Monday, January 26, 2009

Marathon Training: The 6 Most Common Mistakes


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Date: 26 January 2009| Issue: 194

In this week's Sports Performance Bulletin...

Marathon Training Special - The six most common training mistakes (and the strategies you should be using)

If you run marathons or are preparing to run your first marathon, you will be interested in the following letter, which we received from one of our American subscribers:

"Recently, I trained for a marathon, which took place in June of this year. Starting back in December, I used two-week 'cycles', with long runs every other week. The duration of the long runs gradually increased to 21 miles, and I completed three 21-milers before the actual marathon, with the last one three weeks before the race.

I tapered down to a long run of just 14 miles two weeks before the marathon - and nine miles one week in advance of race day. Throughout the training period, I carried out 'tempo' efforts at about an 8:00 per mile pace every week on Wednesdays. These tempo sessions included the following:

1. Five miles non-stop at 8:00 pace,
2. 4 x 2 miles at 8:00 pace, with two-minute recoveries in between,
3. 7 x 1 mile at 7:50 tempo, with one-minute rests, and
4. 8 x 800 metres at 7:40 speed (two weeks before the race), with one-minute rest intervals.

I also did your 'greyhound' workout (6 x 100 meters) during the week before the marathon. I wanted to run an 8:57 pace during the marathon, which would have given me a final clocking of about 3:55. During the cool months of December through March, I was able to run comfortably at an 8:20 pace for 18 miles without stopping, so I felt very confident about reaching my goal. However, as the temperatures began to heat up, I began to complete my longer runs more and more slowly, getting up to around 9:00 per mile toward the end. Still, this didn't worry me too much, since my goal speed was 8:57, and the marathon was to take place in a city with fairly cool weather. In addition, my tempo runs remained fast, even though I never advanced beyond eight miles of tempo running per workout.

Monday to Sunday: my typical schedule:

Monday: Four- to eight-mile run. For this workout, I simply ran at an easy recovery-day pace of about 9:15-9:30 per mile, with steady effort, and the length of the run gradually increased from four to eight miles. I also strength-trained on this day, using leg presses, leg extensions, calf raises, leg curls, military presses, lat pull-downs, tricep extensions, bicep raises, seated rows, Roman-chair exercises for my stomach, and 'flies'. I carried out this resistance routine for three months and then shifted over to two months of explosive stuff (primarily jumps and step-ups). During the two weeks before the marathon, I completed no strength training at all.

Tuesday: This was my day for cross training, starting with a 10-minute interval of cycling, a 10-minute interval of stair-machine work, and then a 10-minute burst of cycling and building up to 20-minute intervals of each over the six-month training period. My goal was to increase turnover and leg strength.

Wednesday: Tempo runs (see above)

Thursday: Another steady run at 9:15-9:30 pace, building from four to eight miles over the six-month preparatory period. I also strength-trained on this day (see Monday).

Friday: Total rest

Saturday: This was my day for long running. I started at 14 miles and built up to the three 21-milers mentioned above. For the 'off' week, I ran 12 to 13 miles at 8:50-9:00 pace.

Sunday: I 'aqua-jogged', increasing the duration of the workout from 30 minutes initially to about one hour during the last two months before the marathon. The idea was to exercise in a fairly running-specific manner while removing lactic acid and going easy on my legs. I employed a steady, moderate intensity.

What happened in the actual race

This schedule eventually involved about 36 miles of running during 'off' weeks - and approximately 45 miles during weeks which included the longer runs. I believe that I tapered well before the marathon: I cut mileage in half two weeks before the race and to one-third of normal during the week before the race. I also rested for two full days before the race.

During the last week before the race, however, my quads felt especially heavy and unresponsive. Being conservative, I ran the first mile of the actual race at 9:00 pace and then settled in to 8:40 pace for the next 17 miles. I used energy gels to keep my leg muscles supplied with energy and drank plenty of water along the route. However, after 18 miles my quads felt really heavy, and I was forced to slow my pace. By the 20-mile mark, I was beginning to feel very emotionally upset (disappointed that I had trained so hard and yet was having serious trouble with the race), and my legs actually began to wobble. I walked for about 20 miles and then ran at a slow but steady pace for the last six-plus miles, finishing in an extremely disappointing 4:08.

