Tuesday, August 31, 2010

NYTimes: Making Soldiers Fit to Fight, Without the Situps

From The New York Times:

Making Soldiers Fit to Fight, Without the Situps

The goal of a new training program is to reduce injuries and better prepare recruits for the rigors of combat.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Follow-up on Ironman

I came in from work last night at about 10 til midnight.... Being the course is one street over I walked over to get the last views and talked to one of the coordinators with the timing system. This was mile 1 and 25 of the run.... He stated that this is the saddest part of his job. with 7 minutes left he began unplugging the system that keeps the time. He said, " Its mathmatically impossible for these folks to finish on time. People were still passing by. 3,000 had signed up... 2,700 started.... he had only 2,200 on his counter..... A young man (21) or so was trying to make it by.... the volunteer re-plug the system so he could hear the beep, but knew he wasnt going to make it. I stayed a bit longer and watched a few others knowing they wouldnt make it. They kept going.... they finished (unoffically) but still finished..... great pain, agony, hard to watch......

Went for my bike ride this morning and rode some of the course..... gu packs, water bottles, and powerbars (half eaten) everywhere....... bags of garbage from clean-up.... crazy....... Saw two athletes doing a recovery ride on their pro-tri-bikes... still had their ironman label on the bikes.... just a leisure recovery ride after the ironman.... cruising around 20mph or so.... amazing.... rode by several of the hotels.... bikes loaded and ready for departure....... people with huge smiles and wearing compression socks........ beautiful....... nice experience for anyone no matter your goals..... inspirational!


Runners get down and dirty for a thrill in extreme races - USATODAY.com

Runners get down and dirty for a thrill in extreme races

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Great Week/Race

Sunday: Run-3.5 miles/TM: 41.05. Bike-TM:2:07/DST:34.87/AVG:16.3
Monday: Crossfit
Tuesday: Crossfit. Bike- TM:1:26/DST:19.2/AVG:13.3
Wednesday: Crossfit. Run-3.o miles/TM:30.06. Bike- TM:42.47/DST:12.98/AVG:18.2
Thursday: Off/Travel (Doctorate Symposium)
Friday: Bike-TM:2.07/DST:37.26/AVG:17.4
Saturday: Rockcastle Duathlon (5K Run/16.5 Mile Bike) Run: 29:47/Bike:51:38 (Afternoon recovery ride w/ Cole - TM:1:29/DST17.6/AVG:11.4

Great week of training. My training partner convinced me to go compete in a Duathlon so I planned out my week according to what I needed to do. I have been running more often, but I wanted to shock my system a little so I got in a few extra runs during the last 10 days just to make sure the mind and body knew what to expect. The bike stuff I approached with my usual plan and mileage for the week. I did the intensity work I needed. The only wrinkle was I had to be in BG all evening on Thursday for a Doctorate Symposium and didn't do anything productive.

I had the 4 am wake up and the drive to Renfro Valley, KY Saturday morning. Living in the Central time zone can suck for the eastern time zone early race starts. My training partner Toby Young did the driving and we arrived in time to register, stage our bikes, and take care of a few pre race rituals. I had no intention of trying to kill my self on the run, my motto is "slow and steady wins the race". I felt like I was passed by everyone, I hoped to run a sub 30 and I did so I felt good when I hit the transition. I was one of the last to get on my bike.

The trouble with this 16.5 mile course was that it was more like a road race course. The first two miles were nothing but climbing, serious little chain ring climbing. Once again I followed my plan and took the first two minutes to spin and find a comfortable cadence until my "cycling" legs came back around. Then the hunt was on. By mile 3 I had caught 3-4 people, and then one after another I was knocking people off. I think the heat and the climbing was affecting people. But I honestly felt great. I just hammered away at the pedals.

As I approached the last mile I was feeling so great, I was in that "good" pain place. I stopped my clock at 51:38 for 16.7 miles at a pace of 19.4mph. Considering all the climbing I was very pleased. My unofficial total time was: 1:20:85, I felt great, had a solid run, and killed it on the bike. That afternoon, my other training partner, my son Cole took me out for a 17 mile recovery ride. It was exactly what my legs needed.

The increased activity on the blog has helped my motivation, thanks for the focus boys.

L3-Live, Learn ,and Lead

My homework

I am totally open and receptive to a wonderful new position, using my creative talents and abilities, working for and with people. I live in a wonderful location and earn good money.

I am a blessed man. I have a great wife and a wonderful family. I have a good job that pays well and has good benefits. My health is good and my bills are paid. I will find time for those things of importance to me. The Universe will change for me because I politely ask it to do so. I will regain my time and my sanity. I will meet the right group of people to guide and direct me so. I need much help and am open to such help. Everyone have a most blessed week.......


