Monday, April 12, 2010

New Blog Post: TeamTopperTri Weekly Update #triathlon

Week: 4/5-4/11/2010

Monday Off
Tuesday 30 minute run
Wednesday 45 minute bike (1 legged intervals)
Thursday 45 minute run
Friday 1 hour bike ride
Saturday 1 hour run
Sunday 2 hour bike ride

It was my first week of training after the base phase and it felt good to be "back." I must admit to being a bit embarrassed to call myself a triathlete when I haven't completed a swim workout since November. Perhaps being a duathlete for a few months will make me a better cyclist and runner...not to mention make me miss those long (boring) swim workouts.

After years of training, I have finally changed my running style. I am now officially a forefoot runner. After the first few runs when everything "clicked," my calves were sore to the touch for a couple of days. Now, I am not only a little faster, but my recovery time is shorter and I feel less fatigued. I haven't been using my heart rate monitor, but I am guessing even my heart rate is lower for the same workout this time last year. The perceived, if not real, improvements have motivated me greatly and I feel a little of the "fire" coming back that's been missing for some time. Running is definitely the weakest of my three disciplines, so any improvement in that area bodes well for my future racing prospects.

I did my first bike ride on Parmer Lane/Ronald Reagan Boulevard since my bike wreck on the same road last October.Once again, the road did not bring good luck. OK, so I didn't almost break my neck, but I did mess up my chain. Halfway through a two-hour ride, my chain decided it would no longer go into the big chain ring. I have an appointment at Jack and Adam's this week and they feel it will be an easy fix.

On more bike news, I found the receipt to my leaking Cycelops trainer, so I'll be sending it that in. Cycleops has a lifetime warranty...if they decide that it is no longer working due to regular "wear and tear." Outside of logging hundreds of hours on it over the past two years, I have done nothing that should cause it to no longer be in warranty. With any luck, I'll have a new Cycleops in the coming weeks. That will help greatly as my weekly training mileage builds.

We are three weeks away from the Shiner 100 mile ride and I look forward to seeing several of my TeamTopperTri teammates. 100 miles on a bike with your best friends ending in free beer...are you kidding me?

Until next time, see you on Twitter!


Posted via email from Karl Miller Lugo


CBacon said...

glad to hear your forefoot status and you entry back in the deserved the break, but time to quick it in gear! 100 miles with your crew in a few weeks...can't wait!

Whitarican (White-A-Rican) said...

Congrats on the transition to forefront running. That is something I need to work on but have not put too much effort to do. I just run as fast as I can :( Good luck getting back into the pool!