Here's my real dilemma: I don't know how to change my training so as to get a better result next time. I could move the tempo runs up to half the race distance (13 miles), instead of eight. I could do longer runs of 22 to 24 miles, instead of just 21. I could carry out longer speed sessions, i. e., with more quality intervals than just 8 x 800. I could conduct strength training more frequently than twice a week (truthfully, though, I felt and looked stronger).

I had run three previous marathons in around 3:57, without an organized training plan! This was the first time I used a good schedule, yet I ran 11 minutes slower than usual and had lots of trouble late in the race. The weather on race day was absolutely beautiful - cool (50 degrees) and low humidity, so I can't attribute my poor performance to environmental conditions. What should I do to help ensure that my next race goes much better? (end of letter) That's a situation that many of us have been in: despite months of very careful preparation and diligent work, a race turns out to be somewhat disastrous. Marathon running can be a very humbling experience!"

Read on for the six most common training mistakes - or click here to go straight to our site to get a free copy of our Marathon Running special issue

So what went wrong?

This runner's basic marathon-training plan was a relatively common one, yet it was inherently flawed. To understand why the actual marathon race went south, simply focus on one key aspect of the training: this runner was moving along at goal marathon speed or faster every Saturday during the six-month period, for at least 12 miles on 'easy' weekends and for as many as 21 miles on 'long-run' Saturdays! Three weeks before the marathon itself, the runner in effect ran 80 percent of a full marathon (21 miles) at approximately goal pace. Two weeks before the race, the runner covered over 50 per cent of the marathon distance (14 miles) at race pace, and one week before the big event he ran more than 33 per cent (nine miles) of the full race. By the runner's own admission, the average speed of these runs decreased steadily from March through June. Thus, the increase in temperature which corresponded with the beginning of this training slow-down is probably a red herring; what caused the decrease in speed was most likely not the upward movement of mercury in the thermometer but the relentless pounding away at race pace, week after week.

One week, the runner covered approximately a half-marathon at goal race pace; the following week he ran as much as 80 per cent of a full marathon at race speed. Small wonder the quads began to feel sluggish as the race date approached! In general, it is not a good idea to carry out a long run every weekend, because recovery from one long run is seldom complete before another long effort is started. Thus, muscle and connective-tissue stress accumulates over time, and running capability tends to decline. When each weekly long run is carried out at planned race pace, rather than an easier tempo, the situation becomes even worse.

This runner also incorporated a large number of very damaging - yet fairly common - training mistakes into his overall programme. Here they are:

Read on for the six most common training mistakes made by marathon runners - or click here to go straight to our site to get a free copy of our Marathon Running special issue

Mistake No. 1

Carrying out three long runs during the four-week period before race day - a 13-miler four weeks before the race, a 21-miler three weeks before the marathon, and a 14-miler two weeks in advance of the big day (we might also count the nine-miler at race pace one week before the marathon, which would give us four long runs in the pre-race month). For a runner with average leg strength, it takes at least a month to recover from strenuous marathon training so that the race itself can be completed with rested, healthy leg muscles; scientific research suggests that during this month before the race no workout should cover more than about 10 miles. This principle was violated three different times by the runner above, and as a result his quads were not really ready to race on marathon day - they were still reeling from the punishing training which had been conducted.

Proper strategy: to promote better recovery while still enhancing the ability to run marathon-type distances, carry out a long run every two to three weeks (not every week), gradually increasing the duration of this effort to 22 miles, only 10 to 12 of which are covered at race pace; on alternate weeks, complete shorter-duration quality training. Complete the last long run at least four weeks prior to race day.

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Mistake no. 2

Carrying out just one workout per week at faster than goal marathon pace. For endurance runners in general, max running speed is a good predictor of marathon potential, and for individual runners improvements in max running speed almost always lead to upgrades in marathon performance. It is difficult, however, to enhance max speed when only one 'speed' session is completed per week, especially when that 'speed' session is more of a tempo run than a higher-intensity effort.

Proper strategy: complete at least two faster-than-marathon-pace workouts per week, mixing interval workouts at 10-K, 5-K, and 3-K pace with neural training (see Mistake no. 3) and placing less emphasis on tempo runs.

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Mistake No. 3

Failing to complete any neural training, i. e., failing to train at VO2max speed (i. e., vVO2max) and omitting 'super sets' from the overall programme. It is certain that vVO2max workouts produce more gains in vVO2max, lactate threshold, and running economy than any other type of training session; these three physiological variables are great predictors of marathon success. It is likely that super sets have a similarly strong physiological effect.

