of carbohydrates per hour of exercise. (60 grams is only 240 calories!)
· Most sport drinks are 4 to 8% simple carbohydrates (sugars), sodium and various electrolytes and water. Many people need more sodium than provided by a sports drink. Try ingesting pretzels or chips to add salt.
· De-fizzed cola is a good source of sugar and calories. But BE CAREFUL! Caffeine is a diuretic, so it draws fluid out of your system. Make sure you drink coke with water either during or for pre-workout fueling.
· Try to replace two-thirds of fluid loss during a workout. Trying to get it all back can lead to bloating and decreased performance due to GI distress.
· For a marathon or two+-hour workout, try and ingest between 100-300 calories and build the next hour.
· Suck on candy the entire race or workout.
It's the carbs, stupid - a guide to healthy eating -
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Bacon Weekly
Wed-Arms, shoulders, abs
Thur- Hill Repeats 7X90 AND Intervals 2X7 min
Fri- off
Sat- Chest, back, and abs
Sun- 70 min run; 8.1 miles @ 8:30 pace (treadmill)
Had a great was a birthday week for me(37), so I wanted to make it a good one and it was....killed some Japanese food on Wed. night; which set up a wicked hill and interval day...they killed me again by the way.... today's run hurt too...again, my longest run and starting feeling some weakness around mile 7...I think I need some sports drink or other on my long run day, but I'll let you guys tell me what I need...Crashed hard when the run was over..came home took a shower and had to lay down cause feeling a bit weak....had dinner and feeling better right now...finding it difficult to get my water intake where it needs to be...just don't want it like Spring and Summer....will get more serious with Dino in finding some swim answers in Jan.....we might get a 241 discount!
Dino Weekly
Wed - 4 miles, 7:53 pace
Fri - 2 miles, 9:00 pace
Sat - 10 miles, 9:15 pace
Trying to get through holidays...... a real struggle. Need to get revamped for comming year. Think I will sign up for the Triple Crown of Running in Louisville as well as my 26.2 mile marathon in April..... Also going to bring my bike indoors to my trainer.... need a little mix of events to remotivate me. Also, may look into some swim lessons for Jan in Oboro..... might be a gift to myself? Oh well...need to get back in the grove (maybe after x-mas and the new year).... struggling to maintain as I guess you guys are too!
Weekly Review- Karl
> Mon. Off
> Tue. 30 min easy run
> Wed. 50 min big gear bike session
> Thu. Travel to CA
> Fri. Off
> Sat. 10.5 mile run @ 8:26 pace
> Sun. Off
> Enjoying my time with grandparents. Will probably gain 10 lbs. but it
> will be fun doing it.
> Kia Kaha!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
How Lance Armstrong Turned Endurance Training Into A Science - The Fun Times Guide to Triathlons
Funny Story- Bacon
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Bacon Weekly
Tuesday- Arms, Shoulders, Abs
Wednesday- OFF
Thursday- Hill Sprints and Intervals 6X90 hill sprints and 4X5 min intervals..(brutal for me)
Friday- Off
Saturday- Missed workout (see below)
Sunday- 60 min run @ 8.5 pace and 10 min @ 10 pace. (7 run miles and 1 walk mile)
Great week from a run standpoint...was scheduled for an 80 min run today, but just couldn't make it...was on the treadmill and motivation and energy was an issue so failed the total time portion...Our company Christmas party was Friday night so not only missed Saturdays workout, but also struggled this morning....all thanks to the fine bourbon called 1792! Nurtrition is all about the same right now...I'm able to pass on the daily treats, but indulge at the special events.....
Weekly x 2
4 miles @ 31:32
3 miles @ 23:21
4 miles @ 35:00
3.2 miles @ 27:48
This week
4 miles @ 31:00
2 miles @ 16:00
3 miles @ 7:30
3 miles @ 23:00
11 miles @ 1:40 and some change
been doing a little strength training and a little core....... still stuggling with night shift..... I have 5 nights left then Im off for 6 weeks..... (I took a volunteer layoff for 4 of those weeks (month of Jan.).....not much difference in pay plus I have some photography gigs scheduled..... hopefully I get back on track mentally and physically and nutrionally..... Watched and DVRd the Ironman from Kona....jacked up for the 26.2 in April........
