Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fit Doesn’t Mean Healthy

As I did my 30 mile bike trainer session this morning, I listened to one of my triathlon podcasts. The feature story was about the podcaster’s medical tests revealing his low testosterone levels. He had a level in the 40’s, while someone his age should average (ideally) a level in the 90’s. Understand that the podcaster is a top-level (meaning podium-achieving) age grouper. This guy is majorly fit…but he wasn’t as healthy as he needed to be. With this new information, he and his doctor made some changes to his diet and added some supplements to help raise his testosterone level. Within days, the podcaster felt more competitive and even had greater interest in bedtime activities with his significant other.

Physical/mental fitness doesn’t always correlate to physical/mental well-being. Are you losing interest in other areas of your life? Are you feeling really tired anytime you aren’t training? Do you find yourself becoming easily irritated or angered? Do you dread your daily workouts? These are just a few signs which may be pointing to unhealthy physical/mental feelings and/or practices (e.g., overtraining). Monitor how you feel both physically and mentally (and emotionally). It may be nutritional, medical, or social. In most cases, if you are enjoying a nice life balance and remain normally happy (in most cases you’ll be happier than before), then chances are all is “good to go.” If you notice yourself “changing” negatively in any of the areas of your life, it may be time to get tested and/or make some changes in your routine.

Monday 30 minute run along Tampa Bay. Saw a dolphin. So cool!

Tuesday  Off

Wednesday  Travel day

Thursday  20 minute run. My son accompanied me on his bike. Fast pace. My son commented, “I can’t believe you can run this fast for this long.” I answered, “I can do it even longer.” :-)

Friday  Off

Saturday  1 hour run. Sub 9 minute pace. Felt strong and fast.

Sunday  1:30 bike trainer session. Medium pace. Felt strong.

Base training is going great. Have two more weeks before starting a formal race training program. Not sure if I’ll go with a 70.3 or Olympic race plan. May do a 10k race one of the next two weekends.

Signed up for the Austin-Shiner GHASP bike ride (100 miles) scheduled for May 1. Looking forward to riding with my fellow TTT mates and enjoying some cold brew at race’s end.

Kia Kaha!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Schmidty Weekly

Schmidty Weekly

February 21-27

Sunday: Cross-fit – 3rnds for time, 75 air squats, 25 pushups, 25 handstand pushups from a bench (23:29). Bike: 1.25 hrs/23.97 miles/16.7 Avg. mph.

Monday: Cross-fit - Run 5K/Time: 33:31

Tuesday: Off/Intramural Basketball Games

Wednesday: Off/Intramural Basketball Games

Thursday: Spin Bike/Time: 37:46/Dist: 13.8. Cross-fit: 5rnds 1 minute each/max reps: 20lb. wall ball, push-ups, Olympic bar toe touches from back raised legs. Run: 1.25 miles/Time 13:45.

Friday: Cross-fit: Overhead squat, Front Squat, Back Squat (1rep each - lbs: 45, 65, 85, 95, 115, and 135). 2 sets w/ 30lb dumbbell(s): Dumbbell press (10), One arm bent row (15), Get up sit-up (5), Push-up row (10), Squats (15), One arm push-press (10), Single leg dead lifts (10).

Saturday: Cross-fit – 3rnds for time/25, 50, and 75 reps: Air Squat, Push-ups, Lat pull down (100lbs), Sit-ups. (39:33).

It was just a great workout week. Everything felt good and I hammered away on all my routines. I am getting stronger with each workout. Completing the 5k was a big deal, and it gave me a sense of accomplishment. I got some more saddle time this week and that helps, but March 13th is approaching quickly and I need a lot more outdoor hours before my first race. Circuit races are brutally fast and it will be a chore just to hang on to the pack. I don’t care a bit about cold temperatures but all we have had is cold rain and snow. I am optimistic that the worst is behind us now and I can get in the saddle everyday and knock out some time.

The coolest part of the week has been intramurals; it’s in full swing at the College. I played in 5 full games this week, still hanging against the young boys and keeping my street credibility. Nothing worse than being 18 and having the 39 year old Dean of Students score on you or block a shot. It is actually a great release for me with the students, but also for my family. Becca is playing in the women’s division, and Cole helps out at every game. It’s just a lot of fun.

Keep working hard fellas.

