Monday, December 27, 2010
Day 1, Week 1 of 18
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Karl's Post Christmas Post
Fri 1 hour Christmas Eve day brick workout
Saturday Christmas
Sunday Post Christmas "hangover"
What a wonderful week! Got my work desk cleaned off (mostly), got through all my 2009 emails (yes, I still have 2010 to get through (this week, with any luck)), and we arrived safely and with good health at Christmas.
From the looks of the candy and toy hurricane that went through our house, we obviously had a great day. The fact it's almost 10am and most of the family is still sleeping is also proof of yesterday's EARLY beginning and late ending.
I hope all of you had a wonderful and safe Christmas celebration with family and friends. Enjoy the next week with your new "toys" (I got a book and a Kindle with a gift card, so I'll be doing lots of reading), celebrate the ending of another great year, and begin preparing for 2011 and all the unknown a new year brings.
Kia Kaha!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Weekly Update- Karl
Saturday 1 hour bike trainer session
Sunday 30 minute run
Still doing a little bit of core work every night. I can feel the difference in my physical endurance. Look forward to building my aerobic endurace again and combining with increased physical strength. Should make a big difference in 2011.
My allergies are still kicking but they didn't knock me out this week. I was able to get a nice bike trainer session in yesterday and did a short 30 minute run to test the legs. Felt GREAT! Could have gone longer but thought it best to take it easy given I hadn't run in over two weeks.
Gotta take the wife's car for an oil change this morning and I have four days of work this week before getting a week off for Christmas and New Year. Looking forward to the time off. I have some plans for the break but I'll keep those secret for now. Looking at making some changes in 2011. More to come...
Kia Kaha!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Checking In
First, very proud of all of you. I continue to find a tremendous amount of inspiration and comfort from all of the updates. Dino, I think you will absolutely love the NYC marathon, I hope you get in. Keep it up and continue fighting. Bacon, you are just a machine, you are as happy and fulfilled as I have every seen you during our friendship. I find a tremendous amount of strength from that, keep it up brother. Karl, You are the ring leader to this band of misfits. Your tweets and links are an important part of my research. I can not begin to tell you what an asset you have been. Also, your perspective on work, family, health, and life in general are the things that keep me focused on the prize.
As for me, classes at Lindsey have ended and I have a nice break until my own classes begin again. I have planned an intense 8 week training program. Different from things I have done in the past. Hopefully there will be some changes in performance. The details will be revealed later.
L3-Live, Learn, and Lead.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Weekly Update
Friday Off
Saturday 1 hour bike trainer workout
Sunday Off
Started feeling allergies getting the best of me this week. Did a one-hour bike trainer session yesterday and it beat me up. I went out for breakfast with the family and then came home to lie on the couch all day.
Felt much better today but decided to take the day off running and not test it. Took the family to the local county park for a little tennis, so I did get a little exercise in. :)
Make it a great week!
Kia Kaha!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
For Thought
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Bacon Weekly- Holiday Hustle 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Weekly Update
Sat. 1 HR bike trainer session
Sun. 1 HR bike/run brick; neighborhood bike ride w Karlie
Congrats to Claude and Mark on their 5k and half marathon runs, respectively. Kudos to Chris on his PhD finals.
Make it a great week!
Kia Kaha!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Study: Sports Beverage With Half Carbs, Fewer Calories Boosts Endurance | The University of Texas at Austin
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Cool triathlon training program
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Bacon Weekly- Thanksgiving
Tues- Arms and back, core
Wed- chest and triceps, core
Thur- off
Fri- off
Sun- 3 miles at 7:45 avg
Had a great workout week and even better Thanksgiving with family and fun for all. Crammed all my strnegth workouts in the beginning of the week so I could chill for a few days. Lots of deer hunting and spanked a bunch of ducks graced my time off. I can guarentee that the tromp throught the swamp was in fact a workout....sweat city! Most important, Samantha had a good recovery week withh her foot and was finally able to get upright and walk in the boot. Her pain is getting better too...really proud of her...she has complained minimally and took the pain like a champ...she would be a great triathlete..... The strength training is coming along very nice and the program is paying off...I;m seeing some significant gains in weight and strength, although some of the weight is from holiday treats too.....big decision has been original plan was to do the 1/2 ironman in Orlando, but after much deliberation, I;ve decided to do the 1/2 in Austin in October.....the later race gives me plenty of ramp up time after strength training this fall and lets me take my time and enjoy the spring and summer races too and end the season with my A hope is the other TTT will consider this race as well and we can make it a big TTT event....We'll discuss more about this event soon
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thanksgiving Week Update
Thursday 1 hour bike trainer session
Friday Off
Saturday 1:15 bike trainer session
Sunday 1 hour run (negative split)
Had a nice Thanksgiving week. Jenn worked a half-day on Thanksgiving, so I hung out with the kids until Jenn returned for a terrific feast and Thanksgiving night.
We got our Christmas tree up (always a fun family event), enjoyed a walk and bike ride at the local park, went to a Texas Stars hockey game, watched A&M spank the UT hockey club, and Jenn and I gave each other an early Christmas gift: we furnished and decorated our home office. One more room complete. Heck, at this pace, we should have the house fully furnished by the time we retire. :)
Sounds like Schmidt Dog had a safe trip to NYC; Ashley had a trip to the other UT (Knoxville); Bighead wasn't cold enough in Ypsilanti so he went further north in Michigan, and Claude took care of Samantha all weekend. Oh, and Mark now has a pool, hot tub, and complete backyard party palace. Life's good at Microsoft! Sounds like the next TTT trip needs to be to Dallas!
Continue giving thanks for our blessings!
Kia Kaha!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Make it a GREAT day!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Bicycle Dreams - Trailer
3000 miles in 10 days!!!