Weekly Review- Karl
Monday Off (Pretty sore from the previous day's long run)
Tuesday 45 minute bike ride; strength and balance workout
Wednesday 45 minute run on treadmill (4.43 easy at 10:10 pace)
Thursday 50 minute big gear bike workout on trainer
Friday Off (Took my son to a birthday party and Karlie and I had a date night- see Facebook for details)
Saturday Long run with Georgetown Runtex group; 18.04 miles in 2:40; 8:53 pace; 159 avg heart rate (this was advertised as a 16-mile run)
Sunday Rest day; Jenn and Karlie going to Nutcracker ballet. Not sure what Tristan and I will get into.
Another good week. I was pretty sore for a couple of days after last Sunday's run. Didn't get my protein down in the first 20 minutes and I paid for it. Rolled my legs on Tuesday and it helped a lot.
Did an easy, lower volume week. Had planned to do 16 miles in yesterday's long run, but when I checked my Polar, we actually did 18.04 miles. I did get a little off track once but not 2 miles! You guys will find that this happens a lot. Some of these routes are mapped on road distances. Running distance is usually greater. GPS watches will also go out in remote areas (and this route goes through several valleys and wooded areas), so if the distance is measured by GPS watch, it is likely to be longer than advertised.
I was REALLY pleased to see that I ran it at an easier pace and still kept it under 9 min pace for that kind of distance. I have to admit I was fatigued toward the end. The last 6 miles were brutal!
Drank a PureSport recovery drink immediately afterwards and I'm barely sore today. That stuff really works. The bottles come with the powder. You add the measured amount of water, shake, and drink. It's very convenient, tasty (I had the grape), and it works! Highly recommend it.
Watched the Ironman World Championships on NBC yesterday. I have every North American Ironman race from this year recorded on my DVR. It's my own library of motivation for the upcoming year! Great viewing for those long bike trainer workouts, too.
Tristan and I leave for California on Thursday. Spending five days with my grandparents. CANNOT wait! It's been a while since I've seen Rose and Orville and it will be great to see them. My grandfather has not been doing well physically over the last year. That will be hard for me to see, but being with them and seeing them with Tristan will really add a special touch to our Christmas and upcoming New Year.
Have a great week men. Kia Kaha!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Active Athlete Alerts
You can also complete the registration process or revise any updates to this address up until race day, by going to
Alternatively, you can call 877-228-4881 for assistance. In either case, you will need your confirmation code:
Confirm code: A5937
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Friday, December 12, 2008
Shoes and Gear Video | Runner\'s World
Off Season: Part 2
This is the perfect time to balance out all of the time and dedication of energy and resources you put into your racing. Here are a few ideas of things to do that can put you back into a state of balance that will have you ready to shoot for more personal greatness in 2009.
The first is to do things that are completely the opposite of long hard training. This means to indeed spend some mindless time sitting. Go to a movie. See a play. Read a book. Spend a few more hours watching others do sports on the television that you do yourself right now. This is the opposite of what most people need. The average couch potato who works day and night with little or no exercise could use a good dose of something like Coach Vargas' training camp where you get a chance to undo all of that sedentary time with some overdoing it on the training. But for most triathletes, taking a few weeks and just chilling is one of the biggest things you can do to put the energy back into your body and freshen up your mind. It's good to get that feeling of being a little stir crazy, like you can't wait to get at the training again.
Second, think of those things that get shoved to the bottom of life's to-do pile when you are training. These may be projects around the house, friends you have wanted to connect with or just tackling the real to-do pile in your home office. Do the things that need some blocks of time that you put off when most free minutes get eaten up with training hours. Your conscience will love you for it next season.
Third, stop denying yourself those small things that you give up during the season in the name of a great race performance. For most of us this is usually something in the culinary department. Yes, it's okay to have a short period right now where you fatten up just a bit and give the "won't touch it" rule some elasticity. This of course only applies to those temptations that you know you will be able to put back on the personal banned list once you start back into training, however.
Then last but not least, remember all those people who sacrificed for you? It may have been family members who picked up the pieces of your life while you spent time in the saddle. It could be those who covered for you at work while you raced in a far away land they could only dream of going to. Wherever those soldiers of goodwill reside in your life, find time to return the favor. And if it's your immediate family, overdo it for a while. At first they may be a little resistant to accepting your newfound giving attitude, but they'll surrender in no time. And at some point if given enough attention they will probably actually be happy to have you out of their hair again and kick you out for, yep, a long ride!
From all of us at MarkAllenOnline we want to extend you a Holiday Greeting and send our best wishes for a wonderful end of the year and a great 2009!
