Sunday, January 4, 2009

Weekly Review- Karl

Monday Off
Tuesday Brick: 1 hour bike trainer/ 30 minute run, 3.66 miles, 8:13 pace
Wednesday 1 hour easy spin bike trainer/ Strength and balance workout
Thursday 5.62 mile run, 45 minutes, 8:01 pace
Friday Off
Saturday 2 hour run, 12.65 miles, 9:30 pace
Sunday Off

Enjoyed my last week of holiday vacation. It's nice to wake up without the alarm clock and train at a time of your choosing. Had some fun sessions this week. The brick was done just to test how I would feel and the tempo run on Thursday was a great success despite how it felt. It started with my legs feeling heavy, the wind was fierce that day, and the course was hilly. I was shocked to see how good my pace was despite all that. Yesterday was a nice, slow long run pace. Legs still felt a little heavy but I felt strong aerobically. I've been lazy about my strength and balance workouts in the last two weeks, and believe that explains a lot of my "heavy" leg feeling.

As of January 1, I am now officially in the USAT 40-44 age group. I'm happy to say that I'm stronger and faster now than I was as a 35-39 age grouper. If I can say that when I hit the 45-49 age group... January 1 also means the nutrition is back on schedule. I plan to get back to healthy eating but realize that I need to take in more daily calories. Despite the amount of food I've been eating over the break, I've only gained a pound or two. What I've noticed is how much stronger I feel in the long workouts. My endurance is a lot better because I'm ingesting more calories...the calories I need. When you are doing workouts that "cost" 2000+ calories, you need to take in more than the average 2500 daily calories to get what your body needs. I wasn't doing that last year.

Starting to look at the 2009 race schedule and determine my races and training calendar. Hope to have a schedule to share in the coming weeks.

May 2009 bring us and our families good health, good times, and many personal bests!

Kia Kaha!


CBacon said...

Dude, impressive figures..even with the strength break. No worries on the age group...the fact that you faster and stronger than before says it all, plus the strides that you made in 2008 are goals that I only hope to chase. I look up to your drive and determination. Great job in 2008..better in 2009

Anonymous said...

Thanks brother. Means a lot!