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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Weekly Uodate
Thu-Fri Off
Saturday 1 hr bike trainer session
Sunday 1 hour run
Enjoyed a chill day today. Helped vacuum the house, caught up on emails and Twitter posts, caught up on back issues of Triathlete magazine, and helped Karlie dispose of some of her Halloween candy.
Signed up for the Houston to Austin MS 150 bike ride. Trying to raise a minimum of $1000. Please share my FB Fundraising posts with your family and friends. Fundraising deadline is March with the ride in April.
Make it a great week! Kia Kaha!
Monday: Swim 1250 yards
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A Training Day With Mirinda Carfrae | CompetitorTV
Monday, October 25, 2010
Dinos weekly (s)
Mon: 4 mile recovery run @ 8:30 pace
Tue: biking about 15-20 miles and core
Wed: 6 mile tempo run avg. @ 8:15 pace
Thr: a little bike trainer and core
Fri: 10 mile run at 8:40 pace
Sat: total rest
Sun: 12 mile run at 8:20 - 8:30 pace
Getting about 32 miles of running at around 40 on the bike. Routines are getting a little repetitive, however, still love the run... makes me feel the best. Mixing in some core also. On a personal flow, took kids bowling to SC&S sports bar on 4th street live and let them explore downtown during the daytime... We also took them to watch UL defeat UCONN at Papa Johns stadium... Also, Jaque got to do some horseback riding in breck county... We've stayed busy, however, enjoying life a bit rather than working my life away. Also, Saturday nite, I attended an event like non other. We frequent a little Cafe on 3d street. Good drinks and good eats, they just have a lot of homosexual customers. Well, they also donate money to the hospus care for Aids victims. So, they have an annual "Drag Queen" pagent and auction to raise monies.... Yes, Dino attended his very first "Drag Queen" Festival.... Damn Crazy and down right hilarious....
Still looking for next year an event we can all attend....Garbaky sounds like a good time for all.... I think we should all consider this!
later, Dino
NYTimes: Distance Runners Are a Paradox for Insurers
Distance Runners Are a Paradox for Insurers
A high rate of injury makes marathon runners a problematic subset for insurers to cover.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Bacon Weekly
Tues- 2 mile run
Thurs-Shoulders,legs, abs
Fri- Arms,back,abs
Sun- Chest-tri, abs
Missed posting the previous week, but was the same strength week as above. I;m in my 3rd week of strength training and really enjoying it. Something different is good at this time. On a scary note,now ok though....I had my annual physical exam a few weeks ago and all appeared good until my blood exam which yielded some extremly high liver enzyme counts...your SLTs and ALTs....these reading determine if you liver is functioning properly...normal ranges for both are of mine was 166 and one 347....the nurse didn't sound so hot on these numbers on the phone and asked questions and provided info that was quite alarming.... so after my travel to San Antonio we tested again....lots of in between story here, but to say, on 2nd test they had lowered a great deal....we believe to have pinpointed the culprit that was Advil I know understand, anti inflams are extremly hard on the liver. Do your own research on this please, but this stuff (any NSAID) is not meant to be the everyday or even every week answer. She told me to stick to Tylenol. Last week was a tough week as I waited to test again and get the new results...gave me an additional appreciation for a healthy body I continue to strive to achieve and a new perspective to reaching too quickly for meds. On your annual check-up, ask your doc what's right for you or do some of your own research on these everyday medications we assume are ok because they sit front and center on the shelf....
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Weekly Update
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Obesity costs U.S. $168 billion, study finds -
Sunday, October 17, 2010
God blessed this years cyclists with some of the most beautiful weather for GABRAKY. Crystal blue skys, temps in the mid 80's, and no wind awaited everyone. That did not stop the early morning cool crisp temps from making many of the cyclists including myself bundle up for the first hour or so. Compared to last years cold freezing rain and frigid temps this was picture perfect.
Day 1: TM:3:39:43/DST:61.47/AVG:16.7
Day2: TM:6:20:44/DST:100.11/AVG:15.7
Day3: TM:4:34:20/DST:75.19/AVG:15.7
Total: 236.77 miles
It goes without saying that the ride was awesome. As is the case every year it was the friendships made along the route that made the ride so enjoyable and memorable. GABRAKY continues to register between 40-60 people every year so you get to actually meet every cyclists. This year I had the pleasure of riding most of the event with three other gentlmen, Ted from Louisville, Neal from Detroit, and Jeff from Dallas. We hit it off and all had equal riding ability, so it made for great company. It made me think of my TTT brothers, infact that is how Neal and Jeff were on the ride. They are friends that no longer live in the same geographic location and choose an event each year to come togther. I am convinced that GABRAKY is the event for my TTT brothers. It has everything we are looking for. Hanging out each night with riders and sharing stories is the highlight for me. The sag stops are filled with stories of chasing dogs, and homemade remedys to avoid cramping and muscle fatigue. Laughter is easily found on this trip.
