Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yes, Im still alive

Wow, my life has really turned a little hectic right now. Moving is a little hellish to say the least. Not just the packing and unpacking, but all the little projects that go along with the sense of ownership..... Good news: We are in our new house at 1143 S. 2d Street, Louisville, KY 40203. We are fully functional and are slowly getting aclimated to the new environment. We absolutely love it! There is no other place Id rather live than in "Old Louisville". There is so much character in this neighborhood that is so undescribable..... With this said, Ive been the busiest that Ive been in my entire life...... Along with the time and energy spent with the move and changes, My work (Akebono) deems it necessary to work me 60-70 hours per week....... Insanity (I guess the economy is recovering somewhat).... or somebody is buying a whole bunch of new vehicles. Also, starting my summer term at JCTC... Taking two classes this summer with all the chaos going on in my life right now.... More good news: I have managed a couple of runs here and there and a bike or two..... I have the most beautiful place to run and bike.... I run the Old Louisville portion of the KY Derby Mini marathon and run through St.James Court as well as millionaires row on 3d and 4th streets. I also run across the 2d street bridge to visit Indiana.... Water front park, Central Park, and Cherokee Park are also in distance for me to visit whenever I find the time...... I am exposed to everything a man could ask for.... The downtown Y is also within a short jog......... Health food, events, all kinds of stimulation for me to explore... Now, just pray that I may find some time to take full advantage of such activities.... right now, its not looking good.... time is not on my side........gotta go to class...... later men......

Nice sprint Smitty...... Keep going Claude..... Karl take it easy this year......

yours truly


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have a lot to be thankful for. This sounds amazing. Really happy for you. May the blessings continue.