Ford Ironman Louisville

Wow! What an experience.... Just awesome. I biked down to the swim start. Saw the pros enter the water... watched many age groupers enter. Bike down to the swim exit and T1... awesome view of the whole thing. Went home and did some of my own running. Down to the 2d street bridge (the age groupers were still exiting the water) Ran down to 4th street live and crossed the finish line myself for a visual. Today I biked on the Ironman course, Ran on the Ironman course, and put my feet in the water of that same course. Did some visualization and would really like to enter the brotherhood of tri-athletes and the ultimate goal of becoming an ironman. You guys that hold that prestigious honor are studs. That's quite an event. That swim is forever long... they just knifed through like none other. Dude from Hawaii came out in 44 minutes.... crazy. I was totally amazed by it all. Amazed that I have friends who are Ironmen. This course runs right through my front yard. I walked to the bank to get some cash and the #2 and #3 males were running toward Iraquois park on their first lap of the run. I watched in amazement. I watched a few other runners.... some looked like horses and some looked in pain on mile 2 of the run..... I'm blogging right now from my living room watching the Reds play on TV and looking out the window at runners of the Ironman over on 3d streeet.... I can see the course from my damn living room. Too cool. All this said... I have a new found respect for that accomplishment.... A new found respect for anyone who completes this event. And those damn pros are not human.... crazy strong! Also this has motivated dino to give swiming another try. When I get on top of my new finances.... I must join the downtown YMCA. It is a run mile jog down the street from my home. I'm going to find another job to give me the time to train and someone is going to walk into my life to teach me swimming. When, I don't know.... but its going to happen. I will be doing some sprints soon.... then I will build it and it will come...... I'm jacked up.... Be a man, Be a man.....As for now, I must go to work and the real world again....gotta miss the finish line at 4th street...... but got to see much of the race....gotta go to work (this will change too)


Dino Weekly

Mon: 20 mile bike, core 16mph
Tue: 4 mile run, 8:30 pace
Wed: Rest
Thr: 6 mile run, 8:25 pace
Fri: Rest
Sat: Stampede for VIPs 5K (for the blind) 21:06 - 1st place 40-44 males
Sun: Biked to Ford Ironman Louisville.... watched swim entry/exit and lots of T1
Biked home.... went for a 5 mile run downtown and across 2d street bridge...
watched more of ironman etc...

Dino won another 5k age group event. Scored $50.00 prize money! I guess i'm a professional athlete now! So much for the olympics (those dreams are over). I got paid for running on Saturday. Maybe that's my out of Akebono... Run for a living. Ha! The race was real inspirational as I witnessed a blind 3d grader sing the nation anthem quite beautifully. the race began inside Churchill Downs... We were called to the start by the official Bugle Call to the derby. Same Dude, Same Call, live and in person. Also, there were about 6 blind runners. Amazing! These blind runners were lead by a guide and a piece of rope.... Amazing trust and they could run pretty good. The overall female winner whom posted a 20 flat was int he middle of her long run in the neighborhood when she saw some people registering outside the gates. On mile 11 she signed up for the race.... turned a 20 min 5k, got her money and finished her 20 mile long run..... impressive.... she passed me on the last half of a mile..... crazy!

Weekly Update and Blog Title Discussion

Monday: Sea World trip- We had a blast. Spent last weekend in San Antonio playing tourists, enjoying the sites, and lounging by the hotel pool. It was our summer-end celebration for the kids (they started back to school on Tuesday) and my 41st birthday celebration. Jennifer planned the entire weekend and it was perfect.
Tue: Kids back to school
Wed-Fri: Work
Saturday: 30 mile ride to Buda, TX with friends from work. Being that I had not ridden my bike in nearly three weeks, I was pleased with how well it went. The route out was fairly flat and fast. A few hills on the way back took a little out of me, but I had no soreness today and look forward to the next ride. We pledged to do that ride every other week. It will be interesting to see how much faster we can get over time. Of course, that assumes training in between and some longer rides on the other weekends.
Sunday: Cleaning house and hanging out with the family

I'm so pleased to see everyone posting again. It motivates me to post when others are, too. And now that we've turned that corner, I wanted to bring our attention back to the discussion about changing the name and look of Team Topper Tri to be more inclusive and better represent what this blog truly is. Team Topper Tri served us well in the early days, but we've moved beyond only being Toppers or triathletes.

I'm open to any and all suggestions, so please think about what this blog means to you and also what you think might attract others to join us.

Some quick thoughts to get us started:

Carpe Vita (Seize Life)
Staying Positive
Accountability (Akountable, Akountability)
Vita Positiva (Positive Life)
Mind, Body, Soul (Mens, Corpus, Animus...Latin translation)

Send your own ideas or pick your favorites from this list and we can vote on them.

We can play with the look of the blog (there are some nice templates since we built this one) and also give thought to what we display on the blog (the sidebars, videos, etc.).

Hope everyone had a great week and I wish you the best on the week ahead.

Kia Kaha!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Golf Ball Hitting Steel At 150mph - Slow Motion (70,000 fps)

Thank you

Thanks be to all who have said kind words or sent some inspirations for my future. I'm truly a blessed man and have awesome friends and family. I have everything a man could want and still whine like a baby. This week has been filled with things that have made me feel very thankful and blessed. I have accepted some things that I cant change right now and prefer to look at those blessings that I already possess. I have not had time to comment on everyones athletic progress nor their personal accomplishments, but you guys are knocking the lights out. Claude and wife have been the event leaders.... Chris has been juggling life like none other and still managing homeostatis not to mention one hell of a road trip (also trying to save the Ta-Tas - now that's a noble cause).... Karl still doing the social media thing, work, and maintaining base fitness........ Wow, you guys are studs. I'll leave with this:

"I am totally open and receptive to a wonderful new position, using my creative talents and abilities, working for and with people. I live in a wonderful location and earn good money."

a little homework for dino.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Great Cause


My wife Rebecca has been an avid supporter of breast cancer research and fundraising ever since losing her mother nearly 12 years ago. Cancer in all it's forms is just a horrible disease and the Schmidt family works very hard supporting all agencies who's mission is to rid us of this disease.