Proper strategy: carry out a neural workout every 10 to 15 days during the early stages of marathon training - and every week during the last eight weeks before a marathon.

Mistake no. 4

Emphasizing non-running-specific strength training. For the first four months of the pre-marathon training period, this runner emphasized strengthening exercises which involved isolation of particular muscles or muscle groups and seated or lying-down postures. These kinds of exercises are likely to have only a small (or no) impact on actual running strength (i. e., the ability to consistently take longer strides and the ability to be more stable and economical when the foot is on the ground during the stance phase of the gait cycle; if you doubt this, read Owen Anderson's piece on one-leg exercises earlier in this issue).

Proper strategy: start preparations for a marathon with six weeks or so of whole-body strengthening, with an emphasis on exercises which involve most of the muscles in the body simultaneously and which avoid seated and reclining postures. Then move on to hill training and exercises which duplicate key aspects of the gait cycle, including one-leg squats, high-bench step-ups, one-leg hops in place, bicycle leg swings, reverse bicycle leg swings, eccentric reaches with toes, and arrested step-downs, focusing on weight-bearing exercises which require high degrees of coordination and must be carried out with full body weight supported by one leg at a time. Finally, finish with about eight weeks of explosive work, including hops, bounds, sprints, one-leg squats with lateral hops, in-place accelerations, Indian hops, drop jumps, and high-knee explosions. These moves enhance the ability to run fast, and as max running speed increases, it drags marathon pace along with it.

Click here to get a free copy of the Peak Performance Marathon special, with a cheap trial subscription to the world's leading publication for serious sportspeople.

Mistake no. 5

Using gels during the marathon itself. This is very tricky business, since exactly the right amount of water must be taken in with each packet of gel. Take in too much water - and you end up with a hypotonic sports drink in your gullet which delivers too few carbs to your leg muscles. Take in too little water - and you concoct a syrupy goo within your intestines which actually drags in water from surrounding tissues and spurs diarrhoea. Pour sports drink down your throat along with the gel, and you might as well begin scouting around for a Portaloo.

Proper strategy: it is possible to use gels during the race, but you'd better have a sports-drink expert or exercise physiologist calculate your water intake for you. It's far easier to simply use sports drink throughout the race (remember never to mix sports drink with water), a practice which will increase your chances of avoiding GI upsets and delivering enough carbohydrate to your muscles.

Mistake no. 6

Employing a training programme which is devoid of variety. Note that although our marathon runner attempted to make the overall training schedule progressive by broadening the duration of the cross-training (aqua jogging, stair-machine, and bicycle) workouts, the easy runs on Monday and Thursday, and the Saturday long run, the programme is monotonously similar from week to week. Although the workouts get longer, the types of training sessions utilized do not change.

Proper strategy: avoid a too-heavy dependence on tempo and long running, substituting an array of higher-quality workouts, including neural sessions (see Mistake no. 3), lactate-stacker workouts (two-minute intervals at close to max pace, separated by four-minute recoveries), hill climbs, fartlek efforts, speed-strength circuits, 800-metre intervals at 3-K pace, 1200- to 1600-metre intervals at 5-K speed, 2000- to 2400-metre reps at 10-K pace, and competitions ranging in distance from 5K up to the half-marathon. These kinds of exertions will have a much broader - and larger - impact on the key physiological variables which are important for endurance-running success, including vVO2max, lactate-threshold running speed, and running economy. They will also promote the ability to run faster, which is critically important for all types of racing.

Final Points

Completing our analysis, it's important to bear in mind that aqua jogging does not remove lactic acid from the leg muscles (see Sunday's workout above); in fact, if the aqua jogging is above a fairly minimal intensity, it will actually increase muscle lactic-acid concentrations. In truth, there's no need to fret about lactic-acid levels in the muscles. Most of the stuff is removed or metabolized within minutes after a workout is over, and of course lactic acid does not cause muscle soreness or stiffness.
Note, too, that this runner can run much faster than 4:08 - or even 3:57 - for the marathon. If he can complete 18-mile runs at 8:20 pace relatively early in the overall preparatory period (as indicated in his letter), then the range of paces between 8:00 and 8:20 - not 8:57 - can be utilized to select a reasonable goal velocity, depending on how aggressive one wants to be at goal setting. An 8:20 pace would of course produce about a 3:38 marathon - and automatic qualification for Boston for this runner. That can happen without problem, as long as he doesn't get burned out during training.