"They are seekers, madmen, and angels hell-bent on riding across America on a bicycle in less than ten days. But what begins as the adventure of a lifetime is transformed in an instant when tragedy strikes the race. These voyagers discover what is truly at stake as they pedal on, praying for the deliverance only the finish line can bring. By journey's end, some are saved, others are lost, but all learn that the fuel that takes a soul toward its own true destiny is desire."
Monday, November 22, 2010
YouTube - DJ Steve Porter - "Press Hop" featuring A. Iverson featuring Mora, Green, Namath, Gundy & T O
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Bacon Weekly
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Hood to Coast Contest: Best Race Ever
Whether you ran through the wilderness or along a major highway, in a crowd of five or 50,000 rabid racers, Runner's World and Hood To Coast: The Movie want to hear the story of YOUR favorite race.
And if you tell it well enough, you just might get the chance to win a trip for two to Portland, where you and a friend can see the world premiere of Hood To Coast: The Movie in VIP style. Hood To Coast: The Movie, a feature-length documentary about the world's largest relay race, will be celebrating adventure racing everywhere with a special, one-night only screening in movie theaters across the country on 01-11-11. Now we want to hear about your biggest running adventure!,7120,s6-239-429-561-13753-0,00.html
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Karl's Weekly Update
Saturday 1 hour bike trainer session
Sunday 1 hour run with my new kicks
Sorry for not posting last week. No excuse other than I let the weekend and subsequent week get away from me. The weather is great and the family and I have been pretty active the last few weekends...not that we ever sit still for long.
I can't believe that a year ago this week Mark and I were only a week away from IMAZ. I send best wishes to all those triathletes, especially the first time IM distance racers, participating in next week's race. I know how those nerves must be churning right now. Trust in your training and have fun. Those 9-17 hours will go by in a flash!
As I think that my year hiatus is about to pass, thoughts of what 2011 might bring start filling my head. I already have the MS 150 on the calendar (a 2-day bike ride from Houston to Austin in support of Multiple Sclerosis research) but beyond that it's yet to be seen. I have to get past my February conference before I can think of devoting greater time and energy to new goals. There is also a lot of worry and paranoia about what kind of news the New Year will bring at work. The legislature comes back and already the newspapers are discussing potential cuts of up to 25% or more in highered in Texas. I can tell you that would be devastating to us. Definite motivation to get out and work off some stress through a long run or bike ride. Oh, well, can't worry about what is yet to pass. The Cowboys win last night is evidence miracles can happen.
You will notice I'm posting more endurance sports-related articles throughout the week. I hope you'll take time to peruse them. Great information in the ones I post. Trying to stay with the most relevant and interesting articles so as not to waster your time.
I'll end by sharing the story that our daughter learned to ride her bike without training wheels this weekend...all by herself. The first thing she said to me was, "Now I can do triathlons, Daddy!" Putting aside the fact she can't swim, you can imagine how proud that made me.
Kia Kaha!
Sprinting for the line
With 4-5 weeks left I am concentrating all my energy on 9 research papers, a culminating performance presentation, a final research stats homework assignment, and wrapping up two practicums with a detailed report. Add in some administrative forms for my committee and I have a load with several weeks left.
The thing is I can feel myself getting fired up for the push, while I have wiggle room, I don't want it. Instead I want to complete all of this before Christmas so that I can sit back and relax with my family. That is my victory prize, that is my winning time, my podium finish. We all have races to run, and we all have finish lines. It is so important to follow our race plan, make adjustments when necessary, and sprint for victory when the time is right.
Look out boys, the Big Dog is close to starting his sprint.
Be well brothers!!
L3-Live, Learn, and Lead
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Check out this site I found on StumbleUpon!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Bacon Weekly
Tues- 3 miles @ 29 mins
Wed- off
Thurs-Arms, back, abs
Fri- chest,triceps, abs
Sat- off
Sun- 4 miles @ 35 mins
Sorry I missed my reporting last week...crazy week with travel, plus had a MONSTER ear ache and really slowed me down. Ear ache gone now and feeling good. Strength training this week was excellent and since ear problems, no swim on Tuesday but replaced it with a run and some cotton in my ear! Training is going nice as my weeks have progressed I;m in the 2nd stage where I've raised my % to 61% of 1 rep max at 16 reps. I started focusing on running fast this week as I'm going for another 5k podium finish at the Jingle Bell run in's my only first place race and I'd like to think I can defend my crown! Problem is....about 7 extra pounds already...increased protein,some extra muscle (hopefully), and a few extra treats have helped it on the belly....I can do it and will work hard to make sure the weather is terrible and all competition stays home! Stay thirsty my friends.....
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Obesity is contagious among friends, study suggests -
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Weekly Uodate
Thu-Fri Off
Saturday 1 hr bike trainer session
Sunday 1 hour run
Enjoyed a chill day today. Helped vacuum the house, caught up on emails and Twitter posts, caught up on back issues of Triathlete magazine, and helped Karlie dispose of some of her Halloween candy.
Signed up for the Houston to Austin MS 150 bike ride. Trying to raise a minimum of $1000. Please share my FB Fundraising posts with your family and friends. Fundraising deadline is March with the ride in April.
Make it a great week! Kia Kaha!
Monday: Swim 1250 yards
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A Training Day With Mirinda Carfrae | CompetitorTV
Monday, October 25, 2010
Dinos weekly (s)
Mon: 4 mile recovery run @ 8:30 pace
Tue: biking about 15-20 miles and core
Wed: 6 mile tempo run avg. @ 8:15 pace
Thr: a little bike trainer and core
Fri: 10 mile run at 8:40 pace
Sat: total rest
Sun: 12 mile run at 8:20 - 8:30 pace
Getting about 32 miles of running at around 40 on the bike. Routines are getting a little repetitive, however, still love the run... makes me feel the best. Mixing in some core also. On a personal flow, took kids bowling to SC&S sports bar on 4th street live and let them explore downtown during the daytime... We also took them to watch UL defeat UCONN at Papa Johns stadium... Also, Jaque got to do some horseback riding in breck county... We've stayed busy, however, enjoying life a bit rather than working my life away. Also, Saturday nite, I attended an event like non other. We frequent a little Cafe on 3d street. Good drinks and good eats, they just have a lot of homosexual customers. Well, they also donate money to the hospus care for Aids victims. So, they have an annual "Drag Queen" pagent and auction to raise monies.... Yes, Dino attended his very first "Drag Queen" Festival.... Damn Crazy and down right hilarious....