Rebecca is doing it again. She has signed up for the Atlanta - 2010 Susan G. Komen 3-Day walk for the Cure. She has committed to walking 60 miles in 3 days and has agreed to raise $2,300. She has been doing road blocks, t-shirt sales, and also a letter writing campaign looking for support. She is even sponsoring a 5K run/walk on September 18th with all entrees going to the 3Day. Attached is a link to her official 3-Day event web site. Please take a look, check out her progress, her posts, her training, and the contributions that people are making to support her cause.


We appreciate all of your support in this fight to find a cure.

Thank you,
Chris, Rebecca, and Cole Schmidt

Monday, August 23, 2010

Schmidty Weekly

It has been a crazy two weeks trying to get ready for the start of school with all the weekend kick-off activities. At one point Cole asked Rebecca and I if 9pm was our new dinner time? It has just been that crazy in our world trying to fit everything in. Despite everything going on I just made the most of the windows I had to get in some great road miles. Still had to back off any cross fit training because of the muscle pull in my neck, but I think I am ready to jump back in this week.

Managed to get in over 160 total miles this week. One day I went out with the team (I hate young skinny people). It is such a reality check to go out and train with them. We averaged over 19mph for the first two hours, it was insane. I killed myself and it looked like they weren't even working hard. It was fun, I finished two hours with them and did an hour cool down since my legs were trembling.

Had a great family Friday night out. We picked up Cole from school, and headed to BG. Becca had another knee follow up and the Dr. said she is progressing great. We did a little Shoguns and then hit the Mall. It was a relaxing trip, and fun to just chill with the family. I love when we go out and just relax together. It's fun to cut up and simply laugh. It was something I was looking forward to all week and it was needed by all of us.

I plan on competing in a Duathalon next week (5K/16.5 mile bike) near Renfro Valley KY. It should be fun and something different.

Sunday: Bike. TM:3:34:45/DST:58.24/AVG:16.2
Monday: Off (work)
Tuesday Off (work)
Wednesday: Bike. TM:2:00:08/DST:26.67/AVG:13.3
Thursday: Bike. TM:2:58:41/DST:50.65/AVG:17.0
Friday: Off
Saturday:Run. 2.5 miles/TM:28.43 - Bike. TM:1:46:00/DST:27.95/AVG:15.8

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bacon Weekly- Final Race of Season

Tues- 3 mile run- Beale St. Memphis Tn
Wed- off
Thurs- 3 miles with Samantha
Fri- off
Sun- Bowling Green Sprint Triathlon

A great way to start and end my fitness week by running down and around Beale St during a work trip. I hit the sack at 9 in order to make it up for the run and passed on a night on with the boys...knowing I had my race this Sunday, I couldn't afford many shenanigans on this trip. After my return, I again had the opportunity to run with Samantha as she prepared for her 5k race in Madisonville on Saturday...we had a great training run and I;m proud to say she bested her prevoius 5k by over 1 minute and some change...she finished it in 27:31...I was very proud of her and she is hooked...the competitve spirit has grabbed her...she's already planning her fall races. My race today was great as I had some old and new friends do this race for the first time. Mark Alcott from BG and Luke Alexander from O-boro both finished with great times and also have the bug. AND our friend Brent Thomas came out to support me and take some photos and he also has been talking about possibly getting in the game and know that he's seen a race first hand....He's pumped...he wants in the club! Already talking about getting a bike today....man, this sport is cool. From a results standpoint, about the same for me...I was a total of about 12 seconds slower this year than last, but placed 4th of 12 in my age group and was plenty proud of that....felt a little taxed after back to back race weeks, plus traveling but a great way to end my tri season. Coming soon are my strength training plans plus a few other late season running races for fun... Great tri season for me...I did 4 sprint tri races this year and all with a smile...lots of fun...Thanks for your support this year. Here's the results link... http://www.besttimescct.com/results/Bowlinggreen10.txt