Remember that it is your overall fitness which will determine your success at marathon racing, not the quantity of miles in your training log or even the number of long runs which you have completed. In fact, too many training-log miles will make your legs feel like logs on race day. The idea in marathon training is to 'peak' in neural and physiological fitness and in the ability to run long at goal marathon speed about a month before the race - and then to reach an even higher 'peak' in marathon capacity over the last four weeks by combining less total running and greater rest with the right amount of intense - but not prolonged - training. If you can pull that off, while retaining your confidence, you will have the greatest chance of running your best-possible race.

Click here to get a free copy of the Peak Performance Marathon special immediately, with a very cheap trial subscription to the world's leading publication for serious sportspeople.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekly Review- Karl

Monday 3.5 mile run

Tuesday Rest

Wednesday 20 minute run (easy with some sprints)

Thursday Strength and Balance session

Friday Rest

Saturday Rest

Sunday 3M Half Marathon: First six 53:53.67 (8:41 pace), last 10K 56:56.97 (8:16 pace): Total time 1:50:51.18 (8:28/mile pace). It was good for 131 in my age group and 764 overall. The website has been having trouble all afternoon so I don’t have true numbers, but I know there were approximately 250 men in my age group and some 5000 runners overall. We were bunched up bad for most of the race.

Had hoped for 1:45 but am really pleased with my performance. My nutrition plan was thrown off because the race website said there would be water every mile with Gatorade every 2 miles. Turned out they only had water stops every 2.5 miles. Had I know that, I would have worn my Fuel Belt. Given that I need to drink about every 10 minutes, my water intake was way down. Oh, well, it happens. I still negative split the run, which I’m most pleased about. I could have paced better but that’s part of the learning experience. I do know one thing for sure, I sure feel a lot better after a half marathon than I do after a full marathon. It’s true what they say, “Half the distance but double the fun!”

I’ll be taking a few days off (may do some light bike sessions). After that, I’ll start going back to the bike in a more serious way. My triathlon training is scheduled to begin sometime in February/March. Of course, I’ll update the blog when that begins.

Looks like we may be getting closer to scheduling our trip. Would still like to hear from Ashley, Jeremy, and Mark.

Kia Kaha!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dino Weekly

mon: 7 miles @ 8:47
tue: 30 min bike trainer, core
wed: 7 mile tempo run, warm up 5 @ 8:06 cool down
thu: 6 mile run @ 8:43
Fri: core
Sat: 16 mile run (25 degrees, 12mph winds) @ 8:45 pace (2:19:55)
Sun: intend on a bike trainer ride, 30 - 1 hour easy ride

Feeling a bit stronger every week.... Shooting for under 4hrs. on the marathon in April.... I would have to maintain a 9 min or faster pace for 26.2. I think I can do it.... Like the sounds of biking across Kentucky for the annual get together.


Bacon Weekly

Traveling tomorrow so needed to post today,,

Mon-35 minutre slow run
Tues- Chest, back, and abs
Thurs- 13 Hill sprints- 11@ 7:30 pace and 9% grade, 1 @ 7:00 pace and 9% grade and 1 @ 6:30 pace and 12% grade
Friday- Arms, triceps, and abs
Saturday- 2 hour run @ 8:30 pace, oddly enough exactly 14 miles. (Treadmill)

Had a killer workout week that ended with yet again....MY LONGEST RUN to date. Crashed a bit after todays run. Had a new blister too on the side of the pinky shoes I guess. Tried some new fuel today that Karl gave me...that stuff is rocket fuel....started drinking it about 10 minutes into the run and forgot that I even needed my GU which I didn't take today until 1 hour's good it's tart instead of sweet, but from a performance standpoint...better than Gatorade 10 to 1. Off to San Diego for 3 days or so...will try to get some workouts in but going to play it by ear based on how fun it is going to be!

Fitspott: EA SPORTS Active - Will 2009 Ring In The Mainstream Adoption of Exergaming?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

QA: How to drop pounds with all-day activites, not exercise -

QA: How to drop pounds with all-day activites, not exercise

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

Copyright 2009,

ChronoTrack > For Athletes

The 3M Half Marathon is utilizing D-Tags for this year's race. A D-Tag is a disposable timing tag (instead of a chip).