Still looking for next year an event we can all attend....Garbaky sounds like a good time for all.... I think we should all consider this!
later, Dino
NYTimes: Distance Runners Are a Paradox for Insurers
Distance Runners Are a Paradox for Insurers
A high rate of injury makes marathon runners a problematic subset for insurers to cover.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Bacon Weekly
Tues- 2 mile run
Thurs-Shoulders,legs, abs
Fri- Arms,back,abs
Sun- Chest-tri, abs
Missed posting the previous week, but was the same strength week as above. I;m in my 3rd week of strength training and really enjoying it. Something different is good at this time. On a scary note,now ok though....I had my annual physical exam a few weeks ago and all appeared good until my blood exam which yielded some extremly high liver enzyme counts...your SLTs and ALTs....these reading determine if you liver is functioning properly...normal ranges for both are of mine was 166 and one 347....the nurse didn't sound so hot on these numbers on the phone and asked questions and provided info that was quite alarming.... so after my travel to San Antonio we tested again....lots of in between story here, but to say, on 2nd test they had lowered a great deal....we believe to have pinpointed the culprit that was Advil I know understand, anti inflams are extremly hard on the liver. Do your own research on this please, but this stuff (any NSAID) is not meant to be the everyday or even every week answer. She told me to stick to Tylenol. Last week was a tough week as I waited to test again and get the new results...gave me an additional appreciation for a healthy body I continue to strive to achieve and a new perspective to reaching too quickly for meds. On your annual check-up, ask your doc what's right for you or do some of your own research on these everyday medications we assume are ok because they sit front and center on the shelf....
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Weekly Update
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Obesity costs U.S. $168 billion, study finds -
Sunday, October 17, 2010
God blessed this years cyclists with some of the most beautiful weather for GABRAKY. Crystal blue skys, temps in the mid 80's, and no wind awaited everyone. That did not stop the early morning cool crisp temps from making many of the cyclists including myself bundle up for the first hour or so. Compared to last years cold freezing rain and frigid temps this was picture perfect.
Day 1: TM:3:39:43/DST:61.47/AVG:16.7
Day2: TM:6:20:44/DST:100.11/AVG:15.7
Day3: TM:4:34:20/DST:75.19/AVG:15.7
Total: 236.77 miles
It goes without saying that the ride was awesome. As is the case every year it was the friendships made along the route that made the ride so enjoyable and memorable. GABRAKY continues to register between 40-60 people every year so you get to actually meet every cyclists. This year I had the pleasure of riding most of the event with three other gentlmen, Ted from Louisville, Neal from Detroit, and Jeff from Dallas. We hit it off and all had equal riding ability, so it made for great company. It made me think of my TTT brothers, infact that is how Neal and Jeff were on the ride. They are friends that no longer live in the same geographic location and choose an event each year to come togther. I am convinced that GABRAKY is the event for my TTT brothers. It has everything we are looking for. Hanging out each night with riders and sharing stories is the highlight for me. The sag stops are filled with stories of chasing dogs, and homemade remedys to avoid cramping and muscle fatigue. Laughter is easily found on this trip.
Hanging out in downtown Frankfort after day one is always a highlight, but I especially appreciate the day two sag stop at the Four Roses distillery; that's because Angela and Charlie share their homemade muffins, and special chex mix bags with all the cyclists. This is the best cycling food ever. The lunch stop in Perryville is the strangest stop but the one I look forward to the most. It's a simple country gas station, but these people love us and the kitchen is open for business. I have never seen so many fit people eat so poorly. It's just so good you cant say no. By the way, the homemade coconut custard pie was delicious.
I missed it this year, but I was told that the dinner at Camp Acton prepared by the church ladies was the best to date. Lasagna, salad, desserts, and more. I saw a lot of smiles the next morning so it must have been great. Now I'm used to it but everyone loves the day three lunch break at LWC, and I don't think this year was any different. After our meal we always take a large group photo with the Begley Chapel as the backdrop. The meal was so good, one young man asked me if he could go back for more food before he started the final leg of the journey.
If your wondering, yes we did ride when we were not eating our fellowshiping. A few of us added a few miles to some of the days, especially day 2 so that we could say we completed a century. As far as difficulty, Phil the ride chair who is a tremendous event organizer provides data pertaining to the course descriptions. Whoever he got the elevation grade information from lied. We climbed and climbed, rolled and rolled, mile after mile. There was alot of cramping and soreness going on. I appreciate Margo from JAMIS bikes for encouraging me up the last hill in to the park. The great news is I will do this ride again next year, because the course layout, scenery, organization, and especially the people truly make it a GRAND event. I am challenging you boys to make it to Kentucky next year for this ride.
The second half of my adventure started less than four hours after I got home from GABRAKY. I showered and started packing for my NYC service trip to Gods Love We Deliver. There were 34 LWC students and staffers along for the trip and we departed campus at 11pm. We loaded up the charter bus and headed out. I do not recommend riding over 235 miles and then sitting on a bus for 14 hours. My legs hated me all week while I was in NYC, going from riding muscles to walking muscles is a terrible transition. The great news is we completed four days of service and prepared and delivered thousands of meals to elderly, terminally sick, and others throughout the five boroughs. LWC and GLWD have a fantastic relationship and we are proud to partner with them. Our afternoons were filled with walking excursions all around the city. I even managed a 40 minute run along the Hudson River. By Thursday evening we were back on the bus and into Columbia by Friday afternoon. I turned right around and was in doc classes in BG all day Saturday followed by my wife's 15year HS reunion that evening. So I dedicated today, Sunday to my family since we have not all been together in almost two weeks. We went to church, headed to the lake for some kayaking, then a nice home cooked meal and just simply hanging out. Wow, what and adventure.
