Sunday, June 28, 2009

Road to Ironman Arizona (6/22-6/28/09)

Monday Morning- 1:30 hour bike (10x20 second sprints); Afternoon- 2100 yard swim (9x100 main set)

Tuesday 50 minute foundation run + 6x20 second strides

Wednesday Brick Workout- 1 hour bike + 30 minute run

Thursday 1:15 hour bike

Friday Morning- 2:45 hour long bike; Afternoon- 30 minute recovery run

Saturday 1:30 long run; 2200 yard long swim

Sunday Rest Day

Was able to get every workout in this week except for one swim workout (the water aerobic class met at the same time I had open on my schedule).

Had a good strong week. Can really feel the fitness building. I spend a lot less time in the higher heart zones for the same (and slightly higher) pace. Achieving a higher pace with lower energy output is the idea and I seem to bee achieving that (at least my heart rate numbers say so). As a matter of fact, looking at my heart rate numbers this week, I worried I didn’t work hard enough. Yet, I was using the same gears on the bike and running the same (and sometimes faster) pace. With 5 more weeks to go in the “base” phase, this is promising news.

On the home front, we now have a new (used) car. My wife’s car was “totaled” by the insurance company after her recent accident. Thankfully, we are getting enough in return to pay-off the original car and have a little left over. I note this because having just purchased a new home, I don’t want people to think we are on a drug-induced spending spree. At least we purchased a family sedan and not a Corvette. With my 40th birthday upcoming, people would think I’m having my mid-life crisis (as if training for Ironman doesn’t already provide a hint). We bought the car at Apple Sport Imports. When you go, ask for Cory Rutherford and tell him Karl and Jennifer Miller sent you. (Those of you who know me realize this is a big step for me to ACTUALLY recommend a car dealer. Shopping for a car is right above root canals as my favorite thing to do…and I have had a root canal.)

Looking forward to the upcoming recovery week. I can’t believe I have almost completed the first month of this 6-month program. Claude is visiting on Monday night and we look forward to having him with us. I wish all of you a great week. Keep on tri-ing!

Kia Kaha!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bacon Weekly

Sorry I've been lacking on the reports for the last couple of weeks...I took 1 week off after the tri so not much to report there, but last week was all running and started my swim training again this morning...I'll get back on track reporting soon...vacation Thurs-Mon; then San Antoinio Mon-Wed, so a busy week, but I'll keep running through vacation and swim if I find a pool

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dinos Weekly

Tues: 1 1/2 mile warm up (8:40) 2 miles @ 6:42, 1 1/2 mile cool down
Wed: 4.7 mile run at 8:50
Sun: 10 mile run at 9:15

Stuggled with some heat indecies myself.... Wow! Lost a lot of fluids at work and didnt have much left for afternoon workouts. Also had 8 baseball games in 4 days. Also had some stress over the "house hunt" that we are involved with. Stuggling a little with the workouts but todays 10 miler was "fun"..... really enjoyed a nice easy run.......

Road to Ironman Arizona (6/15-06/21/09)

Monday- Bike Power Intervals: 1:25 hours (w/ 9/20 second sprints); Swim: 350 warm up, 10x25 drills, 8x100 at moderate aerobic pace, 10x25 kick, 350 cool= 2000 yards

Tuesday- 45 minute run + 4x20 strides

Wednesday- 1 hour bike (afternoon); 40 minute run (afternoon)

Thursday- 1:15 hour bike (morning); Swim Fartlek + Sprint (afternoon): 350 warm up, 10x25 drills, 6x150 (50 build/25 descend), 10x25 kick, 350 cool down= 2100 yards

Friday- Brick workout: 1 hour bike + 20 minute run

Saturday- 50 minute run

Sunday- Rest Day (Happy Father’s Day!)

Good training week. Got all my sessions in except for yesterday’s long swim. The rec. center pool is closed for maintenance all weekend.

The legs were pretty heavy by the end of the week, but I realize that’s part of the training. This base training is getting my body used to the feeling I’ll have on race day. Still having trouble keeping my heart rate in the moderate aerobic range toward the end of a run and in brick workouts. I understand it means I just have to run more slowly, but that’s hard to do. I have, at least, kept all my workouts below LT.

Going to enjoy a nice, hot (the heat index will be around 105 today) Father’s Day scheduled rest day. My family had a car accident on Friday and thankfully, they are all OK. It was, however, yet another reminder of what is important in life. Our car may get totaled but we were still paying on it, so what’s a continued payment on a new car when your family is safe and healthy?