Check 'em out! I'm sure we'll be seeing them utilized more and more.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

21 Ways to Write Posts that Are Guaranteed to Grow Your Blog

Great piece from Darren Rowse at something useful, interesting, controversial, ...

read more | digg story

Firms offer bigger incentives for healthy living -

Firms offer bigger incentives for healthy living

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

Copyright 2009,

Get Back Up

When you feel like you giving up, remember this...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Backup Your Cell Phone Online with SkyDeck (

Guys: Are you as fit as Obama? -

Guys: Are you as fit as Obama?

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

Copyright 2009,

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bacon Weekly

Mon-40 min slow run
Tuesday-Duck Hunting
Wed-Fly to Austin
Thursday- FIT Tests at UT Fitness Institute, read below
Sat- off
Sun- off

Had an extemely busy week that was even more difficult with a stomach bug....feeling better today and decided to take my long run off today too and just napped instead. Had a killer time with Karl in Austin this week. I was fortunate to have him as my guide to all the run,bike and swim stuff a guy could want. Got professionally fit for my running shoes at Run-Tek and as I was afraid, the Saucony's I was wearing were completly opposite from what I needed. As a mid-foot striker a neutral shoe is what I need...he brought me 4 pairs..I put a pair on and ran in the store while he watched me...ended with a pair of Adidas...I'll post a photo of them soon. My tests at the FIT institute were outstanding and I learned so much...I'll share the full details in person cause it's just too complicted to write, but I know my Lactate Thresh, VO2 max, body composition, target HR zones, and a bunch of other stuff.....somewhat disappointed in how my stomach felt during the test...could have gone at least one level, maybe 2 levels faster but had some serious stomach bloating and pain and decided to shut it down before I got in trouble. The expereince was great and can't wait to return for more results after additional training. Had a great dinner with Karl and his family too. Traveling to San Diego next week so training gets tougher, but will hit it hard this week.

Weekly Review- Karl (Jan. 12-18, 2009)

Monday 45 minute run, 5.69 miles

Tuesday  Off (Travel to Dallas)

Wednesday Great core workout with Mark. I was sore for three days.

Thursday 50 minute bike trainer session. Big gear work.

Friday  Off

Saturday  1 hour run, 6.94 miles

Sunday 3 mile hike with family

Second “taper” week for next Sunday’s half marathon. Feeling good about where I am and hoping for a good race.

Claude visited Austin this week and I took him to the Fitness Institute of Texas for his VO2 Max test (he went faster than I have to date), Mellow Johnny’s (Lance Armstrong’s bike shop), RunTex (my favorite running store), and Jack and Adam’s (my favorite triathlon store). He was fitted for running shoes and bought a new pair. He also met THE Adam of Jack and Adam’s. We talked about bike fitting and the Ironman Arizona with him. It was a pretty cool afternoon.

After this weekend’s race, I plan to change my focus back to cycling in preparation for my February 20-23 cycling “camp” with Claude, Chris Schmidt, and Dean Adams. Claude and I worked with Dean and Chris at Lindsey Wilson and they have been planning for a cycling trip in the TX Hill Country for several months. If any of you can join us, we’d love to have you. We plan to do some pretty long rides over that weekend and get some good base mileage in. Let me know if you want to come.

That will then lead me into March and the beginning of triathlon training for the upcoming season. The plan is to compete in the Texas Tri Series (minus a couple of races) and plan for a 70.3 sometime prior or after our Puerto Rico trip. Beginning in late August, it will be all Ironman training, all the time.

Please keep marketing our Facebook fan page and our blog. I’d love to see that grow. Our goal has always been to share this wonderful lifestyle with others. We should ask ourselves, “Who will I bring into Team Topper Tri this year?” and then go out and do it. The fan page and blog are a great way to do that.

If any of you guys get on Twitter, make sure to let me know. I have over 130 followers (and growing) and many are triathlon and/or endurance sport junkies, too. I’ve even had a few of them “friend me” on Facebook and “link” to me on LinkedIn. You can join Twitter on your computer. You don’t need a web enabled phone. Micro blogging is great for a busy lifestyle. 140 words or less and you’re done.

Have a great week TTT! I look forward to hearing from you all. And I look forward to getting our adventure on the calendar.

Kia Kaha!