L3-Live, Learn, Lead


Monday, February 22, 2010

Schmidty Weekly

Schmidty Weekly

February 14-20

Sunday: Off

Monday: Cross-fit for time: 95lb squat cleans (15 reps), 45lb bar to toes (30 reps), 21” box jumps (30 reps), triceps dip (15 reps), 35lb kettle bell swings (30 reps), 95lb thrusters (15 reps), 30 Burpees, 300 ft alt. lunges w/ 25 lb plate overhead. Time: 36:47. Spin Trainer - Time: 37:22 (13.6 miles)

Tuesday: Spin Trainer - 27:33 (10.1)

Wednesday: Cross-fit : Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 off, 1minute rest after each round for 8 rounds) Sumo Dead lift( 13, 13, 12, 12, 11, 12, 12, 12), air squat (16, 13, 14, 12, 12, 11, 10, 11) pull-ups (13, 10, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, ), push-ups (15, 14, 6, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5), sit-ups (11, 10, 9, 11, 7, 8, 9, 10).

Thursday: Cross-fit for time: Dead-lift 245lbs, Bench press 135lbs, Clean (squat) 135. (10 rep down to 1 rep) Time: 38:12.

Friday: Bike -Time: 1:57 (30.1 miles)

Saturday: Bike – Time: 1:04 (18.25 miles)

It was an awesome week because I got to ride my bike. It felt so good out. I totally cashed in a half day on Friday and went out for a couple of hours. All my workouts were on point all week. I even had three intramural basketball games and my weekly redneck basketball games Sunday night, but those are recreational at this point. I’m feeling good and look forward to packing on the miles as the days go by now.

Sorry for the short report but the graduate school workload is kicking in and I need to focus my time.

L3-Live, Learn, Lead

Bacon Weekly- Body Fights Back Week

Mon- off
Tues- 3 X 1 mile at 7:00 avg, 1/10 mile rest between each (on track)
Wed- 3 miles at 9:26 avg
Thurs- 5 miles at 8:56 avg
Fri- off
Sat- 15 miles at 10:12 avg ( 45 degrees) (2,138 calories)
Sun- 3 miles at 9:14 avg ( 60 degrees)

Pretty fun week overall and topped it off with my longest run to date and a bunch of lessons. Quickly, the other runs were really good and felt swift and speedy most days....the Tuesday speed day was inside on the track and challenging.

The 15 miler started off with some light sun but quickly faded to clouds and wind. I think my preference is colder temps with sun than warmer (a whopping 45 degrees) and clouds. I chose a tough route too that included some great hills and more. Spent 8.5 miles in zone 2 and 4.2 in zone 3, and 1 mile in zone 1. Was easy to hold the pace down on this run cause I didn't feel particulalry speedy on this day and made me doubt if I can pull off a sub 4 hour marathon. I spent more miles in the dumps than I did on the upside, but I think it was weather related mood swings. Carrying 32 ounces of gatorade on my belt and 1 gel proved not enough for me...took the first gel at 1 hour; and finished my last bottle at 11.5 miles worked me over...with only a dime in my pouch that I found on the money for a store stop. At 13 miles, I seriously considered scraping off some dirty snow to find some clean to get some water, but talked myself out of it cause I was scared of the yard chemicals prevelant in our area. Finally reached the house and Samantha got me a refill for the last few miles, but really too late. So at precisely the 13.1 mile mark it was obvious that I had yet to go longer in my career cause the body fought back...big time.... my calves felt like a monster had a hand on each and squeezing like an last 2 miles at 10:45 adn 11:49 respectlivley....punished....I think running low on fluids ulitmately caused the cramps, but the new distance was surely a part..... so I need to tuck a few bucks in the pouch for a refill down the road, plus need to take an extra gel, so next time I'll take one at one hour and one at 2 hours. Ended the run barely walking and greeted by my great wife taking care of me like an infant...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Attitude

Have now taken new attitude with physical fitness...... I do it now for a successful and healthy lifestyle.... I do it to get the flow of life to my brain and to release the natural morphine... I do it because when I get done, im a better man than before. I ran 8 miles today and listened to birds sing and listen to the sound of overflowing creek water (because of the melted snow run off). I really enjoyed my run today at a 8:53 (slower) pace. No race, not worried about the results or my damn heart rate or which zone I was in.... I was in the right zone! Still pumping out some mileage and anticipate more as weather gets better. Im not at the level of a year ago, but still in pretty good shape for a 40 year old, washed up, bald dude.

carry on men.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Some days, life gets in the way

This was one of those weeks where family, friends, and work caused me to cancel workouts. I could beat myself up about it, but actually, shouldn’t those be the exact things that come in the way of my training? After all, it’s about fitting in training around my life…not the other way around. The important “things” in life are my family, friends, and work. These are the priorities I have, will, and should sacrifice for before other things.