Have a great day All! Happy Father’s Day to the dads and remember your own fathers on this day.

Kia Kaha!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dinos Weekly

Mon: 1 mile warm up @ 8:00
3 x 1200 at 5K pace (6:00)
400 jog in between
4 miles total run
Wed: 1 mile warm up @ 8:30
1 mile @ 7:05
1 mile @ 9:00
1 mile @ 6:40
1 mile cool down @ 9:30
Thur: 3 mile Hills @ 9:00 pace
Fri: 1 @ 8:30
1 @ 8:05
1 @ 7:45
1 @ 7:30
Sat: 30 mile bike ride (Hills) 16mph

Had a good speed week, was rather sore for most of week. Blew alot of gains by eating myself into a frenzy Sat night cookout and a b-day celebration on Sunday of a relative. Took Sunday and Monday off...... Had to go to court again reference my oldest son.... He did so good over the past 2 weeks and the judge still is slamming him with house arrest... Im feeling a little guilty over that..... thought he would regain some of his liberties back..... I guess he deserved it in the first place with his behavior.... still feeling a little sorry for him. (hes pissed!) oh well, he will try again in 2 weeks......

Google takes its map cam for a spin on biking, hiking trails -

Someone thought you might be interested in the following story on

Google takes its map cam for a spin on biking, hiking trails

To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bacon Weekly

Mon-Fri- Taper week, easy runs, rides and swims

Sat-Lakewood Valley Sprint Triathlon

Men, this is the most difficult race report I've had to write since you guys welcomed me to your blog. Roughly 10 minutes into the swim, I panicked and pulled myself from the race. Yesterday was quite difficult on me and only guys like you and my family who have read and experienced my journey can fully appreciate the disappointment I had yesterday while riding the boat in behind the last swimmers to come out of the water some 31 minutes after I pulled myself. I am now jokingly calling it the "ride of shame" to the boat dock. The expereinces of open water swimming, that could only be experienced by competiting, were quite humbling and to be held in high regard for anyone who completes ANY distance in triathlete swimming. After hitting the dock and seeing my family visible upset, I shed a few tears when I hit the dock and walked over to greet them all. A neighbor friend of mine approached and encouraged me to gate the swim and finish the other legs and he promised I would feel better than sitting on the sidelines. I agreed and made my way to the first tranistion mounted my bike and headed out, after the ride, I parked again and finished the run...both distances were without the spirit of competition; however times to consider what I could learn from this, my mistakes, and next steps. Yesterday, I had no actual plans of doing this again...I had considered at one point that maybe I should just stick with running and biking...carrying those thoughts forward made me feel worse I think. I can talk about all my mistakes later...What did I learn and what good could possibly come out of this? I had the opportunity to talk about failure and disappointment with my daughter, it gave my wife the opportunity to help her obviously hurting husband, and after some time to be disappointed, it made me want it even more. The major mistake I made was not staying around for the awards ceremony and congrtaulating the others in my swim class. I was most disappointted for not doing that yesterday. I was more concerned about me than I was for my fellow racer...I'll have to deal with that one, but again helped me learn that this ride we are all on, while an individual sport, is not only about me/ fact, at church this morning I fully understood who this is about. Today was a much better day with a brighter outlook, so this morning, I pulled up and made notes of any race in KY,TN, or IN that I could try this again. I'll join my local YMCA and keep swim training as long as it takes. I will do this and more....I will do as many races as it takes to overcome the obstacles in my way. I encourage you to do the same...whatever it is for you, don't give up...keep moving and keep pushing. Failure is just an's not my life or your's just an event and it's passed now, over...tomorrow's a new, I'll get back to enjoying the celebration cake and ice cream that my family had waiting for me on my return...I'm going to have a piece or two each night until it's gone; then back to the training and the next opportunity to succeed. Thanks again for the opportunity to share my success and failures.

5 Tips For the Mental Game

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:50 PM
Subject: 5 Tips For the Mental Game

How can you develop better mental skills?

1) Being aware of the chatter in your head is a good start. The voice inside your head is either your best friend or worst enemy. Would you keep some one in your life that follows you every ware you go and tells you that you are doing bad, screwing up and constantly brings you down? Probably not. So why would you talk to your self that way?
You have the choice to be your own best friend.
Think what you want about Kanye West but he once said the key to his success is that he is his own number one fan. Why not be your own number one fan?