Self realization

Well, have you ever thought you were something that you are not. This has happened to me on more than one occasion. Upon graduating from college, I thought I should be paid.... NOT! Upon entering the military, I thought I should be granted the status of officer.... NOT! I thought I would be a great leader someday.... NOT! I thought I could do the ironman (swimming kept me out).... NOT! Well, through my life I've had many.... atta boy... you did well.... but just not well enough. This week, I came to another NOT in my life. I went back to school for the fall with a good attitude and have been making all A's in previous course work. I came out of my Anatomy/Phsiology class in a cold ass sweat and shaking. The course and lab was going to take everything I have even if I were not working. Still working 55-65 hours a week and dealing with surgeries, b-days, ball games, state fairs, and corn hole tournys..... it's imposible..... The stress and my lack of biology, chemistry, and medical terminology background has led me to drop the course and begin thinking about plan B. I'm a little frustrated yet again and seems like I'm just getting poked with a stick..... Don't know why I can't get out of my current career choice. I was willing to take a pay cut to become a PTA..... I was going to invest money, time and energy to take about a 10 percent cut just to get weekends off and have a good enjoyable job (happiness).... this is my last piece of the puzzle and I just cant get the damn thing in place....... oh well, I'm pretty dogmatic and will continue to try getting out of Akebono land. So, If anybody out there in the social media network can get ole dino a lateral career change (or 10% below)..... BY ALL MEANS, HELP A BROTHER OUT! Feeling institutionalized and a little helpless.... I make good money and have a good benefit package.... I just want 5 days a week and live where I work and vica versa.........



Dinos Weekly

Mon: 30 mile bike
Tue: off
Wed: 10 mile run @ 9:15
thr: 4 mile run @ 8:10
Fri: Off
Sat: oFF
Sun: 4 mile run @ 8:35

Not a bad week, but had a few things to side track me. Trevor, my youngest son had to have unexpected surgery. He had 2 embryonic aphendages removed from the duct to his left testicle (ouch).... yes, I said left testicle. Sliced it open removed the trouble and stiched it back up.... He's fine and took it like a champ. It was also his 13th b-day saturday.... so had to have some cake and ice cream to celebrate that. Good week altogher.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

GABRAKY Update and Check-up Results

I'll start with the bad news for me...I can't make it to GABRAKY. Just too much going on to be able to take that weekend away. I'm afraid the rest of 2010 through the end of February 2011 will be a whirlwind for the kid. With any luck, I'll be freed up by March and ready to get back on a better training and event schedule.

As for the good news, I shared last week that the doctor called to let me know my 40-year physical results were great. Today, I received the actual numbers. I won't go through the entire list of metabolic panels, liver profiles, and CBCs but I do want to share my lipid panel.

My cholesterol was 161 (<175 is ideal) Triglycerides were 49 (<100 is ideal) HDL is 47 (>40 is ideal for men)
LDL is 104 (<100 is ideal and <130 is normal)
And here's the biggie: my risk for heat disease and stroke is 50% less than average risk.

While I can't be at GABRAKY, I give thanks for great health. With any luck, I'll be at GABRAKY another year.

Kia Kaha!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Coming Soon: A Corn-Based BPA Replacement | Fast Company

More Frustrations

Well men, My job actually owns me... After Schmidt Dog did all the logistics, I okd with the wife, and found the extra dinero for the Grabaky 2010... Akebono E-town denies my vacation request. Too late for my seniority to pull rank. If I had put the days in before July 1, I would have got them approved. However, the dates are first come first serve afterwards. This is also the time around Fall break therefore many are out and my days were rejected. So, I'd love to participate in Life, yet am denied because of Akebono E-town. Kinda my life story thus far. I cant participate in anything.... b-days, mothers day, fathers day, take the wife out to eat, 4th street live...... whatever.... unless I have a scheduled vacation day. So damn tired of this crap! They give us 15 days vacation and 10 paid holidays (200 working hours). Yet, I have accumulated 300 hours of overtime thus far and am expecting another 200 before year ends. Give me 200 hours and take back 500 hours. Can you see my frustrations. I'm going freakin crazy! My thanks goes to Chris for the offers, however, cannot accept...... later men


Monday, August 16, 2010

How Power Affects Us

" How Power Affects Us"
Paradox of power. The very traits that helped leaders accumulate control in the first place all but disappear once they rise to power. Instead of being polite, honest and outgoing, they become impulsive, reckless and rude.

Posted via email from Karl Miller Lugo

Memo to Execs: Just Say Thank You!

Powerful words not to be taken for granted.

Posted via email from Karl Miller Lugo

Weekly Report- Karl

Monday Core
Tuesday 30 minute bike trainer session
Wednesday Core
Thursday 30 minute run
Friday Travel to New Orleans
Saturday-Sunday CASE Conference Committee Meetings

I didn't even take my workout gear to New Orleans. The only workout I got was walking Bourbon Street Friday and Saturday nights. Meetings started early on Saturday and Sunday, so sleep was a rare commodity.

I am one of 4 co-chairs for what will be one of the top 3-5 largest higher education development conferences in the US in 2011. Our committee alone comprises some 50 people. We've been planning and working for over a year already and still have 6 months to go before the conference in Feb. 2011. Doing this on top of my day job and family and a few workouts here and there has been taxing at times. It's probably good I did my Ironman last year and not this year.

I'll close by letting you know I received all my lab work results from my 40-year-old physical and EVERYTHING came back positively. I received an excellent health report with not even one concern. I give thanks for great genes, for the exercise that's changed my life, and for vitamins.

Make it a great week!

Kia Kaha!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

How to Reform Academic Research in a Digital Age (and Why We Should Care)

This would be of great value to highered fundraising, marketing, communications, and public relations. Enabling/encouraging faculty to share their work across many mediums and engaging/involving/informing a broader audience would have direct impact on greater private investment.
Now, how do we get the Academy on board?