Life balance is perhaps the most difficult goal for us to obtain. I think it’s important we remember that life balance does not necessarily mean we get equal portions of each life priority in our day. We should have higher percentages of those parts of our life that demand and/or deserve most of our attention. Our family, friends, and work should account for the higher percentages while other areas get fit into the day.

My grandparents taught me that life is made up of four areas: love, work, play, and religion/spirituality. It doesn’t mean we give 25% to each area to make up 100% of our life. You have to decide what makes up each area and how much you devote to each. Just make sure your priorities are the right ones and then schedule them into your life. You’ll be a happier and more successful racer for it and you’ll enjoy a happier, more successful life.

Monday Canceled workout

Tuesday Canceled workout

Wednesday 30 minute run

Thursday 30 minute bike

Friday Off

Saturday 30 minute run at race pace

Sunday 45 minute bike ride (15 minutes at race pace)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Can you see me coming?

Bacon Weekly Feb 8-14

Mon- off (travel to Austin,Tx)
Tues- Hill Sprints Hilton Garden Inn, Austin,(long hills) .75 mile WU, 1.5 mile sprints,36 degrees
Wed- 3 mile treadmill run Springhill Suites, Round Rock, TX (10:00 miles)
Thurs- off (travel home)
Fri- off (recovering from traveling home)
Sat- 6 miles (54:18) 9:02 avg pace, 31 degrees, snow flurries
Sun- 6 miles (55:02) 9:10 avg pace, 34 degrees, light snow

Just put my third travel week in the books and was able to again keep my intensity while traveling thanks to some nice hills just out of my hotel in Austin and a sweet treadmill in my Round Rock hotel. I'm finally in for a few weeks and looking forward to some extra pool workouts and runs on my home turf. Also, received my new Helium Fuel Belt in the mail this week and that opens my route options much wider as I was having to plan my route around my secretly hidden bottles on my existing route, which took far too much prep time than I want. I got the 4, eight ounce bottle belt, but only wore 2 on my 6 milers this week...I know why they call it the helium belt cause I really didn't know it was there. What a difference it makes.

Wicked cold this week on my runs as Austin/Round Rock got a suprise cold front and I came home to about 5 inches of snow (4-5 more coming tonight). For my two 6-milers this week I tried a new tactic just to see what would happen and that was not looking at my pace and just keeping my feet to the ground and running. Ran both run in the 9 minute range and that made me feel really good because I feel like I'm getting faster with this training program. Also dropped another 1.5 pounds this week, so that extra few I was complaining about early on seems to be comng off.

Karl and I had a great time on my visit, we got in a few dinners and have some great stories too.

Not sure I've shared my marathon goal with the group, but it's to finish the race sub 4 hours. This was considered my down week with 2 shorter 6 mile runs and next week ramps back up anbd ends with a 15 miler....I can only hope the snow and bitter cold stay away for that run!

Samantha starts her official training in the morning, so I'm pumped for her.


Schmidty Weekly

Schmidty Weekly
February 7-13

Sunday: Cross-fit – Reps 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5: GHD Sit-ups, Back Extensions, Hanging knees to elbows, 95lb stiff leg dead lift.

Monday: Off

Tuesday: Cross-fit - Traditional Olympic Bar Squats (2 reps each/10sets): 135, 185, 205, 225, 245, 265, 275, 285, 295, 300.

Wednesday: Cross-fit – 20lb Wall ball to L Pull-up, (50/25, 40/20, 30/10, 20/10) Time: 18:39. I cannot do an L pull-up, so I modified it and elevated my legs on a flat bench and did the pull ups from the seated/elevated position.

Thursday: Off

Friday: Cross-fit – 5 rounds for time: 120lb Row (25 reps), 95lb Power Clean (15 reps), 95lb Thrusters (12 reps) Time: 40:37.

Saturday: Spin Trainer – Time 41:26/ Distance 15.6.