A matter of motivation - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

Dino Weekly

Mon: 7 mile run @ 8:11
Tue: 1 hour easy bike, core
Wed: Speed run-6 mile total incl. warm up 2x1600 @ 7:27 cool down
Thu: 7 mile run @ 9:26
Fri: core, rest
Sat: 14 mile run @ 9:08

Feeling strong as a horse, yet feeling fat as a horses ass......Im feeling very femine .... really feel fat in my clothes etc..... However, stonger than ever on my long runs. 12-14 miles is so easy (dont even breathe hard.... nice easy pace) Im running 30-35 miles a week and gaining 2 pounds per week.... what gives? Does our metabolism get use to high volumes and it doesnt phase it anymore or what. Am I getting immune to running a 12 mile run? do I need to keep going farther and more per week? then I get tired and exhausted. Really like my training program from runners world.... seems like its guiding me correctly.... feelin strong!
HOW TO: Use Twitter on the Go (

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bush preparing to hit Dallas cycling trails | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Breaking News for Dallas-Fort Worth | Dallas Morning News

Weekly Review- Karl

Monday  Strength and Balance Workout

Tuesday 45 minute bike

Wednesday 30 minute run, 3.4 miles (30 degree weather)

Thursday  45 minute run, 5.58 miles (30 degree weather)

Friday Strength and Balance Workout

Saturday 1:10 run, 8.17 miles (20 mph wind gusts)

Sunday 45 minute bike

First week of my taper for the 3M Half Marathon on January 25. Had some good workouts in cold, windy conditions. Feel like I’m prepared for whatever race day might hold for me.

Set up a Facebook fan page for the blog. We all have administrative control over it, so please make it your own. I see where Dino already added a lot of great content. Please also encourage your FB friends to become fans of the site.

Following a race training plan for the next two weeks. Will fill in some bike cross training days where appropriate.

Have a great week! Still hoping we can schedule a Team Topper Tri trip soon. My schedule is starting to fill up and Ironman training will be in full swing by late summer/early fall. Please send your thoughts. We’ve shared a lot of possible ideas and I’m open to anything most anywhere.

Kia Kaha!

Bacon Weekly

Mon- 40 min easy run
Tues- Chest, back, and abs
Wed- off
Thurs- 11 Hill Repeats at 90 secs up with 75 secs down.....1 interval @ 7:30 pace
Friday- Arms, Shoulders, abs
Sat- Off
Sunday- (treadmill) 105 minutes @ 8:30 pace, 12.35 miles, 1836 Calories, Avg Heart Rate 159, Max Heart Rate 169

As you can see from today, I wore my new Garmin Forerunner 305 to monitor my HR. A new long run record for me again today. At some point, I won't be able to type that statement, so I'm gonna do it every week until I have no records! Foot pain was contained today, so that helped me add the additional 2 miles from last week. I found the GU takes a little longer to absorb in my system than I thought...I've been taking 1 at the 45 minute mark, but doesn't feel like it's activated for another 20-25 minutes, so I'm gonna start taking one at 35 minutes on long run days...still needing 2 full large water bottles and increased te G2 from a 20oz to a 32oz...and I needed it all. Got a little angry towards the end, but mainly cause I just wanted off the flipp'n treadmill. My new headphones work like a charm with the ear slippage....was forced to run on a treadmill that I didn't like cause the Resolutioners were everywhere today! Now that I partly know what I'm doing, I see so many mistakes and see why people hurt themsleves in the girl was running in crocs guy running in new Jordan basketball shoes, and one guy that looked like a logger...thought I was gonna have to peel him off the floor! Looking forward to this week...I'm traveling to Austin on business and Karl has scheduled me in the VOII max, lactose intolerance test (ha), body scan, and strength scan test at UT. Three hours worth of testing and I'm gonna be skipping a major party the night before...I mean big time...Kool and the Gang, drinks, eats, etc...I'll be there but will skip the craziness...not to worry though...there's another party the night after my test :) My new trianer is on the way too....scored a brand new 2009 Cyclops Fluid 2 on a sweet deal on Ebay...I'm sore boys..I'm out!

Dino Weekly

Mon - 6 miles 9 min pace
Wed - Tempo run: 1 mi. w/u 4@8:35 1mi. cool down
Thu - 6 miles easy: 9:30 pace
Sat - 12 miles easy: 9:27 pace
Sun - 30 min. bike easy

Have been doing core work on Tues, Fri, Sun. Also am doing bikes on Tues/Sun. Good overall week... still struggling on getting back on track with the nutrition. Once you treat yourself over the holidays, its hard going back to broccoli, fish, brown rice, and chicken....... still inching my way back though.....