Posted via email from Karl Miller Lugo

Bacon Weekly- Race Week YMCA Sprint Triathlon

Tues- 1200 Yard Swim
Wed- 3 mile slow run
Fri- 2 mile slow run
Sat- 2010 Mind,Body, and Spirit YMCA Sprint Triathlon
Sun- off

Race week prep sessions for most all training; except the swim which felt more like work than just a prep swim.

Race report....great race overall. I felt as strong on the bike as I have all season and that's partly due to the new bike and fine tuning it for a better fit and power transfer. The swim time for this race was slow and other than my typically slowness, I found myself on the far outside of the bouys on most turns; then most in our group missed a bouy swimming about 200 yards out of the way until we heard a boatman yelling at us. I'll take some repsponsibility but to say they 6 buoys on this course and that's too many for this distance in my opinion and if I showed you there placement, you would understand how easy it would have been to do this. No excuses though, I still need to fine tune my swim; however as long as I continue to develop my bike and run from brick workouts, my placement will get higher. I feel VERY good about 13/26 age group and 67 overall; despite a slow swim. My legs felt very fresh on the bike and I hammered the hills out on this round, plus a slow first mile on the run kept me a much better time overall too...my guess is mile 2 was in the 8 minute range and mile 3 was 8:15 range, but I hammered so hard on the bike that the first mile was tough off the bike. Resting mostly this week in prep for the Bowling Green triathlon next weekend and my last race of the season. All my results are listed below and I also included the race results link for otther comparisons....

13 of 26 in age group 35-39
67 of 191 Overall
1:39:49.20 Total Time

18 of 26 in swim
21:40.90- swim time

6 of 26 T1
01:08.50- T1 time

12 of 26 Bike
47:41.85 Bike Time
18.9 MPH Avg

11 of 26- T2
00:58.10- T2 time

12 of 26 Run
28:19.85 Run Time
9:08 avg pace


Making the most of a crazy week

This was the week before opening weekend for the College. I was traveling with the executive staff on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. All the last minute planning and meetings before the students arrive have consumed every waking moment. I also pulled a muscle in my neck on Monday that has kept me from doing any cross training. Despite that I managed to get in a few rides, and a few runs just to maintain my sanity. I accepted that this week would be a wash and that I would just enjoy any breaks from the grind.

It has actually been an exciting week. The College is experiencing a growth that is incredible and I am fortunate to be part of many of the decisions that are behind it. A campus is not very exciting without students so I am happy they are back now. It also means that the cycling team is back and the regular butt kickings begin again. Hopefully I can hang on at the back of the group rides. I hope I shake this neck injury and can return to my cross training as well.

Check out the comments on Dino's post for some details about GABRAKY.

L3- Live, Learn ,and Lead.

Garbaky 2010

Have put in for vacation on the 8th of October. If approved, I will register for this event. Schmidt dog has provided excellent logistics that makes me feel like I can do this financially. Now, my questions are about the physical aspects of it. On the daily rides are the miles done all at once or are there breaks.... How hard do they ride (average speed). How does a typical day go. Ride a few, break, ride a few or what? Just curious. My base fitness is still good, but 225 miles in 3 days is a little scary right now. What about the hills, etc..... clarify my anxieties please.


Rejuvination Week

Feeling good about my week... here goes:

Mon: 1:26 run & core workout
Tue: 25 mile bike
Wed: speed run: .5 mile warm-up, 5x.5 mile sprints @ 6:30 pace
Thr: Off
Fri: Strong 4 mile run @ 7:45 pace & core workout
Sat: 7 mile tempo run. 3 @ 5k pace and 4 @ 10k pace
Sun: 20 mile bike

Overall was thrilled with this week. Got quality workouts (not wasted miles). Each had objectives and a purpose. Found a synthetic .5 mile track (easy on the knees) at UL that has a couple of inclines. Found a couple of new places for the bike. Also hooked up with one of my wifes friends husband for my Saturday morning tempo run. He is a veteran (35 year runner) and has much to offer. Got some core work in. A little sore, but glad I'm trying to work it in. Easy week at work.... only a 56 hour work week.... easier than a 72 hr. week. However, school starts back on Tuesday. Pray that I can maintain another challeging week. Later


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dino not fraid

Who is afraid of the Boubon Chase or the Garbaky? Late notice on the Garbaky yet still do-able... I really need the rejuvination and some esprit de corps.... Don't know what kind of shape i would be in to complet 225 in 3 days.... but will give it hell!


How to Help Pakistan's Flood Victim

Enough is Enough: My View of the Steven Slater Saga


I served as an Airport Passenger Service Agent (the official name for a "ticket agent") for American Airlines. The training for that position took over 6 weeks at the training center in Dallas. While there, I met several future flight attendants from around the world going through their own training module. If I remember correctly, their training took nearly 12 weeks...and they would have to return for re-training annually.

Major airlines are required by law to provide flight attendants for the safety and security of the traveling public. Their primary job is NOT to "attend" to our drinking and eating needs. All those rules they ask us to follow have been established to keep us, and our fellow passengers, safe. It's really pretty easy: keep your cell phone or other electronic device off unless the captain says it's ok to turn it on "airplane" mode; stay in your seat and buckled while the seatbelt sign is on; stay seated all other times; don't make lines by the lavatory. That's pretty much it. What is so difficult about it?