Mark Allen
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Dallas White Rock Marathon Presented by NexBank - December 14, 2008
Right now the forecast is windy and partly cloudy with a low of 48 and a high of 72. Ideal conditions!
I know we all wish him a good run. May the wind be at your back the entire race!
Kia Kaha!
Sports : Breaking the waves: Jones goes from fear of water to Ironman Triathlon : Sierra Vista, AZ
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Bacon Weekly
Wednesday- 4.5 mile run with Karl in d-town Austin
Friday- Chest, back, abs
Saturday- 2008 5K Jingle Bell run- Silver Medal 7:38 pace 17th overall, 2nd in age group
Sunday- Off
One of the best week of my training..had a outstanding run with Karl in Austin that was unmatched to any training run I've had thus far and I think that lead to my fastest competitve time yet...I beat my best time by 2 seconds...was only past by 3 people during the race and took home the silver...not sure of total competitors yet but about 100 is my guess..was probaby more pumped by 17th overall than the silver; epsecilly near the end where I held off 4 challengers in the sprint...which one of them game me some props at the the bitter details...
8 a.m.....29 degrees, 20 mph wind, and snow flurries...can I really be disaapointed running my fastest time in these conditions? I think not...challenging...on the way out the wind was at my back, but a Kimbo Slice punch in the face when I rounded the cone and headed home...and yes, the thought of why in the heck am I doing this crossed my mid for a moment. Had a tough recovery day after the race...just didn't feel real good, but slept an extra hour before Sunday School and Church this morning which lead to a better day. This was my lst race for the year unless something comes up...gonna stick to training for a few months now...thanks to Karl for hanging with me this week...I really think our run put me in the mindset to be faster...
Idea for our 09 Adventure
What if we pick an Olympic triathlon somewhere, split into two teams, and compete in a relay. It will be just like the Texas Tri that Mark, Dennis, and I did except for EVERYONE will participate and the losing team has to buy dinner that night.
I figure Dennis and Claude are on separate teams, Jeremy and Ashley are on separate teams, and Mark and I are on separate teams. Mark and I can do the swim (we already know Mark's team will have a couple of minutes on us right there), Jeremy and Ashley can do the bike, and Claude and Dennis do the run. (We can change any of that. This is just one suggestion.)
The other thought is to split into two teams, everyone does the full triathlon (we could do a sprint or Olympic distance), and the overall best team cumulative time wins!
(By this way, this concept can work with any kind of race: running, biking, triathlon, etc.., so we could do anything and turn it into a team competition).
The thought is that we are much more likely to train when we know our team is counting on us to perform our best. It also adds a little fun and friendly competition to the weekend.
So, what do you think, men? Sound interesting?
Weekly Review- Karl
Tuesday 45 minute bike- big gear mash session; strength and balance exercises
Wednesday 45:30 run w/ Claude Bacon around Lady Bird Lake; 4.7 miles; 10 min pace
Thursday 45 minute bike easy gear session
Friday Rest
Saturday Rest
Sunday 2:25 hour long run; 18.41 miles around Lady Bird Lake; 7:53 pace; 167 heart rate
What a great week! Got to run with the Baconator on a beautiful, warm Wed. morning around the hike and bike trail in downtown Austin and then this morning I had the run of my life! I ran 18.4 miles at a faster pace than I ran my first 5k two years ago! I am PUMPED! The speed sessions, hard workouts, and strength/balance workouts are increasing my speed and endurance. Granted, today's course is a lot flatter than anywhere around my neighborhood, so that accounted for some of the gain. I ran the first 4.5 mile loop in 36 minutes and the fourth and final loop in 35 minutes. I had enough in the tank to negative split. Not sure I've ever done that in a long run session.
I want to send my congrats to Claude on his race yesterday. I won't give it away because I know he'll post it on the blog. Suffice it to say our boy did us proud!
Mark, good luck on next week's White Rock Marathon. I know you've trained hard and a p.r. is in the cards for you. Look forward to hearing all about it. Have a great taper this week, get some rest, fuel up, and give it hell next Sunday.
To the rest of you boys, hope the holiday spirit has hold of you and the cold weather is not keeping you down. Jeremy and Ashley told me about their plans for some indoor workouts this winter. Break a leg, men! (Can you say that outside the theater?)
Kia Kaha!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
K226.COM Triathlon Information for Alternatives to Ironman Competitions
K226.COM Triathlon Information for Alternatives to Ironman Competitions
Blackwater Adventure Race
Thursday, December 4, 2008 Top Stories Top Stories |
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