It was another tough week of Cross-fit; I am beginning to think there are no easy weeks. I was so sore on Thursday that I had to trade my Friday Off day. My body was absolutely toast, I just went home and slept, my body was so fatigued I woke up in the middle of the night saturated in sweat. A clear sign my body is processing this exercise and stress on my body. It was a smart move, my body felt well the next day, funny how if we just listen to our bodies they will take care of us.

If you know me then you know the cold doesn’t bother me, but this weather has just been devastating for any kind of consistent cycling. The temps and road conditions have been the worst I have seen in over 10 years. I have not let it discourage me; I have been keeping up with my endurance so it will come as the weather breaks.

This week, I have been taking advantage of the new opportunities in the Holloway Wellness Center. I played multiple racquet ball games, 5 competitive 3on3 basketball games, and 4 full court basketball games. Feels good to run around with the young college kids but it hurts a little in the morning. It’s that good kind of hurt so I have no complaints. I’m locked in and staying focused. My weight is down to 275 lbs. but I am leaner then I have ever been. I am starting to see how the workouts are shaping my body. I have a long way to go but it’s encouraging.
Stay the course men.

L3-Live, Learn, Lead

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bacon Weekly- 2/1 - 2/7

Mon- Swim drills and 400 FS
Tues- 2.5 miles hill sprints, 1 mile warm, 1.5 sprints (Silver Spring, MD 35 degrees, ice&snow)
Wed- 3 miles at 8:48 avg (outside)
Thurs- 4 miles at 9:45 (2 miles treadmill and 2 miles track)
Fri- Off
Sat- 3 miles- indoor track run @ 9:45 avg
Sun- 12 miles @ 10:03 avg, 34 degrees (sun and brutal wind)

Another travel week that resulted in positive training results...after the San Diego trip I was concerened that another travel week might derail my efforts, but pushed through schedule and got everything in and didn't over-work myself to do it...just satyed focused. That said, my hill sprint run in Silver Spring was extreme because of the icy road conditions in some spots and I certainly risked falling at that fast pace, but made it none the less. That said, it wasn't Bear Grylls extreme, but tough enough to keep my attention. Feeling particularly speedy on some some days and not so on others, but I truly believe the training has taken hold and making me stronger and more efficient. I finally lost a few coveted punds this last week as I tweaked a few items in my diet (and that wasn't twinkies for all you smart guys)...just cut back on extra carbs and added some addtional protein to keep me full and it seems to have paid off...we'll training was not afftected by cutting back, so it seems likely that I was overeating to compensate for the additional miles. Sunday's 12 miles was brutal...the sun was out which can make for a warmer 34 degrees but the wind was relentless....I described it like the character Pigpen from Charlie know the guy with the big dirt cloud that followed him everywhere....well that was the wind for me....every turn, no matter the blew in my face even harder and made for a mental challenge... a few less miles this week before another big run of increased miles....Keep moving, Claude

2010 Group Event

My wife mentioned an event here in Ky around October 23. Its called the Bourbon 200. A running event that covers 200 miles. Starts around Bardstown I believe and ends in Rupp Arena in Lexington. At the finish a bunch of Bourbon makers will be on hand to distribute and promote their products....Be a man, slam all you can. Groups of 6-12 people run nonstop through the course. With only 6 or 7 people, that would be quite a lot of running over 2 days.... but doable.... a nice challenge for 2010..... Just food for thought. If we dont make a date soon, we will end up like last year doing nothing......

Dinos Progress

Still in the mix.... Currently doing 5-6 days of running, some core workouts and an occasional bike trainer workout. My runs are typically 4-6 miles maintenance runs, 3-mile speed runs, and up to 10 mile long runs. Starting to get in rhythm of exercise, just struggling eating correctly.... This winter weather is making me want to hibernate... Done with all this snow and cold..... Think I'll move south instead of to the ville. I have mapped out some 5ks and will be participating in the Ky Derby Mini/Marathon for the 3rd year in a row (has become a tradition for me). Also, happy to say.... My wife, Melanie, will also be doing the mini this year. A big challenge for her. All is well... carry on men


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Don’t let the numbers keep you from personal achievement Exercise won't boost endurance for 1 in 5

Of the many articles I read and/or shared over the past week on triathlon, health, and exercise, this one struck me the most. Perhaps it got my attention given that my post last week dealt with the fact that genetics makes up such a big part of our individual ability in racing.

