Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 1, Week 1 of 18

Today was day 1, week 1 of 18 for my marathon training for 2011. Feels good to have a goal and purpose for the next 18 weeks. Had an awesome holiday season with plenty of treats and family time. Went a little over the top with the food, but hey, who cares? Back on track as of today and will be blogging from here out with my progress and endeavours. I will be using the Hansen Brothers training program as described in the Dec. Runners World... a little different than my normal program, but im going to trust it as it was made for 40+ year old runners to save wear and tear while at the same time preparing for a marathon distance race. Will also be doing core and cycling when available.... looking at swim lessons at the YMCA as a possiblility for spring... who knows what may take place in 2011. Really want to do a team topper tri event as a group this year....Grabaky 2011 is sounding real nice this year. I will put in vacation days for this event in Jan. Hope everyone else pencils this event in their calandars as well... I think it is OCT 7, 8, 9 or 2011.. Mark in down.... Looking to regain my athletic edge this year and regain my discipline with the food.... Train to "Better the I Am" ....


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have the first 1/3 of the year covered. Awesome! The training program sounds interesting. Look forward to hearing more about it. I'm considering a marathon for the end of the year or beginning of 2012.
Yes, we need to get a TTT event in this year. GABRAKY sounds good to me.
Happy New Year!