My experience as a ticket agent showed me that most people are so nervous about flight, anything sets them off. Being on edge makes then irritable and impatient. What they do to cover the way they really feel is they play it "cool." They don't listen to the pre-flight instructions because that would seem "nerdy." I mean, hey, I've flown a 1000 times (probably twice in reality), so why should I listen to this stuff...again? They also act like the fact they paid a high ticket price entitles them to disregard the rules. They stay on their phones despite being told to turn them off 3 times. They get up whenever they want to walk to the lavatory or get stuff out of the overhead compartments. They unbuckle as soon as the plane is on the ground and get up to get their bags.

I wasn't on the flight when Steven Slater had his meltdown, but I've worked in the industry and flown enough to have a pretty good idea why it happened. The reality is that Steven held his tongue several times a day for 20 years after being treated like the high priced waiter many travelers considered him to be.

Airlines, please change the name of "flight attendants" to something more worthy of their training, responsibilities, and duties. Perhaps "Airplane Passenger Safety Officer" is one option. When they have been called stewards and flight attendants for their entire history, it is no wonder the traveling public thinks of them with so little respect. The traveling public needs to understand the hours of training and retraining it takes to be an Airplane Passenger Safety Officer for today's airlines. Let's remind passengers of the fact that the true reason they also bring you a beer or some peanuts is because, for their safety, they don't want you up walking the cabin. It's not because that is their primary responsibility. These flight professionals are there for those "God forbid" moments when things go wrong and our lives are at stake.

Can we agree people who put their lives on the line for our safety are worthy of the respect to do as they ask us to do?Why do police, firemen, and airplane passenger safety officers get so much disrespect?

Steven, I don't condone what you did but I understand it. I salute you for lasting as long as you did. Knowing how so many people treat you every day, I would not have made it 20 years. And while I would never have the cojones to do it, what a way to go out!

Posted via email from Karl Miller Lugo

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dino's Challenge and more


I'm behind Dino on the Bourbon Chase challenge. I am not a runner but I am willing to train and put in my three legs of the event. I think this would be an incredible experience. I like the idea Dino. So who is joining us?

With that said the "challenge" season for 2010 is not over. www.gabraky.com
GABRAKY is still open and I am already signed up to participate. October 8,9,10 - 3 days/225 miles across the state of KY. It's not a race, it is definitely a ride. Extremely challenging but incredibly beautiful and lots of cool people. I have been involved for the last 8 years. It is a great event. If you are looking for a late season activity/challenge please join me. Any interest from my boys?

My friend, Jason Koger

Since we were sharing inspiring stories and uplifting moments, I wanted to share this article written recently on my friend Jason Koger.


FW: Send this to Hilltopper Tri

From our TTT brother, Mark Miller.


He wants us to know he’s NOT AFRAID and he doesn’t want us to be either!











Team Event for 2011


I did not get to participate in the 2010 event of the year (Shiner 100). I have a hole in my getty up because of it. Stuff happens and I was extremely busy with my move to Louisville. I know we have had a hard time for folks coordinating a yearly event. Please check this one out... Looks promising. Im making a command decision and calling this one the yearly event for 2011. It is a running relay of 200 miles through the night. From Bardstown to Lexington. Going through the horsefarms and some rather good ole scenic routes of My Old Kentucky Home..... Im definately going to register with somebody.... Id rather it be with my Team members (new & old). Lets mark this on the calendar and do it!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Photos: President Obama Speaks at UT-Austin

Always a privilege and an honor to see our Commander-in-Chief in person.



*Photo credit goes to my friend Dr. Aaron Rochlen.


Posted via email from Karl Miller Lugo

In response to Karl's post

First, here is my weekly run down:
Mon: 4 mile run
Tue: Rest
Wed: 12 hour brutal work day with 2 hr commute
Thr: 12 hour brutal work day with 2 hr commute
Fri: 12 hour brutal work day with 2 hr commute
Sat: 12 hour brutal work day with 2 hr commute
Sun: 8 hour work day with 2 hr commute

Summary: Total work hours = 72 hours with 14 hours commute time. And no offense guys but this is no desk job. 110 plus heat index, working on concrete, doing repetitive motion. A little hard on the feet, knees, and back.... not to mention driving me totally insane!

