Monday 3.5 mile run
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday 20 minute run (easy with some sprints)
Thursday Strength and Balance session
Friday Rest
Saturday Rest
Sunday 3M Half Marathon: First six 53:53.67 (8:41 pace), last 10K 56:56.97 (8:16 pace): Total time 1:50:51.18 (8:28/mile pace). It was good for 131 in my age group and 764 overall. The website has been having trouble all afternoon so I don’t have true numbers, but I know there were approximately 250 men in my age group and some 5000 runners overall. We were bunched up bad for most of the race.
Had hoped for 1:45 but am really pleased with my performance. My nutrition plan was thrown off because the race website said there would be water every mile with Gatorade every 2 miles. Turned out they only had water stops every 2.5 miles. Had I know that, I would have worn my Fuel Belt. Given that I need to drink about every 10 minutes, my water intake was way down. Oh, well, it happens. I still negative split the run, which I’m most pleased about. I could have paced better but that’s part of the learning experience. I do know one thing for sure, I sure feel a lot better after a half marathon than I do after a full marathon. It’s true what they say, “Half the distance but double the fun!”
I’ll be taking a few days off (may do some light bike sessions). After that, I’ll start going back to the bike in a more serious way. My triathlon training is scheduled to begin sometime in February/March. Of course, I’ll update the blog when that begins.
Looks like we may be getting closer to scheduling our trip. Would still like to hear from Ashley, Jeremy, and Mark.
Kia Kaha!
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