Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fw: HH100

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 6:36 PM
Subject: HH100

Here is a snapshot of my ride.  Average HR 127.  Average speed 15.95 mph.  If you subtract the SAG wagon time (I had two flats) from 3:12 - 3:38 you can see that it took me 6:16 minutes and that includes stops to refill with water and bathroom breaks.  Significant improvement over BDB where that 6 something was just our ride time but with stops we were over 8 hours.  I burned 5100 calories. 
I was fairly healthy afterwards - had some neck pain and big toe pain but other than that not bad.  I think I could have jogged a half marathon but it would have hurt Smile emoticon    Honestly the tire issues were a blessing.  To this day I had never changed a tire on my bike (3 years riding now) so it was probably good to get that out of the way and to get to do it twice was a plus.  Notice my heart rate before and after my tire issues.  I was trying to make up time, the wind was blowing harder, and the heat was coming on.  If I could have kept it down where it was during the first half I would have been nice and healthy come the run.  The 4 hour mark is always my nemesis - same in Marathon, same in Half-Ironman, same in century rides - guess I need to do longer workouts.
All in all it was a great result for me.  Exactly the pace I wanted to set and I kept heart rate right where it needed to be.  Now back to training.
Can you post this or forward to Team Topper Tri?  They all texted and wish me luck - I really appreciated that.  Helped me stay focused today especially during my tire issues.

Road to Ironman Arizona (8/24-8/30/09)

Monday 1:15 hours bike speed interval workout- I was supposed to do a swim workout as well, but my rec center has been closed since 8/18 for maintenance. The schedule says it will open again on 9/1. I plan to join the UT rec center this week for the remaining of the semester. This way, I’ll just keep my swim bag in the car and be prepared to get a swim in whenever my schedule allows before and after work and during lunch. This also gives me more pool access during the week.

Tuesday Running hill repeats (6x1 min)- Drove from my house at 5am to the La Frontera area. We used this same hill during my marathon training a couple of years ago. After doing 12x1 min hill repeats the week prior, 6x1 min sure was nice. Hill repeats must be one of the devil’s favorite workouts.

Wednesday 1:15 hours foundation bike (morning) and 40 minute foundation run on the treadmill (afternoon). I used the 10min run/1 min walk method on the run. This allowed me to push the pace a little more while staying in a moderate heart rate.

Thursday 1 hour foundation bike. I was again supposed to do a swim workout but once again had no pool access. I knew I was going to make up for some of this on Saturday (see Saturday report), but I still hate missing more than one workout per week in any discipline. Lack of consistency is a killer in training, especially when dealing with the “feel” of the swim.

Friday 20 minute recovery bike. This was so nice…and strange. I’ve not had a “workout” this easy and short since beginning this training regimen. I was able to sleep in a few extra minutes.

Saturday Participated in the inaugural CapTex Open Water Swim 1.2 mile race. The event offered a 1500 meter swim, a 750 meter swim, and a 1.2 mile (1931.21 meters) swim and you could sign up for one, two, or all three. I chose to only do the 1.2 mile swim and do it at IM race pace. I finished in 44 minutes (went to the website for the “official” time, but nothing is listed yet), four minutes below my 40 min goal pace. This was a good result for me. I was able to push the pace and not feel wiped out as in so many past swim efforts. After rounding the half-way buoy, I began to kick more forcefully to pick up the pace. In the end what I discovered is that I’m not getting that much faster, but I have become more efficient and fit in the swim. I also realized again the importance of knowing the course and having sightlines to keep you on track. I could have picked up another minute or two with better direction. The course had a pretty good left dogleg turn and I didn’t take the best line on the way out. Coming back, I was able to stay on the buoy line much better.

My program had me doing a spring triathlon yesterday, but without one in the area, I took my only choice and put in another 1200 meters than what the training planned.

Sunday Rest Day

This was a great recovery week. After the past few weeks of 16 hours training blocks, this week’s 6 hours was a welcomed treat. Tomorrow we go back to another 16 + hour training block and I’m ready for it. I’ll be traveling on Thursday from 6am-8pm, so that will be my “rest” day for the week. I’ll pick it back up on Friday and end the week with a long ride on Saturday and long run on Sunday.

Two weeks until the Prairie Man half IM and 2.5 months to go until IMAZ! That means another 6 weeks of hard training before beginning a taper going into the IMAZ. It will be here before we know it.

