Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Attitude

Have now taken new attitude with physical fitness...... I do it now for a successful and healthy lifestyle.... I do it to get the flow of life to my brain and to release the natural morphine... I do it because when I get done, im a better man than before. I ran 8 miles today and listened to birds sing and listen to the sound of overflowing creek water (because of the melted snow run off). I really enjoyed my run today at a 8:53 (slower) pace. No race, not worried about the results or my damn heart rate or which zone I was in.... I was in the right zone! Still pumping out some mileage and anticipate more as weather gets better. Im not at the level of a year ago, but still in pretty good shape for a 40 year old, washed up, bald dude.

carry on men.



CBacon said...

Great Dino...whatever it takes man...keep moving! Great work!

Unknown said...

Love the new attitude.Sometimes we worry so much about pace, speed, and heart rate, we forget to just run and ride and enjoy our surroundings.
I've taken off the pace pod and the heart monitor for all of my base training. Funny thing is, I'm running and riding faster and stronger than before.
I wish 8:53 were my slower pace. You are an animal!