Monday – Sunday Off
The next Ironman training program begins tomorrow, so I took the past week off. It was both a physical and mental break.
While I certainly don’t want to pretend to understand the stress being felt by several of you over the issues affecting your personal lives right now (I spoke to at least three of you this week who are going through stressful situations), Jennifer and I have had quite a rough ride buying our new home. I won’t go into all the details, but suffice it to say that the economic downturn and the banks who caused this whole mess have stuck it to us in a hard way. It looks like we’ll still get our home, but I can assure you it’s going to cost us in ways we had not planned. They have turned an event that should be one of the happier ones in a person’s life into a daily nightmare.
So…with that on my mind, a 3-day trip to Dallas this week, and then moving into our new home next weekend (hopefully), I go into my first week of the new training program. It’s sure not ideal and I already know it’s going to affect how many sessions I can get in this week. Nothing I hate more than getting behind on my training. It’s all about consistency in this sport and I’ll be behind the 8-ball from the first week.
Oh, well. Guess this is the life of the average age grouper. I know it will get better…eventually.
All my best to you all. Hang in there with whatever you’re facing right now. Remember that nothing has a better effect on stress and mood than exercise. Even if you can’t go as far as you want or as long as you want, at least go. You’ll feel better for doing so.
Kia Kaha!
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