Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bacon Weekly Jan 25-31

Mon- 3 miles on San Diego Bayfront

Tues- off

Wed- off

Thurs- off

Fri- 4 mile FARTLEK (inside on track)

Sat- 3 miles @ 9:30 avg pace (inside on track) and 600 swim (400 fs and 200 drills)

Sun- 10 miles @ 9:57 avg pace (35 degrees)

Great week in some ways (like the above snowWOMAN) and a few failures in other areas. As I mentioned in my last post, this week was full of travel and life that just got in the way of training. My trip to San Diego started out great from a training standpoint; then completly derailed after the first day. The time change was too much for me to adjust to my training schedule.... I was waking at 3:30 a.m.(5:30 cst) and not beginning dinner until 10-10:30 cst which meant not going to bed until midnight and past, so these time changes were too much to adapt and early workout coupled with all day and night business. The business part of the trip was great and learned and met a bunch of good people. I beat myself up over the misses one my first day home; then got fitted to my old scheme and walla! All is right in the world.... That said, I leave for another trip tomorrow, but not such a big time to Silver Spring, Maryland...just a few miles from the White House, so I'll tell Obama that Karl said hello.

The FARTLEK was fun on the indoor track, other than my speed almost put me in the wall a few times. Followed yesterdays short run by a sweet swim and really felt good. A tri coach has me on some drills and I'm still working on stroke but also wanted to do a 400 for fun and also to try out my new swim ring; which counts and times each lap; then gives you the wrap up data when you've finished the workout.

Today's 10 miler was tough in the snowy and icy conditions, but made it through and had a much better physical and mental recovery today. I took on more Gatorade during the run; then a recovery packet of Pure Sport that really balanced me out. The run was boring because so many of the streets are ice packed so I was required to run the same route about 5 times which stinks from a scenery standpoint as you all know.

Have a continued pain on my right side hip extending down so am watching it to see if it worsens or just a "as usual" pain....


Schmidty said...

I expected to see your entire family dressed in camo, but I am a little disapointed that "Frosty" doesnt have some form of camo on.

Unknown said...

Life will get in the way, but you are handling it well. Look at it as a well-deserved rest day and don't sweat it. A few days here and there won't hold you back.
Proud of your work. 10 miles in snowy conditions is no joke. Spring racing will seem easy.