So ends my year. No more big events, no more focus on training. Now is Doctorate time; time to get focused and make the push to the end of December with all my work and research. All exercise now will just be fill in until then. I know this has been long top read but it was healthy to get it out and share it with you. Be well friends.
L3-Live, Learn, and Lead
Wednesday, October 13, 2010» Chris McCormack To Be Featured On Wheaties Box –
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Weekly Update
Saturday 1:30 bike ride; fast pace
Sunday off
Enjoyed watching the last hour of the IM World Championship on Saturday.
We celebrated our children's good grades by taking them out to eat and bowling on Sunday.
This weekend is Jenn's 40th and I have several surprises planned.
Kia Kaha!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Bacon Weekly- Fall Strength Begins
Tues- 1350 meters, mix of drills and FS,BS,BS
Wed- Arms and Back, core
Thurs- off
Fri- Chest and Triceps, core
Sat- sick
Sun- sick
This was the beginning of my fall strength program that I wrote based on a book I read and a few internet resources. Basically, a 5 day per week program with an optional 6th day if I feel froggy. 3 days in the gym, 1 swim, and alternating bike/run each weeks for 16 weeks. The first 8 weeks are to build muscle endurance, high reps low weight....Right now, I;m doing 55% of my 1 rep max, 3 sets, 20 reps each set....brutal really...the third set is a real challenge; the next 4 weeks are muscle size weeks, increased weight, fewer reps; then finally 4 weeks for muscle strength, even higher weight and fewer reps (85% of 1 rep max, 3 sets, 3 reps). Interestingly enough, the muscle size weeks aren't for glamour....the book stipulates that muscles must be a certain size in order to accomodate addtional strength and is why it sits where it sits in the program. All that said, I caould barely walk, lift my arms, or other body parts this was brutal...also got sick towards the weekend and spent it resting in bed....ready for week # 2; then have some major travel for last 2 weeks of is nice, but no rain has everyones allergies reaking havok....
Saturday, October 9, 2010
@KonaWatchParty, 10/9/10 7:05 AM
10/9/10 7:05 AM 4.5 hrs until the Pro Start....Can you feel it?!?! #KonaWP |
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Weekly Update
Tue 40 min bike workout
Wed-Fri Core and upper body
Sat 1:15 bike workout
Sun 1:15 run
After the shooter lock down at school last week, I gave thanks for my life while grieving where we (society) went wrong in the young student's life who took his own. How many other students are in that kind of pain, that living hell?
Depression and mental illness run in my family. I've seen what it can make good people say and do. Exercise has been an outlet for me, but it's been the unconditional love and understanding and forgiveness of my wife, kids, other family and friends that really make the difference.
Make time for your family and listen to them. It can make all the difference.
Kia Kaha!
Swim fast to get faster- 3 sets
Monday, October 4, 2010
Dinos Weekly
Sat: 4.5 miles @ 8:00
Another tough week: Mom finaly got well enough to be discharged from hospital. (doing better, but still not 100 percent). Spent lots of time with her and dad this week...good visits. Also had the weekend off, so I went and got my kids to spend some family time with them. Enjoyed the St. James Art Show this weekend. Pretty awesome display of various arts from around the world. 28 countries represented and about 200,000 visitors to my neighborhood. Mel volunteered parking cars for our neighborhood ascoiation to make a little money for the community. Nice cultural expierence... lovin the ville!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Schmidt Weekly
This is a big weekend coming up, kind of my final big cycling event to close out 2010 beside regular rides. GABRAKY is Fri-Sun, so I will head up to Carrolton on Thursday night. 225 miles in three days. I feel great, not worried at all, it is a great event with great people. I will be tweeting updates all along the route. Someday I am going to get my TTT brothers on this ride.
Sunday: Bike- TM:1:00:20/DST:17.82/AVG:17.7
Monday: HWC: Indoor run (2 miles), Crossfit, Swim: 750 yds.
Tuesday: Bike- TM:1:14:48/DST:17.25/AVG:13.8
Wednesday: Bike- TM:1:58:10/DST:28.6/AVG:14.9. Swim (HWC): 500 yds.
Thursday: Off
Friday: Off
Saturday: 38 minute run outside in BG
L3-Live, Learn and Lead
Most Americans don't get daily exercise, survey finds -
Bacon Weekly
Sunday- 5 miles at 47:52
Easy week to report....several travel days derailed my swim training...Cincinatti was COLD so our outdoor pool was out of service, so no dice there....long selling days did give me plenty of walking though. Returning home was filled was typical life stuff that didn;t make room for training. Today's run was about 59 degrees and cloudy and very much reminded me on the many days of marathon training last you remember 75% of that program was winter training for me so I am accustomed and rather enjoy the brisk temps....actaully I can't wait for the dark, bitter cold 25 degree mornings again...something eurphoric about the cold and lungs...I like me a freak..... I finished writing my strength program last week and that training begins in the morning...just took my measurements so I can track my progress. Samantha just found out last week that an ailing foot will require's been a long term injury for her and we finally decided to get it squared away...likely sugery in November and 6 weeks of no driving means I'll need to step up. It will be tough for her to balance it all with the holidays, but as my mom often says " if it don't eat you, it will make you stronger". She'll be in a boot and able to walk the entire time but no driving for the 6 weeks; then another 3-5 months of recovery before she will be able to run again, but she/we know it's better to sqaure it away now so she can resume her fitness lifestyle in the Spring....short term loss...long term gain.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Endurance and the Body and Mind: General George S. Patton via @claudebacon
You've got to drive the body to the last inch of energy, and then go on. You gain nothing by just going up to where you are exhausted.