2) Focus on what you want. This may sound simple but many fail to see how they are sabotaging themselves in regards to this. You want to be a better runner than you need to focus on being a better runner.
Take this goal and then break it into actions. Every action you take in life either gets you closer or further from your goals.
You decide to run, this takes you closer to your goal. You decide to stuff you self with fast food, this takes you further from your goals.
The chatter in your head is key here too. If you say to your self, "I don't want to be a slow runner." You are setting your self up for a struggle as you are focusing on slow running. In this case your mind only sees the slow running aspect.
You need to focus on what you want. An effective phrase to say to yourself would be, "I want to run fast"

3) Ask your self useful questions. This is a way to direct your focus in a useful way. Asking your self, "why am I slow on the bike" is a dis-empowering strategy as your mind will then start to come up with excuses supporting why your a slow on the bike.
Switch your focus ask your self, "how can I get faster on the bike." From this question you will begin to think proactive and develop empowering ideas to back what you desire.

4) Focus on what you can control. Focusing on the weather and the race course conditions are two elements that are out of your control. Focus on what you can control. You can control your nutrition, technique and training for example.
Striving to do your best in the elements you control will enable you to perform better. Focusing on the outside elements like weather puts focus away from you and is dis-empowering. You will focus on how hot or how cold it is and then loose concentration on the important task at hand, which you can control.

5) Believe. You must believe through and through you can achieve your goals. As Morphious said to Neo in the Matrix, "Don't think you are, know you are." The path may not always seem clear on your journey but as long as you keep taking action to your goals you can get there.
Your beliefs are every thing. You learned to walk largely because you had the belief that you could walk instilled in you from others. You are older now and can instill your own beliefs. Why not instill beliefs that empower you?

Remember this no one ever accomplished any thing by quitting. High achievers stick with it through and get it done. If you stick with it you are bound to succeed.
Peace & Love, Kerry
PS Here are the results that one athlete of mine has had with these 5 tips. She credits me but, these 5 tips put it in motion.
"I have learned to love road biking, have learned so much about my own capabilities and I have learned that a little help from Kerry is all it took. Kerry is a kind and compassionate person who also believes in hard work. He will help you set realistic goals, explore your own interests in health and fitness, and help you build new strengths in cardio and weight training exercises. With the ability to design workouts centered around my personal goals, each new workout is fun and exciting for me! Kerry has helped me improve my self-image and continues to be a pillar of strength and models that strength and dedication which in turn motivates me every day " A. Prator-Manor

1525 34th ave North, st. petersburg, FL 33704, USA

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Road to Ironman Arizona (6/08-6/14/09)

Monday 1:20 bike with 8x20 second sprints

Tuesday 45 minute run + 2x20 second strides

Wednesday Brick: 1 hour bike + 20 minute run

Thursday Off (Travel from Dallas)

Friday 2:30 bike

Saturday 1:20 run (plus loading and unloading a U-Haul in 100 degree heat)

Sunday Rest Day

I was supposed to train over 10 hours this week but was only able to get in 7:18 hours. The move to the new house and a work trip to Dallas mid-week were obstacles, as is the fact my swimming pool membership ended and I’m still looking for a place to swim. I hope to have that remedied by the end of today.

That said, the first week of training was OK. Outside of not getting it all in, the work I did do went well. I have to admit to some soreness on Thursday, but I also noticed that my run intensity at the same heart rate zone has gone up. That bodes well for this first 8 weeks of base training.

We are in our new home and just love it. It’s nice to have a place that is REALLY yours and for the first time in 3 years, I finally feel at home. We have a lot of boxes to get through before we have it as we want it, but that will come. I have a running trail that begins just outside our cul-de-sac and have easy access to great cycling. Now if I can just get my pool situation figured out.

It’s been 99-100 degrees in Austin starting last week and going straight through the next week. Heat indices are well over 100 (105-109). That means getting up early to get the workouts in and spending afternoons at the community pool whenever possible.

Men, I hope all of you are finding some peace in the issues you’ve been dealing with over the past weeks and months. Please know you can call me ANYTIME if I can be of help or just offer an ear.

