Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dinos Weekly

Tue: 7 mile run at 8:37
Wed: 6.7 mile run at 9:14
Thu: 5 mile run at 9:00
Fri: 15 mile bike at 18.6 mph
Sat: 10 mile run at 7:58 and all day at Louisville Bats game/Thunder Fireworks

Nice taper week. Long run only 10 miles (real cool... ran it fast) Still feel like I need to do more. Next week will even be less until my marathon on Sat. Will do some short 3-4 mile runs and eat right. Will also get the required 8 hour sleep needed. Took a couple of vacation days to get a massage and Chiropractor visit in. Will be prepared as long as I eat correctly this week. Im either going to knock the lights out of this marathon or Im going to go to fast and tank at the end. Who knows, its my first one at 26.2 miles.......


CBacon said...

You're ready dude....

CBacon said...

You're ready dude....