The body will only build and grow to fit the demands which the mind makes. If all you do is exercise until the body is tired, the body will get lazy and stop a bit shorter every time.
You have to go to the point of exhaustion and go on. That way, the body will figure out, "We've got to build up more body strength if that crazy mind is going to drive this hard."
If you always quit when you are merely tire, you will not gain. Once you let the body tell the mind when to quit, you are whipped for sure. You cannot gain listening to the body.
We can become stronger. We only use about half the available strength of our bodies and less than that of our minds!
We can always take one more step! When we are on the attack, we can always go one more mile.
--General George S. Patton, Jr
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Dinos Weekly
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Bacon Weekly
Tues- 1050 meter swim- FS and drills
Wed- off
Thurs-4 miles- slow pace
Sat- 4 miles at 8:30 avg
Sun- off
Runs and a swim made up this week while still enjoying the weather...haven't found the motivation for the bike at the are just more enjoyable right now and the swim at lunch is easy cause no early mornings.... I did find time this week to get close to a finish on my strength program...also did some research on where to stay in Orlando for the 70.3 and the best rates....always trying to save a buck! Travel this week to Cincy, so will get a run and maybe a swim in if not too cole...outdoor pool at our hotel!
Weekly Update
Saturday 1 hour on bike trainer. 30 minutes of big gear work
Sunday 1 hour run
Some great visits at work and we unveiled the college's first-ever mascot, EDDIE. This was initiated by our office and led by my staff and a group of student leaders.
Enjoyed the Interbike photos from ScmidtDog.
Make it a great week!
Kia Kaha!
Sent from mobile
Karl Miller
LinkedIn:Karl Miller Lugo
Facebook:Karl Miller Lugo
A little time off
The bike show was fantastic as always, there is more bike porn, and bike/tri related material then you can begin to imagine. It is really sick what is available in the industry. I made some great contacts, especially with a wheel company, and continued to grow the strong relationship with Aerocat bikes. I may be getting set up on one of their TT bike for the spring. Two suggestions, we all need to take a trip out to Vegas just to get away and chill, and we must get you all to Interbike.
CosssVeags is the kickoff of the Cyclocross season, all the pro men and women lining up to start off the season. I love being around professional athletes and seeing how physically fit and focused they are. When they line up to race, it is a day a the office for most of them. These folks put in some serious work. A former LWC athlete Tim Johnson is the reining National Champion. It is so cool to have a great friend that allows you on the inside of the racing scene. Hanging out at the trailer, getting to know his teammates, and getting the inside scoop on other teams and individuals is a pretty cool experience. Please check out Tim and his teammates at and also at just click on the link for cyclocross news. Teammates Tim Johnson, Jeremy Powers, and Jamie Driscoll simply kick ass week in and week out, follow them on twitter as well, they are fun to follow. These guys will be racing in Louisville on OCT. 23rd and 24th. Make it a point to come out with your family and cheer them on. is the link for the pro and amateur schedule and has all the information for the Louisville Derby City Cup. This is just a taste of what will be coming to Louisville in 2012 when the WORLD Cyclocross Championships touches down in the US for the first time ever. Louisville will be at the center of the cycling universe so make plans to come out.
L3-Live, Learn, and Lead
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Essential Traits
Balance: to achieve a deep, long-term contentment, it makes much more sense to find your balance point. moderation truly is the key. If your having fun, you've probably achieved balance.
Stotanism: the stotan is quietly self-sufficient. He accepts the challenges of training, injuries, races, and disappointments without complaining, because he understands that simply by keeping on, by sticking to the path he has chosen, he will get stronger and better.
Respect: There's mutual respect all runners feel for each other, they realize they've all been through essentially the same thing.
Humility: Fortunately, humility is a positive force. It teaches you that, even after a stumble, you can get up and start running again. If your'e lucky, maybe no one noticed. If they did, so What? Everyone stumbles at one time or another. It's the human condition.
a few quotes from my reading this week... words to ponder! Mind, Body, Soul! With these 3 then comes social & financial... then all is right in the world!
dino bravo!
Dinos Weekly
Tue: 15 mile bike @ casual 14.5 mph
Wed: 12 mile run @ 9:15
Thr: Rest
Fri: 4 mile run @ 9:00
Sat: Rest
Sun: 18 mile bike @ 17.5 mph & 4 mile run @ 8:04
Good week... actually got a sunday off from work this week - yeah! Felt a little fatigued Friday on my 4 miler... took an extra day off sat. --- visited with my mom & dad & visited with my kids... ate moms bisquit and gravy and some fried chicken. Must have been what I needed as Sunday I felt strong as ever... Nice brick with good times and could have done more but wanted to spend time with my wife on a very rare day off instead of in the seat of the Fuji.... Diggin the positive reports from my fellow team members. Schmidt dog... still going strong and conquering the world at the same time... Claude juggling work, family, and a 70.3.... Miller, taking a step back & dedicating time to family and work while maintaining base... Nice... Mind, Body, Soul...... Beautimous!
Bacon Weekly
Tues- 1000 yards-pool- drills and FS
Wed-3 miles (i think)
Thurs- GRAND OPENING Courtyard Owensboro
Fri- Yard Monkey
Sat- 3.5 miles in Madisonville
Sun- Yard monkey
Full week that had more life stuff than pure workouts. Other than a few baseline workouts, I had a big week of planning and preperation for our Big Courtyard Grand Opening and Thursday night and it was a MAJOR hit...over 250 attendees and a killer party at the hotel. All the right people were there and I again managed not to say anything during my speech to embarass myself or the company....the law of averages are against me though:) knock on wood for the next time. Our CEO, even told me the following morning that he was so excited he couldn't even sleep that night. A great night for our company and will recharge us all to do another project. We have several in the hopper. Spent 2 full days in the yard prepping it for seeding...after mowing, thatching, plugging, seeding, and watering, I finally put the hose up only minutes before dark this evening...all this to avoid a monster bill from the landscape company and it was worth it...I enjoy most of it besides the watering part and no more than 1 time perr year for this 2 day project... haven't found the motivation to finish my strength program yet, but am enjoying my haphazard workout weeks just doing what and when I want to for a month....Plan to hit it in the gym in October...that will give me 4 months in the gym before the 70.3 traing begins...if I havent mentioned already, of the 4 months in the gym, I'll do 3 days strength, 1 day swim, and 1 day alternating by week- run and bike. Since the swim needs to be my focus, I'll keep it as a constant weekly. If I feel like a 6th day of workout, I'll do it, but only plan on 5 days through the fall.