Now in response to Karls blog: First and foremost, I'd like to express my most sincere graditude to this blog and Karl Millers efforts behind it. I know there has been many contributors, however, Karl has been the social media guru of the team. Thanks my brother. Secondly, this blog, this group of friends, and this life style has literaly changed my life and brought me out of a real bad place in life. I am eternally grateful for that road trip some 3 years ago where I participated in my first and only team triathlon. With this said, my life still has one major hole. As you can see from my above week, I am still owned by Akebono Brake Manufacturing of E-town. I must replace my job with a career in which gives me my life back. No one really understands the pains of working everyday on concrete doing repetitive motions being micromanaged to every 30 seconds until you've wore the workshoes to prove it. I have let myself become institutionalized by being complacent with a paycheck and a benefits package. Don't get me wrong.... I'm most grateful for my job as it has been a provider for me and my family (especially in this day of the great recession). I've always had my basic needs met and have never been hungry nor homeless. I've also had a great life and in fact, right now, I can't ask for one other thing (other than a new job) that would complete me. I have it all without having it! I've got a beautiful home (over 3,400 square feet) in Old Louisville with stimulation in abundance and all I do is sleep in it. I have a wonderful wife whom I see in passing. I have 5 kids and an awesome family that I dont get to visit. WHY? Because I work everyday at akebono e-town. Its the most unethical treatment of human life imaginable. It matters not to them if its mothers day, fathers day, your birthday, or the death of a friend... you must work, make brakes, so they may become wealthy. Evidently Japan doesnt teach business ethics and they obviously misunderstand the Man, Machine, Material and Method approach to manufacturing. They see the man as nothing more than another tool/machine. They give me a job and require my life in return. Now given this small description of my job.... there is an obvious problem in my life that needs changing. I know this and have recognized such need. I am taking proactive measures by going back to school and getting retrained for something more suitable. However, this also requires my time (that I dont have)...between work, school, and life there is little time for exercise or blogging. This all adds up to damn if I do and damn if I don't. It is a vicious cycle of reciprical determinism that frustrates the hell out of me. Almost a case of learned helplessness of wanting to curl up in the fetal or beat the hell of somebody (preferably a Japanese CEO) to relieve the tensions. Basically, I'm at a breaking point of what to do... I must keep the job for a bit longer. I must stay proactive and fight the good fight. I must keep putting the left foot in front of my right.... it just gets harder everyday. To make a long story a little shorter: "where does this leave me with Team Topper Tri?" Well my friends, I will continue to try to find some sort of balance in this journey of life. I know that I need to continue a healthy lifestyle. However, here are some things that I have struggled with since my 26.2 marathon in 2009. Since that day, I realized that I dont have what it takes to be a distance swimmer. I have the heart of an Ironman, just not the swimming technique required. I soon realized that I may never qualify for the Boston Marathon. Also, I won't be riding with Lance Armstrong anytime soon. In addition to this I required another knee surgery where I learned that arthritis is eating away at my knees as well as my back. All this coupled with an economic nightmare that has turned us all into work-a-holics as put a damper on my training and blogging. So Karl, you have awoke me with your blog... What the Hell is going on around here? I now reflect why I do this. And from the great Mark Miller, I quote, "To better the I am!" I no longer do it for the medals, trophies, recognition, or any kind of bragging rights.... I do it for me.... It makes me happy (tired, but happy. These past few years have been one hell of a ride and Im not done yet. When I can no longer deal with my stressors, I lace up the sneakers or I "clip in" the Fuji and go seek that endorphin high. This year has been filled with change....crazy change... most all has been positive change but none the less comes with its own stressors. My current problem is to regain my life back... Not only my time for me (exercise), but time for my wife, kids, and other family members.
I don't have time for anything... school, work, eat, sleep & repeat.... I miss my wife, miss my kids, miss myself.... I'm sure you all can relate to missing a workout. You miss your "fix"... like a crack whore who doesn't get the drug. I'm at a serious struggle not only with Team Topper Tri, but with life. It's like I have all the toys in the world a man can need... but I can't play with them. I'm at a difficult time in my life yet again...I certainly still need my friends and this blog site.... However, its less now for athletic support and more for reminding me of where I was, where I am, and where I am going. So please understand my time is limited.... I dont have a smart phone or 24/7 access to the web to become a social media guru. I don't have a brand and not certain that I want one... The last time I checked my "brand" smelled quite badly. I'm just life most others in this world....I could wright a rather long novel about my life.... problem is nobody want to read it because its the same shit everyone else is dealing with. I sit here and think about this post.... I wander to myself if I'll ever find that peak performance again..... will I ever have another six-pack.... will I ever learn to swim? Do I want these things.... do I need these things..... or is this post a simple "cry out" for help for someone on the brink of an emotional breakdown.... Boys, I'm on the fine line of trudging ahead with much toiling or simply saying the hell with it. Im just a simple man in a very complex world. Karl, your post has got me thinking.. it has touched me... and it has received my attention and time.... I dont know what the future holds for any of us or out athletic or social media endeavours....I do know that Im still in search of balance and the pursuit of happiness... Im getting closer...just not today. In the mean time, I just got done running for 1 hour and 26 minutes non stop along the ohio river through downtown Louisville.... Fucking Beautiful..... excuse my language..... I think I will find a place for my chin-up bar and rekindle my core exercises and maybe sign up for a marathon for next spring. I need to get my ass moving again and make time for those things that are important to me... I shall continue to "Better the I am" by whatever means necessary. I will find time and will not let Akebono own me any longer. And if God gives me the knees and back to do so.... I'll go to my grave running like hell with a well defined six-pack......Thanks for you post and thanks for the motivation that I so needed.......