Hanging out in downtown Frankfort after day one is always a highlight, but I especially appreciate the day two sag stop at the Four Roses distillery; that's because Angela and Charlie share their homemade muffins, and special chex mix bags with all the cyclists. This is the best cycling food ever. The lunch stop in Perryville is the strangest stop but the one I look forward to the most. It's a simple country gas station, but these people love us and the kitchen is open for business. I have never seen so many fit people eat so poorly. It's just so good you cant say no. By the way, the homemade coconut custard pie was delicious.
I missed it this year, but I was told that the dinner at Camp Acton prepared by the church ladies was the best to date. Lasagna, salad, desserts, and more. I saw a lot of smiles the next morning so it must have been great. Now I'm used to it but everyone loves the day three lunch break at LWC, and I don't think this year was any different. After our meal we always take a large group photo with the Begley Chapel as the backdrop. The meal was so good, one young man asked me if he could go back for more food before he started the final leg of the journey.
If your wondering, yes we did ride when we were not eating our fellowshiping. A few of us added a few miles to some of the days, especially day 2 so that we could say we completed a century. As far as difficulty, Phil the ride chair who is a tremendous event organizer provides data pertaining to the course descriptions. Whoever he got the elevation grade information from lied. We climbed and climbed, rolled and rolled, mile after mile. There was alot of cramping and soreness going on. I appreciate Margo from JAMIS bikes for encouraging me up the last hill in to the park. The great news is I will do this ride again next year, because the course layout, scenery, organization, and especially the people truly make it a GRAND event. I am challenging you boys to make it to Kentucky next year for this ride.
The second half of my adventure started less than four hours after I got home from GABRAKY. I showered and started packing for my NYC service trip to Gods Love We Deliver. There were 34 LWC students and staffers along for the trip and we departed campus at 11pm. We loaded up the charter bus and headed out. I do not recommend riding over 235 miles and then sitting on a bus for 14 hours. My legs hated me all week while I was in NYC, going from riding muscles to walking muscles is a terrible transition. The great news is we completed four days of service and prepared and delivered thousands of meals to elderly, terminally sick, and others throughout the five boroughs. LWC and GLWD have a fantastic relationship and we are proud to partner with them. Our afternoons were filled with walking excursions all around the city. I even managed a 40 minute run along the Hudson River. By Thursday evening we were back on the bus and into Columbia by Friday afternoon. I turned right around and was in doc classes in BG all day Saturday followed by my wife's 15year HS reunion that evening. So I dedicated today, Sunday to my family since we have not all been together in almost two weeks. We went to church, headed to the lake for some kayaking, then a nice home cooked meal and just simply hanging out. Wow, what and adventure.
So ends my year. No more big events, no more focus on training. Now is Doctorate time; time to get focused and make the push to the end of December with all my work and research. All exercise now will just be fill in until then. I know this has been long top read but it was healthy to get it out and share it with you. Be well friends.
L3-Live, Learn, and Lead
Wednesday, October 13, 2010» Chris McCormack To Be Featured On Wheaties Box –
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Weekly Update
Saturday 1:30 bike ride; fast pace
Sunday off
Enjoyed watching the last hour of the IM World Championship on Saturday.
We celebrated our children's good grades by taking them out to eat and bowling on Sunday.
This weekend is Jenn's 40th and I have several surprises planned.
Kia Kaha!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Bacon Weekly- Fall Strength Begins
Tues- 1350 meters, mix of drills and FS,BS,BS
Wed- Arms and Back, core
Thurs- off
Fri- Chest and Triceps, core
Sat- sick
Sun- sick
This was the beginning of my fall strength program that I wrote based on a book I read and a few internet resources. Basically, a 5 day per week program with an optional 6th day if I feel froggy. 3 days in the gym, 1 swim, and alternating bike/run each weeks for 16 weeks. The first 8 weeks are to build muscle endurance, high reps low weight....Right now, I;m doing 55% of my 1 rep max, 3 sets, 20 reps each set....brutal really...the third set is a real challenge; the next 4 weeks are muscle size weeks, increased weight, fewer reps; then finally 4 weeks for muscle strength, even higher weight and fewer reps (85% of 1 rep max, 3 sets, 3 reps). Interestingly enough, the muscle size weeks aren't for glamour....the book stipulates that muscles must be a certain size in order to accomodate addtional strength and is why it sits where it sits in the program. All that said, I caould barely walk, lift my arms, or other body parts this was brutal...also got sick towards the weekend and spent it resting in bed....ready for week # 2; then have some major travel for last 2 weeks of is nice, but no rain has everyones allergies reaking havok....