Weekly Update- Karl
Saturday 1 hour bike trainer session
Sunday TBD: Maybe a short run, maybe a walk with family and dog, maybe both, maybe neither.
Enjoyed another full week of work and family. Did a little core and upper body work a couple of nights this week. The bike trainer session yesterday was enjoyable. After going out for breakfast with the family and running a few errands, we returned for an afternoon and evening of college football. Sad to hear LWC, WKU, and UL all lost. Happy that UT pulled out a win.
Our President gave his State of the University address this past week. We have a lot of issues to deal with over the next few years. Philanthropy will have to play a greater role in everything we do. It's both a blessing and a curse, but our team will continue to work hard achieving our goals and we know we'll find success.
I've increased my blogging and tweeting thanks to some new social media tools (using and FormULists has upped my social media presence 100%) and am getting a lot of professional and personal enjoyment from it. I'm engaging more on every platform.
Wife and I finished watching Dexter (4th season) on DVD last night. What a show! I'll miss it while we wait for the 5th season to come out but this also means I get to bed earlier. :)
Happy to see everyone achieving their life goals. Keep up the great work! All of you are an inspiration to me.
Kia Kaha!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Schmidt Weekly
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Crossfit at home. Run: 5K-TM:33:26
Wednesday: Bike- TM:1:08:33/DST:17.10/AVG:14.9
Thursday: Off
Friday: Crossfit at home
Saturday: 5K Race- TM: 27:41. Bike- TM:2:14:52/DST:40.76/AVG:18.1
Doctoral work is back in full swing and I could tell by my workouts. A lot more late nights of reading and research. Just getting stuff done and prioritizing things. My workouts are important but right now these assignments come first. Still managed to do enough exercise to clear the mind and feel good. Only major disappointment was breaking another rear wheel. That is three different rear wheels in one year. I have broke and axel, multiple spokes, and even pulled the eyelets out of a rim. Thank goodness I will be in Vegas next week for Interbike. I plan on doing some major investigation on wheels. Someone has to build a wheel for the big boys.
Personal best in the 5K race today. This was the race the Becca and her girlfriends organized along with the Holloway Wellness Center Staff to raise donations for the Susan G. Komen 3 Day walk. We had 41 participants, nearly 20 volunteers, the course was marked great and it was definitely the most challenging course I have raced on. I kind of wanted to push it early in the race and it hurt me a little at the end. My legs were beginning to feel heavy. It was a blast, we had great weather and the Holloway Wellness center now has a new event. Proud of Becca and all her hard work organizing it, Cole even got in on the action and was working the bullhorn for the start and to encourage finishers.
My family is well, my mind is well, and my body is well. I feel that I am blessed. Keep working brothers. Looking forward to reading your posts.
L3-Live, Learn, and Lead
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Weekly Update- Karl
Mon-Friday Work and family
Saturday 30 mile bike ride with friends. Had everything from a beginner to a guy who did a cancer fundraising ride from Austin to Alaska!!! Our little 30 miler was barely enough for him to warm up.
Sunday 30 minute run at 1:30 pm in 96 degree heat. Took a bottle of water with me and it was hot within the first 15 minutes. I was still sweating for an HOUR after my shower!
Jennifer and I bought the 4th season of Dexter on DVD. Been staying up late all week to watch that with her. (Late for me is past 10pm). We love us some Dexter.
The kids are back at full steam in school. Jenn picks Karlie up at 6 from after-school, I get home around 6:15, we have dinner at 6:30, homework begins at 7, kids go to bed at 9, we watch Dexter until 10, go to bed, wake up at 5:15 and start all over again. Good times!
Jennifer was promoted to COO of her facility earlier in the year and she's now in CEO training.
Please make sure you are following the Team Topper Tri page on Facebook and share it with your friends. All our posts go on there in addition to some great training content from my Twitter feed.
Schmidt Dog is the only one who commented on my post to change the Team Topper Tri blog name. Please let us know if you have ideas.
Keep up the great work, men.
Kia Kaha!
Starting Lines
So men... starting something new.... New training for a half triathlon... new semester of school... new project at work... new job as soccer coach... new career... or just a new day? "Toe the line gentlemen" Lets get it started!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Bacon Weekly
Tues- 800 swim
Wed- off
Thurs- 1100 swim and 4 mile run
Fri- 3 mile run
Sat- 4 mile run
Sun- off
Nice intro week back in the game including a 2-a-day workout on Thursday just cause I was feeling good....still working on the strength program and just enjoying these casual workouts in Spetember....I'm thinking I'll cruise on through Sept doing more of the same and enjoying the great outdoor weather for all activities; then hit the gym starting in October....I'll need to cause my big announcement for this post is I have picked my A race for 2011......and I've picked the Ironman 70.3 Florida in Orlando on May 15th...I'm pumped, I think its the race for me...good time of year and will help me emerge from the fall with a spring race and will be good for the family cause its in Disney World so the kids can be distracted versus in some obscure ironman city with nada to do.... more to come...