Kia Kaha!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Road to Ironman Arizona (08/17-08/23/09)

Monday 2 hour speed interval bike workout (morning); 2450 yard swim (afternoon)- Swam in our community pool. My rec center pool is closed 8/18 until Sept. 1 for maintenance. This has really put a stop to my swim workouts. Of the planned 8312 yards this week, I got in only this 2450 yard set.

Tuesday Running Hill Repeats (12 x 1 minute with 2 min active recovery) with a 10 minute warm up and 10 minute cool down- This was my most brutal workout yet. I drove 15 miles at 4:30am to find hills worthy of such a workout. I went back to my old neighborhood for an 8-9% grade 3 minute climb. After about 4 repeats, I was already gasping for air. Those last 8 were nothing but torture, but I pushed through and actually took the last set for an extra 30 seconds.

Wednesday Bike/Run brick (1:30 bike followed immediately by a 30 minute run)- Brick workouts are considered a key workout to triathlon success. I can tell how much easier I transition from bike to run after three months of brick workouts. As a matter of fact, I feel so good coming off the bike, I really need to be careful not to take off too fast.

Thursday 1:30 hours Steady State Bike (1:10 hours at high aerobic intensity)- These workouts are meant to increase your LT and thus your endurance. I find that after a few weeks of these workouts, I can push the same gear at a higher cadence and at a lower heart rate. Getting the same power/speed at a lower energy cost is what training is all about. It’s motivating to see the training is working.

Friday 4:15 hours bike ride on the trainer- I had to watch the kids so was forced to do my long bike ride on the indoor trainer in the garage. I put in my Ironman Wisconsin Coach Troy video and took off. It was a killer. I end up pushing a bigger gear on my trainer rides than I would on an outdoor ride. It was a great workout, but my legs were spent. I paid for it on my long run (see Saturday report).

Saturday 2:10 hours long run- I did this long run on the Lady Bird Lake Hike and Bike Trail. Nothing like being with a few hundred other Austinites riding their bikes and running. Very motivating. That said, and even using a 10 min run/1 min walk regimen, I was wasted after this workout. I actually had to ask Jennifer and the kids to give me 30 minutes rest time after breakfast. I lay in the hotel room bed for about 30 minutes after a massive breakfast buffet and I was “good to go” for the rest of the day. We had a wonderful rest of the weekend celebrating my 40th birthday.

Sunday 40th Birthday! Rest and Relaxation

How can I complain about being 40 when I’m in the best shape of my life. Not only am I more aerobically fit than I’ve ever been, I had to to buy two new suits for work because my waist is two sizes smaller than it’s been since high school. I’ve been pulling my pants together by using the last loop on all my belts.

Jennifer and the kids planned a weekend full of activities and two nights in the Hyatt Regency on Lake Austin, where we had a balcony room on the 16th floor overlooking Lake Austin. It was nothing but magical. My daughter would tell everyone we saw, “It’s my dad’s birthday.” I haven’t had so many strangers offer me birthday wishes in my life.

I’ll be thinking about this weekend a lot during the low moments at IMAZ. I know the memories will  help pull me through.

Kia Kaha!

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bacon Weekly

Mon-Sun- Off week

First, Happy Birthday to've earned some cake, so enjoy!

Zero to report here boys...took an entire week off of training after last week's triathlon and really felt good; although I felt extremly guilty at times for not doing anything especailly when I was chowing down on some chips and burgers. Back in the water in the morning. Have 2 very busy travel weeks ahead of me so need to keep up the swim and run while away and few bike options are available. These 2 weeks set me up for a hernia sugery on the Sept. 14th and I'll be down for a few weeks so it's important for me to stay fit from now until the 14th cause not sure how long I'll be out....would like to be back for the Bowling Green 10K Classic. On that note, I am very proud of Samantha as she asked me for a 5k training program and wants the BG Classic to be her first official running race...she completed her first week of training this week...she's sore, but continued to talk about it and told her friends too, so now she's locked in! Also glad to hear today from my friend Brent from Bowling Green ...he had already been running again for a few months; however now has joined his swim group this week and is looking at bikes too....I'm proud of him for jumping in the ring...he'll be fun to do some races with and train with too. He and Karl did some swimming togather back in BG and I remember Karl telling me that he was solid in the water.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Road to Ironman Arizona (8/10-8/16/09)

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday 1:55 hours bike speed interval session (morning); 2850 yards (warm up, drills, moderate and speed work, kicks, cool down) (afternoon)