Saturday, October 9, 2010
@KonaWatchParty, 10/9/10 7:05 AM
10/9/10 7:05 AM 4.5 hrs until the Pro Start....Can you feel it?!?! #KonaWP |
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Weekly Update
Tue 40 min bike workout
Wed-Fri Core and upper body
Sat 1:15 bike workout
Sun 1:15 run
After the shooter lock down at school last week, I gave thanks for my life while grieving where we (society) went wrong in the young student's life who took his own. How many other students are in that kind of pain, that living hell?
Depression and mental illness run in my family. I've seen what it can make good people say and do. Exercise has been an outlet for me, but it's been the unconditional love and understanding and forgiveness of my wife, kids, other family and friends that really make the difference.
Make time for your family and listen to them. It can make all the difference.
Kia Kaha!
Swim fast to get faster- 3 sets
Monday, October 4, 2010
Dinos Weekly
Sat: 4.5 miles @ 8:00
Another tough week: Mom finaly got well enough to be discharged from hospital. (doing better, but still not 100 percent). Spent lots of time with her and dad this week...good visits. Also had the weekend off, so I went and got my kids to spend some family time with them. Enjoyed the St. James Art Show this weekend. Pretty awesome display of various arts from around the world. 28 countries represented and about 200,000 visitors to my neighborhood. Mel volunteered parking cars for our neighborhood ascoiation to make a little money for the community. Nice cultural expierence... lovin the ville!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Schmidt Weekly
This is a big weekend coming up, kind of my final big cycling event to close out 2010 beside regular rides. GABRAKY is Fri-Sun, so I will head up to Carrolton on Thursday night. 225 miles in three days. I feel great, not worried at all, it is a great event with great people. I will be tweeting updates all along the route. Someday I am going to get my TTT brothers on this ride.
Sunday: Bike- TM:1:00:20/DST:17.82/AVG:17.7
Monday: HWC: Indoor run (2 miles), Crossfit, Swim: 750 yds.
Tuesday: Bike- TM:1:14:48/DST:17.25/AVG:13.8
Wednesday: Bike- TM:1:58:10/DST:28.6/AVG:14.9. Swim (HWC): 500 yds.
Thursday: Off
Friday: Off
Saturday: 38 minute run outside in BG
L3-Live, Learn and Lead
Most Americans don't get daily exercise, survey finds -
Bacon Weekly
Sunday- 5 miles at 47:52
Easy week to report....several travel days derailed my swim training...Cincinatti was COLD so our outdoor pool was out of service, so no dice there....long selling days did give me plenty of walking though. Returning home was filled was typical life stuff that didn;t make room for training. Today's run was about 59 degrees and cloudy and very much reminded me on the many days of marathon training last you remember 75% of that program was winter training for me so I am accustomed and rather enjoy the brisk temps....actaully I can't wait for the dark, bitter cold 25 degree mornings again...something eurphoric about the cold and lungs...I like me a freak..... I finished writing my strength program last week and that training begins in the morning...just took my measurements so I can track my progress. Samantha just found out last week that an ailing foot will require's been a long term injury for her and we finally decided to get it squared away...likely sugery in November and 6 weeks of no driving means I'll need to step up. It will be tough for her to balance it all with the holidays, but as my mom often says " if it don't eat you, it will make you stronger". She'll be in a boot and able to walk the entire time but no driving for the 6 weeks; then another 3-5 months of recovery before she will be able to run again, but she/we know it's better to sqaure it away now so she can resume her fitness lifestyle in the Spring....short term loss...long term gain.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Endurance and the Body and Mind: General George S. Patton via @claudebacon
You've got to drive the body to the last inch of energy, and then go on. You gain nothing by just going up to where you are exhausted.
The body will only build and grow to fit the demands which the mind makes. If all you do is exercise until the body is tired, the body will get lazy and stop a bit shorter every time.
You have to go to the point of exhaustion and go on. That way, the body will figure out, "We've got to build up more body strength if that crazy mind is going to drive this hard."
If you always quit when you are merely tire, you will not gain. Once you let the body tell the mind when to quit, you are whipped for sure. You cannot gain listening to the body.
We can become stronger. We only use about half the available strength of our bodies and less than that of our minds!
We can always take one more step! When we are on the attack, we can always go one more mile.
--General George S. Patton, Jr