Kia Kaha!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bacon Weekly

Mon- 1 hour cycling- 5X1 minute all out pace...4 minutes rest
Tues- Morning-45 run HR zones 1&2 Afternoon- swimming- 400 warm up; then 800 meters, 20 sec rest between each 200
Wed- 30 min cycling- small ring spinner
Thurs- swimming- 1200 meters worth of pain
Fri- OFF
Sat- Brick- 1 hour cycling, 30 mins in HR zone 1; then 30 mins in HR 4 and 5a; followed by 30 minute run; 15 mins in HR1&2 then 15 minutes in HR zones 4 and 5a
Sun- 20 mile Yewell Hike and Bike Trek for St. Josephs Peace Mission for Children...this was the ride where I got caught in the hurricane last year...great ride averaged 19.1 mph and mostly in the small chain ring which the training program called for; however went big ring a few times and hammered down.

This is the taper week leading to my race on nervous but have put in the work, so I feel strong in ability to finish just short on experince, but that will come I know...have practiced my transistions and rode and ran my brick yesterday in no socks and had no problems...laced my shoes with Yankz today and they work really great...

On the personal notes for us looks as if we're all expereincing something different and difficult for each..without addressing each situation, but as you all know.... nothing worthwhile is easy...I believe God places these obstacles in our way based on the needs and experiences will have/need in the future or what he is prearing us to do in service....everyone keep your head high and remember we have each other, loved ones, and God that will watch over us. We must continue to do things that make him happy however...we're already treating the body like a temple with our exercise so I know he's happy about that:)

Keep moving forward, Claude

Dinos Weekly

Mon: 4 miles @ 8:28 pace
Wed: 2 miles @ 9:11 pace
Sun: 4 miles @ 8:35 pace

A really poor week for the past 2 weeks... way too much stress and drama in my life right now. However, got the issues straight with my oldest son. He has been much better this week...(basically because if not he would be in contempt of court and get locked down - so he has no other choices at this point) Had to do it... and feel better that it is being done. He will have strict rules set by the judge until he reaches age 18 (and subject to drug testing). My work has pulled me heavily this week. GM goes through bankruptcy and I pull a 55 hour work week. Overtime & saturday. Dont make any damn sense. I really need a new job. This one is beginning to really hurt body parts. Back, neck, feet, legs...... All of which I really need to be an endurance athlete. Also am in the house market for Me, my girl and families. The location is more important than the home. She works in Louisville, I work in E-town and our kids go to school in Breckinridge Co. Go figure that drama out! Her son wants to move in with his biological dad, My kids are fond of Breckinridge, and Mel and I want to live downtown louisville.......the indecisiveness is killing us. So there you have it my friends. Drama! Kids, work, Moving, new job search, etc.... But, Exercise does maintain the stress levels, therefore, this week I have decided to get back to my running. Im going to defend my 35-39 age group championship at Rough River on July 11th (a 5K race) So Im going to train for a fast 5K over the next month. Then Im eyeballing another full marathon in the fall (Indianapolis area) Road trip! Give me something to train for and in the meantime..... hopefully take the edge off some stressors. "Give it Hell men!" ....... Better the I AM!

Road to Ironman Arizona (6/1-6/7/09)

Monday – Sunday Off

The next Ironman training program begins tomorrow, so I took the past week off. It was both a physical and mental break.

While I certainly don’t want to pretend to understand the stress being felt by several of you over the issues affecting your personal lives right now (I spoke to at least three of you this week who are going through stressful situations), Jennifer and I have had quite a rough ride buying our new home. I won’t go into all the details, but suffice it to say that the economic downturn and the banks who caused this whole mess have stuck it to us in a hard way. It looks like we’ll still get our home, but I can assure you it’s going to cost us in ways we had not planned. They have turned an event that should be one of the happier ones in a person’s life into a daily nightmare.

So…with that on my mind, a 3-day trip to Dallas this week, and then moving into our new home next weekend (hopefully), I go into my first week of the new training program. It’s sure not ideal and I already know it’s going to affect how many sessions I can get in this week. Nothing I hate more than getting behind on my training. It’s all about consistency in this sport and I’ll be behind the 8-ball from the first week.

Oh, well. Guess this is the life of the average age grouper. I know it will get better…eventually.

All my best to you all. Hang in there with whatever you’re facing right now. Remember that nothing has a better effect on stress and mood than exercise. Even if you can’t go as far as you want or as long as you want, at least go. You’ll feel better for doing so.

Kia Kaha!

Stop, Stretch and Smell the Roses by Roman Mica

An important reminder to all of us average age groupers.