Wednesday Running hill repeats (10x1) 50 minutes total (on treadmill)

Thursday Foundation bike 1:30 hours (morning); 50 minute foundation run (afternoon)

Friday 1:15 hours steady state bike (morning); traveled to Tampa

Saturday Bike/run brick (45 minutes each for 1:30 hours total) on stationary bike and treadmill in hotel

Sunday Travel to Austin

Had a strong start to the week but due to a professional meeting out of town, my training week ended poorly. Of the 12:49 hours of planned training for the week, I was only able to get in 8:47 hours. I’m not beating myself up over it but realizing that so much of this is consistency, I’m always a little upset at myself when I don’t find a way to get the workouts in. I did find a way to get all the bike workouts in and that has been a goal all along. I wish I could say the lack of training gave me some hours of needed rest, but being in the Eastern time zone actually caused me less sleep than I get here waking up at 4am.

I did get to see a lot of friends in Tampa I had not seen in over three years and that was a special treat. Several of them mentioned how much weight I had lost (twenty pounds since I saw many of them) and they were very kind to indulge me with lots of Ironman/triathlon questions.

I apologize for being so late in getting this week’s report posted. My week has been very busy but work, family, and training have all had exciting and motivating events that I hope to share in my following report. Personally, this upcoming report will be the last one of my 30’s. I turn 40 on Sunday. Come to think of it, I may be late with the upcoming report, too.

Kia Kaha!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bacon Weekly- First Tri Finish

Mon-Friday---prep swims,rides, and run for Saturday's Evansville YMCA Triathlon

Sat- Race day....
YMCA Spirit, Mind, Body On-Road Triathlon

Number of Finishers:277 Number of Females:92 Number of Males:185
Average Time:1:44:51

Claude Bacon
115 of 277- overall finish place; 22/32- age group; 97/185- males
13:28- swim time; 2:07- swim rate; 212- swim finish (of 277)
1:35- T1 time
55:03- bike time; 20.7- MPH; 107- bike finish (of 277)
1:15- T2 time
28:17- run time; 9:08- avg mile minute; 117- run finish (of 277)

I skipped the mon-thurs details so I had more time to write about race day....we'll, I made it....wasn;t a long journey from the first time I failed...about a month and a half; but that was a long time mentally in prep for this race.... all went well in race prep...arrived early had a choice spot on the rack...registered; then with over an hour to race time, plenty of time to warm up wait on my family to arrive, and prepare mentally for the swim. I was fortunate that this race allowed a swim warm up, so I was first in the water to avoid the crowd and swam about 200 meters to loosen, taste the water, and peer in the murky out of the water and suited back up in full clothing..long pants, socks, and LS pullover, and hat to stay warm...a tip from an article that Karl sent me and it really helps to keep the core body temp at it's warmest point so the water plays less on performance....then trotted for a while to stay famiky arrived and I got them settled and then race time...I was in wave 2 so the first wave heart we moved to the water and I sat down and got wet and rubbed some on my face to acclimate... GO....the kid had positioned himself right rear of the pack to avoid the crowd and while I had a longer swim the lesser amount of traffic helped keep my cool...still got bumped and kicked plenty of times, but was all good...about half way through I noticed that I was not out of breath and that I had a shot at this thing so kept my head down and kept moving....some goggle fogging hurt me again and lost a buoy so was swimming blind for a 50 meters or so, but I just follwed the guy in front of me and it worked out.....when my hands hit the bottom of the lake when it was time to stand up, you can not imagine my excitement...I slapped the water and did a few "tiger" fist pumps...gave the thimbs up to my family and headed for went fine and mounted the bike and off I went....probably went a little too hard on the bike, but I was so pumped I couldn't control it, so a big effort went into making up some time on the bike...cause I knew my swim was decent, but for placing, I wanted to be above 50% of the pack overall.....the bike was tough....long climbs...none extemely steep but long and about 8 of them.... came in to T2 and all went well....the run started with 2 big long climbs off the bike, so that had me out of sorts off the bike and was questioning how hard I went on the bike, but after about 1.5 miles I settled in and had a nice run the 2nd half......a sprint finish to beat a 17 year old in the run completed the race for me and brought me a nice finish overall... Thanks for the texts, emails, and other words of encouragement to help me though my first tri finish...already can't wait for more.... I'll send some pics the the blog too.... Thanks all....CB