What I liked most about the article is found in the second paragraph: “Still, the authors caution, their findings shouldn't be an excuse to throw away the running shoes.”

It’s important to look at what this article REALLY says. It says that 80% of us, most of us, WILL see a boost in endurance from exercise. And given that only some 1% of us even care about boosting our endurance, this is good news. Most people exercise for health and for losing weight. The few who want to boost their endurance for racing are the small minority.

Don’t get too caught up in the numbers. As one of my ex bosses used to say, “Numbers can be made to say anything.” Don’t let the research numbers, the heart rate, the power meter, the speed, the cadence, the foot strikes per minute, strokes per lap keep you from doing what you want and achieving your personal goals. All these are important to continued improvement, but don’t let yourself get so caught up in them that they actually inhibit your training. Once in a while, get on the bike and just ride. Don’t worry about the speed, cadence, or wattage. Get in the pool and swim for enjoyment. Forget about the stroke count. Put your shoes on and go for a run without your heart rate monitor and speed sensor. Look around. Enjoy the outdoors. Listen to the sounds around you. Feel the weightlessness in the water. Get back to the basics. Remember what it was like to go for a bike, run, or swim for fun, like when we were kids. You may find that you actually make greater improvement and the science was just holding you back.

Monday 1 hour strength and balance workout

Tuesday Off

Wednesday  30 minute run with speed intervals

Thursday Off

Friday  30 minute bike trainer session

Saturday  45 minute run (went .2 miles further and negative split…endurance and speed are already increasing after only three weeks back)

Sunday 1 hour bike ride on trainer (pushing a bigger gear than all last year at the same intensity)

Look forward to seeing Claude this week. He’ll be in Austin tomorrow and we have two dinners scheduled this week. Maybe we can even get out for a run or swim.

Make it a great week! Kia Kaha!

Schmidty Weekly

Schmidty Weekly

January 1 – February 6

Sunday: Off (still played basketball, 5 consecutive full court games).

Monday: Cross-fit: 5 rounds for time: Thrusters (5reps) 155 lbs. (dropped last 2 sets to 135 lbs.), Triceps dips (10 reps), and Run 400 meters. (Time: 39:12).

Tuesday: Cross-fit: 800 meter run, 400 meter run/backwards, 800meter run, 400 meter run backwards. (Time: 22:39).

Wednesday: Cross-fit: 5 rounds for time: 400 meter run, 24” box jump (30 times), 20 lbs. Wall ball squats (30 times). (Time: 51:59).

Thursday: Off (thank you).

Friday: Cross-fit: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps: Sumo dead lift (high chin), Push-ups. Started taking advantage of the new pool access, swam 250 yards at lunch (any stroke).

Saturday: Cross-fit: 7 rounds/5 reps Dead-lifts, 135, 155, 175, 195, 225, 245, 275. Spin Bike Strength Program: Time - 37:20, Distance – 12.2, Cadence Avg. – 74. Swim: 300 yards (any stroke).

This was one of my most productive weeks. The intensity and stress of the workouts this week had me hurting. When the clock is running and your sucking wind between runs or sets you can feel every second passing by. It was also a big week for the official grand opening of the Doris and Bob Holloway Health and Wellness facility on campus. We had the opening on Friday night, I had to speak and help with prize giveaways, so I did not get to take advantage of it much that evening. However, we took advantage the next morning, it was a great feeling to wake up Saturday morning and head to the wellness center with my family. Cole was shooting hoops, Becca was on a tread mill, I was on a bike and we could all share the experience together. I am so excited about the impact this will have on my family.

The swim thing is something I just threw in as extra this week. I love the water and can swim very well, however I need to learn to lap swim and work on technique. I did the crawl, backstroke, and also traditional laps just trying to get used to it. The traditional lap is all about getting used to the breathing rhythm. Hopefully this improves; I like how it relaxes my muscles after lifting, running or biking. The only real disappointment continues to be the cycling and weather. We have had icy roads, rain, snow flurries, you name it. It is driving me crazy; I really want to get out on my bike.

Waking up Sunday morning and writing this blog spot continues to be very motivating. I enjoy everyone’s posts and am amazed at what we all accomplish. Keep up the hard work. I appreciate everyone’s feedback, and I appreciate all your inspiration.

L3-Live, Learn, Lead