Dinos Weekly
Tue: 10 mile run @ 8:48
Wed: 30 mile bike @ 15.5 mph
Thr: 6 mile run @ 8:23
Fri: rest
Sat: 12 mile run @ 8:50
Sun: 20 mile bike @ 16 mph
Great week of exercise being my work demands of 56 hrs and 14 hrs commute = 70 hours dedicated to work.... I think we all are stretching our limits in this insanely busy world. In process of this week, I rediscovered a book on the shelf by Amby Burfoot (winner of the 68 Boston marathon). A most excellent read ("The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life"). Between Burfoot and Chi Running, I'm feeling more relaxed running and in the seat of the Fuji... My endurance is getting better, form is better, and am again contemplating bigger events for next year. I have discovered some biking loops in Louisville through the bike and hike last monday. Sheer relaxation... routes through woods along the river.... no traffic lights, no motorized vehicles.... just me and the fuji (with a few other exercise freaks).... have discovered about 30-50 miles of riding with future plans of making a 100 mile bike/run loop around louisville.....I love this place......
"As we run, we become" ... "We have moved too quickly away from the earth that sustains us; we have grown blind to our true animal selves." "I run because I am an animal. I run because it is part of my genetic wiring." "running clarifies the thinking process as well as purifies the body. I think best-most broadly and most fully-when I am running." --- Amby Burfoot
He's amazaing ... catch him at runner's world magazing or online... read the book. you can substitute running with biking or tri.... its all the same.......
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Back to Class
Monday: Bike- TM:4:49:31/DST:86.11/AVG:17.8
Tuesday: Bike- TM:56:58/DST:12.95/AVG:13.6
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Crossfit at HWC. Bike- TM:1:50:41/DST:30.12/AVG:16.3
Friday: Crossfit at HWC
Saturday: 30 minute run in Bowling Green
Body Fat: 26.3%
BMI: 32.6
So much going on this week. I started my toughest semester of doctoral work. I have two required courses this semester; the first is Measurements and Validity in Research, the other is Educational Leadership. I also have an elective course that starts in October that covers Leading Change in Organizations. I addition to all that I am completing 9 hours of a practicum. It is alot, and I am sure I have chewed off way more than I can handle but I feel so close. Completing all this gets me to the spring, with only one final required course to take, my comps, and then I can begin my dissertation. You have no idea how great it feels to articulate this. The support I get from you guys, my family and friends, Dr. Speer, Dean Adams, and Dr. Luckey make it possible for me to find the strength to get this done. This doctorate is currently my "ironman", I am training everyday to try and make it to the finish. I am blessed to have so many great positive people around me that provide the support that keeps my sanity. Bacon, your hook up in BG helps me out so much and makes life that much more convenient for me to get stuff done. Thank you all.
I got in one incredible ride on Monday. With my ipod in I just rolled out by my self and kept going and going. It was awesome, 86 miles later I arrived at home and felt like a million dollars. The rest of the week was filled with maintenance and recovery activities.
Spent all day Friday and Saturday in class down in BG. Unfortunately missed Cole's first soccer win of the season. But Becca has been great about texting me up to the minute details. Also, LWC in only it's second football game in 75 years pulled off the big victory with a 43-3 win at home in front of a capacity crowd. Again, I was getting some great updates from friends while sitting in class.
The sun is shinning, it's a beautiful day, I hope you all have a great week!
L3- Live, Learn, and Lead
Friday, September 10, 2010
UT-Austin College of Education's Dr. Dixie Stanforth working with Gatorade
Claude and Mark,
This is Phil Stanforth’s wife. Phil is the director of the Fitness Institute of Texas where you guys did your VO2 testing.
Dr. Dixie Stanforth (lecturer in our kinesiology and health education department) has been working with Gatorade on their sport documentary series REPLAY, and she's in Chicago right now for the playing of the big third season game this evening.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Making a Difference
In the last two days I have had tremendously powerful conversations with Karl and Bacon about considering an Ironman in 2012 after I complete my doctorate. The thought of all of us training together through our blog, in the ultimate team initiative gets me fired up. I was blown away by the drive, the encouragement, and the commitment my brothers were already talking about making for something that is over two years away. What started out as a thought is quickly becoming an actual plan.
Once again I am blow away by my family. My wife, Rebecca is out raising money like a mad woman for the fight against cancer. She is doing it by being active and fit despite being frustrated with a slow recovery from her ACL surgery. She is even organizing a charity 5K event two weeks from now to help in her fundraising efforts. Then today, she blows me away and decided to commute to work on her bike. I cant stop smiling about that. Cole, well he just jumps right in and is swimming, cross training , riding, playing soccer, and is being more conscious about what he eats. I am proud that he recognizes what a healthy lifestyle is all about. Through it all they are backing me with my school work and training. I am truly blessed.
So again, I give pause to say thank you to each of you for sharing about your lives, your training, and for your unwavering support. The training tips from Karl make a difference. Claude making it affordable for me to stay in BG during classes and work on my course work makes a difference. Dino challenging me with his posts makes a difference.
This blog is meaningful, and so are the contributions each of us makes. The reality is that we are all making a difference for each other.
Thank you all.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Karl's Update
Right now, if it's not for fun or with a group, I just don't have the motivation for it. I have to sacrifice time with family or sleep and right now I'm not willing to do either one. I know this, too, shall pass, so I'm just riding it out and enjoying it. I have no regrets and mentally I'm feeling as content and happy as I have in a long time. It's fun living vicariously through all of your athletic pursuits.
I'll keep searching for that next challenge that truly inspires me. For now I'm pursuing some intellectual and professional projects that I couldn't give my time to before. I know much of my positive mental pattern is a result of these pursuits, much of which center around blogging, reading, new podcasts, and social media.
My in-laws were in town for the Labor Day holiday. We enjoyed some sightseeing and fellowship. You can see photos of our weekend on Facebook.
Onward and upward! Kia Kaha!