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MY-TRI Expand Your Tribe

Improving Running technique with Liz Yelling

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Coolest logo ever. Pedal Hard Studio in Mellow Johnnys on TwitPic

Injinji running socks

Kind of funky feeling at first but I like 'em!

Lance' Training Volume

Chris Carmichael (Lance Armstrong's coach) and Lance tweeted that he
finished a 4-day, 20-hour HARD training block yesterday.
Coach says he's looking real good.
Look out peloton. Lance is breaking away!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Fuji Bikes - D-6

It's always good to add a little bike "porn" to the blog.
Knew all of you would enjoy seeing Fuji's 2009 top line of tri bike. Matt Reed, USA Olympian, rides this when he competes. Notice the nice price tag. Ouch!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Runners, take to the hills for most intense training | | Tallahassee Democrat

3M Half Marathon & Relay

Just signed up for this race. My first race of 2009! I'm pumped!
I've run 13.1 miles several times over the past three years but never competed in a half marathon race. Looks like a runner's course, too. Not that I am a "runner."

Fw: The Texas Independence Relay

You boys want to do the TIR??? If we can get another 4-6 people, we are in!

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Rogue Training Systems | 500 San Marcos Street | Suite 104 | Austin | TX | 78702

Trainning plans

Beginning to second guess myself on my training for the marathon. Too much, Too little...... was causing stress and doubt. So I went to runners world and they have free training programs for all distances. Just log in a reasonable goal, mileage your currently logging in per week, how many weeks til race day, etc..... it gives you a great program that includes tempo runs, long runs, and easy runs.... you even can tell it when you want to do you long run....... It also lets you cross train or rest 3 days per week (I recommend 1 day of rest and crosstrain the other two).. just thought you might want to check it out....,7148,s6-238-277-278-0-0-0,00.html

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Best headphones for running

Tired of my standard phones..causing me problems on the run. I just bought the Sony MDR-J11G on ebay for 13.99 and free sure and read the comments after the blog guys info, which is not very valuable...the best suggestions are the comments...

Dino Weekly

Mon 7 mile run 8:50 pace - 30 min. bike trainer
Wed 12 mile run 8:42 pace
Fri 13 mile run (outdoor) 8:42 pace
Sat 3 mile tempo run 6:53 pace
Sun Brick: 45 min. bike trainer and 2 mile run @ 7:50 pace

Total December running = 108 miles of running

Good week...... feeling comfortable with 12 - 15 mile runs (treadmill or outdoors)... getting back into the bike and some bricks..... really need to focus on the nutrition..... New years eve and saturday "date night" set me back a bit.... drank a few cold ones and some gentleman jack..... also ate some deep fried foods with salty fried items.....However, like Karl stated.... i actually felt stonger with more calories... they are just the wrong type of calories..... we are burning some major calories on those 10 plus mile runs....... Starting to focus and get readjusted to "day shift" living..... really must get off the 3rd shift thing.....really brings me and my energy levels down..... I'm looking forward to the next month of training..... getting preped for my first race in March.... got some new run gear etc....... all jacked up.... bring on 2009!

Bacon Weekly

Mon-40 min slow run
Tues-Chest, Back, and abs
Wed- 9X90 hill repeats @ 7:30 pace and two 6 minute intervals @ 7:30 pace
Friday- Arms,shoulders, and abs
Saturday- off
Sunday- 90 minute run 10.50 miles @ 8:30 pace (treadmill)

Another great week of workouts...1 break from nutrition on New Years Eve...if name was rice crispy treat, chocolate chex mix, or various other were in my belly. Today's run was a true milestone for me as I crossed the 10 mile mark for the first time in my life. Took the same 2 large bottles and 1 20oz G2, but added a GU today at the 52 minute mark...took 8-10 minutes for it to kick in, but it did and got me easily to 82 minutes; then it got tougher...legged it out to finish at 10.48 but stayed on the extra to reach the 10.5 mark....felt much better after the run today...I think the GU made the difference. Some isolated foot pain across the front part of the foot around 70 minutes and stayed withh me for the remainder of the run...had it last week too and will monitor for the next while. Next week brings the pain at 105 minute run on Sunday. Hope I can make it?