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bacon weekly

Mon- Travel day from Park City, Utah
Tuesday- swim 800 meters...constant...100 warm up, 50 down
Wednesday- some type of run
Thurs- Swim 800 meters...constant....100 warm up, 50 down
Fri- 3 miler run at HR Zone 2&3
Sat- off
Sun- brick....Bike/Swim/Bike .... 5 miles at 15 mph; then 850 swim; then 4 miles at 16 mph

Sorry for the late report again.... entering the final week of training before my next triathlon in Evansville on last week was good after returning from vacation and feeling very motivated...have continued a nice steady pace in the swim for the last couple of weeks and feeling pretty good about my chances on's truly an early rise occasion for me as the race is over an hour away and I'll need to get there in time to get my packet, do my swim warm-up, and prepare for the race, so logistically I'm a bit annoyed, but don't want to stay in Evansville overnight cause I know my sleep will not be good, so planning to leave the house extra early to have all arranged...this will have me eating about 3:30 or 4...but that's ok I'm pumped and ready....

Road to Ironman Arizona (8/03-8/09/09)

Monday 1:50 hour bike speed intervals (8x90); 2750 yards swim (6x200 and 7x50 intervals)

Tuesday 44 minutes running hill repeats (8x1 min). Had to do it in the afternoon heat (over 100 degree heat index)

Wednesday 1:35 hour bike/run brick (1:15 bike; 20 min run) @ high aerobic intensity

Thursday 1:15 hour steady state bike (55 min in high aerobic intensity)

Friday Rest Day

Saturday 4 hour long bike ride

Sunday 2:10 hour long run; 3100 meter long swim

Had a good strong start to the build phase of my training. As you can see, the intensity went into the high aerobic range on a couple of workouts and I had a speed workout in every discipline (counting hill repeats for the run). I was able to get all my workouts in except for a 35 min recovery run and my Thursday swim session. Of the scheduled 15 hours, I completed 13:32 hours.

The hill repeats on Tuesday were a killer. I could taste blood afterwards from the burst capillaries in my lungs. The heat and sun were brutal but it made it that much more satisfying knowing I did it. I can tell you that after about the 3rd repeat of 8, my mind was telling me to quit. I didn’t!

Going into the high aerobic range was a significant change. It’s amazing what a change it is holding a steady state at a few more heart beats per minute. I found that once I got into rhythm, I was able to hold it without thinking too much about how much more difficult it was or how much more I was sweating.

The long bike ride went very well. There was a headwind all the way back, but it only added to the satisfaction of finishing just as I’d planned. The guy who raced me for a few minutes up and down the two biggest hills really helped. I pushed a little harder than I would have otherwise and made up the time the wind would have taken from me. And, yes, I left him in the dust after the second hill. Felt good!

I decided to try the run/walk method for my long run. I did a 10 minutes run/1 minute walk until the last mile where I did 8 minutes run/1 minute walk. I found that kept my heart rate within zone a lot longer and allowed me to take in the water and nutrition better. Sweating is a real issue for me. I can lose well over 4 pounds on a long run and it’s difficult for me to carry enough water and nutrition on my race belt for a 2 + hour effort. It’s probably not bad for training purposes, as I know I’ll have greater access to both on race day. I just need to make sure that if it’s a hot day (as they are everyday here), I am taking in some water/sports drink every 10 minutes or less.

All in all it was a great week and I’m really happy with my effort and the results. I’m feeling confident and motivated given my results and my stats. I’m in the best shape of my three year endurance career and looking forward to what is still ahead.

I have work travel to Tampa on Friday for the weekend, so I hope that doesn’t get in the way to badly. I wish all of you a wonderful and safe week of training, work, and life. Look forward to hearing from all of you.

Kia Kaha!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bacon Weekly

Mon- run
Wed- 38 mile bike at Lindsey Wilson College in Columbia, KY
Thurs- swim
Fri- 5 miles in Park City, Utah...elevation 6100
Sat- 3.5 miles in Park City Utah...elevation 6100
Sun- off