FINIS, The Worldwide Leader in Technical Swimming Development
Karl Miller
Sent from mobile
Twitter: @ut_coe, @karlmiller
Facebook: The College of Education at The University of Texas at Austin
LinkedIn: Karl Miller Lugo
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Schmidt Weekly
Monday: Bike- TM:1:20:50/DST:17.87/AVG:13.2
Tuesday: Bike- TM:1:20:55/DST:24.78/AVG:18.3
Wednesday: Crossfit Workout. Bike- TM:2:10:23/DST:36.78/AVG:16.9
Thursday: Crossfit Workout. Run- TM:1:09:48
Friday: Bike- TM:1:29:05/DST:24:07/AVG:16.2
Saturday: Off
It was a great week. First, Rebecca and I celebrated 13 years of marriage. It's hard to believe the years that have passed but it has been awesome, I am looking forward to many, many more years together.
The Ironman race has me thinking about running. I can't remember the last time I ran for an hour or more. So instead of my usual ride on Thursday I got home from work, laced up the shoes and set out for a run around Columbia. An hour and ten minutes later I was home. I was fatigued, I was soaked, my legs were tight, but I felt great.
Saturday was a big day. Not because of any particular exercise routine or race. It was the first Football game in over 75 years at the College. The new stadium, the team, and over 3,500 fans packed the bleachers and surrounded the track. God granted us one of the most beautiful days of the year to kick off this historic event. Students, faculty, staff, and everyone from Columbia and Adair County came out to support. It truly was a community event.
L3- Live, Learn, and Lead
Bacon rest week
dinos weekly
Tue: 8 mile run (8:45 pace)
wed: rest... fatigued
thr: 15 mile bike 18mph - 4 mile run @ 8:47 pace
Fri: 6 mile run @ 8:47 pace
Sat: 4 mile run @ 7:55 pace
Sun: gonna ride this afternoon... dont know how far or fast
great week. Only worked 3 days and have thur-mon off. We entertained parents, neighbors, and children all weekend. It was Melanies bday and our anniversary. We celebrated in grand fashion... good eats, good drinks, and me having time to enjoy it all. Had some good workouts but think I cancelled them out with poor was well worth it all.... excellent weekend. We have the Louisville Hike and bike tommorrow morning for labor day.... a leisure 15 - 20 mile ride through downtown and around some local parks.......later....
Friday, September 3, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
NYTimes: Making Soldiers Fit to Fight, Without the Situps
Making Soldiers Fit to Fight, Without the Situps
The goal of a new training program is to reduce injuries and better prepare recruits for the rigors of combat.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Follow-up on Ironman
Went for my bike ride this morning and rode some of the course..... gu packs, water bottles, and powerbars (half eaten) everywhere....... bags of garbage from clean-up.... crazy....... Saw two athletes doing a recovery ride on their pro-tri-bikes... still had their ironman label on the bikes.... just a leisure recovery ride after the ironman.... cruising around 20mph or so.... amazing.... rode by several of the hotels.... bikes loaded and ready for departure....... people with huge smiles and wearing compression socks........ beautiful....... nice experience for anyone no matter your goals..... inspirational!
Runners get down and dirty for a thrill in extreme races -
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Great Week/Race
Monday: Crossfit
Tuesday: Crossfit. Bike- TM:1:26/DST:19.2/AVG:13.3
Wednesday: Crossfit. Run-3.o miles/TM:30.06. Bike- TM:42.47/DST:12.98/AVG:18.2
Thursday: Off/Travel (Doctorate Symposium)
Friday: Bike-TM:2.07/DST:37.26/AVG:17.4
Saturday: Rockcastle Duathlon (5K Run/16.5 Mile Bike) Run: 29:47/Bike:51:38 (Afternoon recovery ride w/ Cole - TM:1:29/DST17.6/AVG:11.4
Great week of training. My training partner convinced me to go compete in a Duathlon so I planned out my week according to what I needed to do. I have been running more often, but I wanted to shock my system a little so I got in a few extra runs during the last 10 days just to make sure the mind and body knew what to expect. The bike stuff I approached with my usual plan and mileage for the week. I did the intensity work I needed. The only wrinkle was I had to be in BG all evening on Thursday for a Doctorate Symposium and didn't do anything productive.
I had the 4 am wake up and the drive to Renfro Valley, KY Saturday morning. Living in the Central time zone can suck for the eastern time zone early race starts. My training partner Toby Young did the driving and we arrived in time to register, stage our bikes, and take care of a few pre race rituals. I had no intention of trying to kill my self on the run, my motto is "slow and steady wins the race". I felt like I was passed by everyone, I hoped to run a sub 30 and I did so I felt good when I hit the transition. I was one of the last to get on my bike.
The trouble with this 16.5 mile course was that it was more like a road race course. The first two miles were nothing but climbing, serious little chain ring climbing. Once again I followed my plan and took the first two minutes to spin and find a comfortable cadence until my "cycling" legs came back around. Then the hunt was on. By mile 3 I had caught 3-4 people, and then one after another I was knocking people off. I think the heat and the climbing was affecting people. But I honestly felt great. I just hammered away at the pedals.
As I approached the last mile I was feeling so great, I was in that "good" pain place. I stopped my clock at 51:38 for 16.7 miles at a pace of 19.4mph. Considering all the climbing I was very pleased. My unofficial total time was: 1:20:85, I felt great, had a solid run, and killed it on the bike. That afternoon, my other training partner, my son Cole took me out for a 17 mile recovery ride. It was exactly what my legs needed.
The increased activity on the blog has helped my motivation, thanks for the focus boys.
L3-Live, Learn ,and Lead
My homework
I am a blessed man. I have a great wife and a wonderful family. I have a good job that pays well and has good benefits. My health is good and my bills are paid. I will find time for those things of importance to me. The Universe will change for me because I politely ask it to do so. I will regain my time and my sanity. I will meet the right group of people to guide and direct me so. I need much help and am open to such help. Everyone have a most blessed week.......