Dealing with food allergies

Here is an interesting link

Weekly Review- Karl

Monday Off
Tuesday Brick: 1 hour bike trainer/ 30 minute run, 3.66 miles, 8:13 pace
Wednesday 1 hour easy spin bike trainer/ Strength and balance workout
Thursday 5.62 mile run, 45 minutes, 8:01 pace
Friday Off
Saturday 2 hour run, 12.65 miles, 9:30 pace
Sunday Off

Enjoyed my last week of holiday vacation. It's nice to wake up without the alarm clock and train at a time of your choosing. Had some fun sessions this week. The brick was done just to test how I would feel and the tempo run on Thursday was a great success despite how it felt. It started with my legs feeling heavy, the wind was fierce that day, and the course was hilly. I was shocked to see how good my pace was despite all that. Yesterday was a nice, slow long run pace. Legs still felt a little heavy but I felt strong aerobically. I've been lazy about my strength and balance workouts in the last two weeks, and believe that explains a lot of my "heavy" leg feeling.

As of January 1, I am now officially in the USAT 40-44 age group. I'm happy to say that I'm stronger and faster now than I was as a 35-39 age grouper. If I can say that when I hit the 45-49 age group... January 1 also means the nutrition is back on schedule. I plan to get back to healthy eating but realize that I need to take in more daily calories. Despite the amount of food I've been eating over the break, I've only gained a pound or two. What I've noticed is how much stronger I feel in the long workouts. My endurance is a lot better because I'm ingesting more calories...the calories I need. When you are doing workouts that "cost" 2000+ calories, you need to take in more than the average 2500 daily calories to get what your body needs. I wasn't doing that last year.

Starting to look at the 2009 race schedule and determine my races and training calendar. Hope to have a schedule to share in the coming weeks.

May 2009 bring us and our families good health, good times, and many personal bests!

Kia Kaha!

James getting his custom fit heat molded Shimano MB shoes at ... on TwitPic

Bonney is a pro triathlete.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Armstrong prepping for Australia race in Hawaii -

Armstrong prepping for Australia race in Hawaii

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

Copyright 2008,

Emailing: Christmas 2008 004

A picture from Christmas 08 to remember...or forget!

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Jan. Triathlete issue

This month's Triathlete magazine is the "beginner's" issue. Great
articles, training tips and plans, nutrition, and gear advice. If you
are thinking of doing your first tri this year, it's a "must read."

Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Cigarette Hazard - ‘Third-Hand Smoke’ -

Keeping That Diet Resolution - Well Blog -

Endurance Corner- Gordo Byrn

Check out the blog, library, and podcast for free information on triathlon training.
Gordo is co-author of "Going Long."

Burn Baby Burn

Schedule - George Hincapie

I follow Hincapie on Twitter. The training he and Lance do is freakin' epic! 5-8 hour rides most days with time trials and testing on the other days!
Visited Mellow Johnny's (Lance's cycling shop) for the first time this week. Saw some of his old bikes alongside new $10k bikes for sale. It was AWESOME!

Stay in the race with Showtime's 'Sahara' doc -

Great ultra running story.

Stay in the race with Showtime's 'Sahara' doc

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

Copyright 2008,

Swim Lessons Owensboro's the info I found from the YMCA; which I hear is the best swim training around here...most of the folks are tri-athletes it appears...I have a call into her to find out more details...they also have tri-training too...the swim training info is below the tri-training info

Training Begins Feb. 7, 2009
Registration Deadline:
7pm Feb. 5, 2009
Enrollment limited so register early!
New Team Member Orientation:
Thurs. Feb. 5, 2009 @ 6:00 p.m.
Tri Training Cost:
$70 members
$140 non-members
Swim Tutor Cost:
$60 members
$110 non-members
Participants receive $10 off Lakewood Valley Triathlon registration.
Participants in the Triathlon Training must be at least 12 yrs. old by December 31, 2009.
Swim Tutor Training: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Session I 6:15-7:00 Session II 7:00-7:45
Session assignments determined by skill level & instructor evaluation.
Contact: Jaime Ford, Fitness Director
Phone: 270-926-9622
Don’t forget about for your latest triathlon information!
Tri Training Schedule (subject to change)
Tuesdays—Swim Thursdays—Run Saturdays—Bike
Tuesdays—Swim Thursdays—Bike Saturdays—Run
Tuesdays—Swim Thursdays—Run/Bike
Tuesdays—Swim Thursdays—Run/Bike
9– Bar B Q Festival 5k 16—Bellevue Biathlon
6—YMCA/IGA 5K 13—Lakewood Valley Triathlon
Run and Bike start locations and times TBD.