Sorry for the late report and missing a few details of my actual exercises, but just returned from a trip with my wife and forgot much...vacation can do that to ya.... had a great ride on Columbia with Chris Schmidt, Dean Adams, and the LWC Mtn bike Coach Dave Grigsby...the day started with my boy Schmidt putting a fat clean up and new part exchange on my bike which got my ride smoothed out; then a great ride with the boys and a truck load of chasing dogs over 40 miles...they need to do some spading in that part of KY. Then Samantha and I headed out to Park City, Utah for a little R&, was it big fun; especially spending some 1-1 time with was tough leaving the kids as most of you know and especially that far away, but everyone did great. My runs was surreal, I broke pre-dawn back to back days so I would be running when the sun eclipsed the mountains and boy did it smooth me out....I got so juiced on the first run that I had a rush of energy like none I had ever felt...could have been the elevation crushing my chest, but was really nice...had only planned a short 3 mile run but stroked out 2 extra really tough incline miles... road bikes everywhere...they had a race on Sat and one on Sunday...crazy......the shops there are mad crazy...expensive too... signed up for my next tri in Evansville on Aug 15th so back in the groove for the next couple of weeks until the race. Just found out that I have a femoral hernia that will require surgery to fix, so my race season will end early this year and put me out for the fall runs most likely; however if I can finish the triathlon in a few weeks, I'll put a good year to bed.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dinos Weekly

Mon: 4 mile run, 15 mile bike
Thur: 4 mile run
Sat: 12 mile run

having some left knee problems this week. Dont know whats going on. A little down about that. However, my 12 mile run on saturday was goood. A nice 8:30 pace with little to no pain. Go figure. But tried a Sunday morning recovery run and didnt make it 10 steps. May have to get it checked out. Later

Road to Ironman Arizona (7/27-08/03/09)

Monday Ocean swimming and bodysurfing; 1:15 hour bike ride around Port Aransas with my brother

Tuesday 18 holes of golf at Rockport Country Club; ocean fun

Wednesday 30 minute barefoot beach run (fluffy sand)

Thursday Day off

Friday 1:30 bike/run brick (1 hr bike/ 30 min run)

Saturday 50 minute run; 2000 yard swim

Sunday Rest Day

This was the week my family and I were planning to be in Puerto Rico with all my family. For several reasons, that didn’t happen. We did, however, manage to get away to Port Aransas with my brother and his family and my parents. It was a much needed respite from both work and regular training.

My swims were all more bodysurfing related than actual workouts. My run on Wednesday was a great leg workout running in fluffy sand for about 3 miles. And my bike ride with Mark was a low intensity sightseeing ride around Port Aransas. The road was pretty rough for a majority of the ride and the headwind on the way back made for quite a tough finish. Friday and Saturday were regular workouts, with Saturday’s run being very hot and humid. I ran much of it in zones 4-5 due to the heat and subsequent sweat loss. I didn’t carry water, so I lost a lot of fluid. I weighed the night before and the scale showed 166.7 lbs. I weighed after the run and swim and AFTER breakfast and weighed 160.3 lbs. This morning I weighed 163.7 lbs. That explains why my heart rate skyrocketed during a seemingly easy 50 minute run.

Nutrition was decent for breakfast and lunch most of the week but dinner consisted primarily of fried seafood. I also drank more beer this week than I have all year, but considering I’ve not drank any beer this year, it only took about a 12-pack to get me by for the week.

I REALLY enjoyed my time away from work and being with family. The rat race is such that I see my wife and kids an average of 4 hours a day, so spending whole days with them and actually interacting and having fun was a real treat. Spending time with my brother and his family and being with my parents for the first time in many months just added to the good feelings. It was very tough to leave and even tougher to say “see you later.” Maybe it’s the stress my body and mind are under from training; maybe it’s stress from work; maybe it’s the fact I turn 40 this month (more than likely a combination of all three); but leaving my family and thinking about going back to “life as normal” was especially difficult this time. I’ve been very melancholy since everyone left and only hope that the “normal” routine will become “normal” again quickly and I’ll feel more upbeat.

This coming week begins the BUILD phase of my training. The intensity picks up along with increased distance on the long workouts. This means I’ll need to switch my REST day from Sunday to Friday. I really don’t like making that change, but it’s the only way to get 4 + hour bike rides in without having to take vacation days from work. What this means is that my REST day will be spent working, which is certainly not ideal. Just another sacrifice of the average age grouper athlete.

I have so much to be grateful for and I’ll be my happy, positive self (my wife laughs) very soon. I hope all of you will find those things that make you happy and focus on them rather than all the reasons we may have for being sad or depressed. As my son told me yesterday during our errand runs, “Happiness is not doing what you like but liking what you do.” I know that’s not his original quote, but it sure meant a lot more coming from him.

Kia Kaha!