Apple's "Smart Bike" Could Squash All Other Bike Tech


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bacon Weekly

Tues- 2.5 mile run- Nashville, 103 degrees, brutal
Wed- 25 minute swim- Hotel pool- mini laps
Thurs- 2.7 miles (with my wife)
Sat- 4 miles run @ 9:03 avg
Sun- 15 mile bike @ 17.5 mph avg

Great week with a bonus run with my wife. The kids were at grandparents house, so Samantha and I had the rare opportunity to run together. That said, it was brutal hot and our pace was slow. Samantha is prepping for a 5k in Madisonville and I am readying for the Evansville Sprint Triathlon race this coming Saturday. It's a new venue from last year, so my time comparisons are no good, but I'm feeling like a strong biker, ok swimmer, and tired runner. The last comment on my running has simply taken a toll on my running legs this far into the season. My running legs are losing steam before my cardiovascular system loses steam and I read that's due to overall fatigue and muscle loss. That said, I've had an amazing running year and tri season, so I've earned the tired legs for sure. Still dialing in my bike as I took the seat lower today and adjusted the pitch to get more comfortable in the aero position. I'll bike fit next year, so just trying to get comfy for my last 2 races of the tri season, Evansville this weekend and Bowling Green triathlon the following weekend. As I wrap up those races, I'm moving into strength building mode. One fault in my training thus far, is I have done zero strength training for over a year...just running, swimming, and biking. I believe this has cost me in several areas and am making the adjustments now as I prep for the fall. I think it cost me speed and I think it's getting me injured. On speed, I ran my fastest 10k when I was a newbie just out of the p90x training and was stronger than today. On injured, they are more common and last longer this year. I ordered the book Strength Training for Triathletes by Patrick Hagerman, EdD. and am just passing the chapter on selecting reps. The book is fairly scienctific, so will take 2 reads to fully comprehend and create my plan. On the 2nd read, I'll post the nuggets on the blog each week. More on it later, but to say that I'm committing to strength training both off-season and in-season.


So I get back from my France trip, and I jumped right back in to family, training, work, and life. Several cool things are going on. First, I had a great week of training. Since I have no more specific races this year, I have jumped back in to my full Crossfit workouts. OUCH is the operative word. With that said I am still committed to logging hours on the bike. There are still some century rides, possibly a couple of charity rides, and you never know what else. Plus LWC Cycling team is coming back for the fall semester and they are always ready to kick my rear so I need to stay up for the challenge.

Cole started back to school this week. Middle school; when and how did this happen? I am simply amazed. The 6th grade is a big deal, I remember the 6th grade vividly, I just cant believe my son is there. He also starts two soccer leagues so that means the mom and dad car pool, rushing from one practice to another begins again. Rebecca and I love it and wouldn't have it any other way. Also, Cole has taken up the challenge of doing some Crossfit for kids workouts. He started keeping a journal and has been really committed to his routines. I'm proud of him for putting in the effort. I caught him flexing in the mirror the other night, kind of like Bacon does.

Rebecca, is up and walking like a woman possessed. Just two months removed from her ACL surgery, she is walking 2-3 miles a night, still going to her rehab workouts, and has been riding the stationary trainer. She still hurts and is sore in the morning when she wakes up, but she is getting after it. She committed to walking the 3Day cancer walk in Atlanta for this fall and she refuses to back out. She is raising money and walking miles leading up to the event. I'll report more on this next week and perhaps my brothers could help Becca with her motivation, and some fundraising.

Finally, I had an incredible ride on Saturday, 64 miles on some of my most favorite roads in the surrounding counties. Once again I was along side my good friend and training partner Toby Young, who in his own right is a fitness bad ass. We are contemplating an Ironman in the near/distant future. I need some more convincing. But first we both need to complete a couple of current goals (Doctorate, etc.). Also joining us on this ride was a 22 year old young man by the name of Dakota Meyer. I just met Dakota, but all I can say is that he has become an instant inspiration and I want to share a few things about him.

Dakota, served multiple tours in Iraq in the 3rd Marine Division on a special team as a sniper. He is home now, and unable to serve in the same capacity due to injuries suffered during combat. Without going in to much detail, Dakota is being considered for the Medal of Honor. Yes, I said the Medal of Honor. Not many living military personnel are considered for our nations top military honor. He has already been featured in a number of articles and news stories for dragging his four teammates bodies back while under enemy fire. Knowing they were dead he was still committed to his teammates, their families and his service. When Dakota tells me the story I get chills. I am enjoying getting to know him and train with him. He is still struggling with the loss of his team, and in many ways his own identity. I hope to introduce Dakota to "our" team and help him find some peace through our healthy lifestyles. Please check out this article that is in the Courier Journal today for more details of his story.


L3- Live, Learn,and Lead


Keeping Team Topper Tri Alive

First, here is my weekly update:
Monday Rest
Tuesday 30 minute bike trainer session
Wednesday Rest
Thursday 30 minute run
Friday Rest
Saturday 1:30 hour bike ride on Parmer with @timtaliaferro. Tim is a strong rider and he really pushed me. We averaged over 19 mph for the 34 miles. 17 miles of it was in a headwind and with several sustained climbs. It was the best bike workout I've had since the Shiner Ride 100 miler. I'm definitely not in racing shape but this year is all about keeping some base fitness and endurance. I feel confident my goals are being exceeded.
Sunday 1:20 hour run. My legs were heavy after yesterday's ride but I had no soreness and it wasn't long before I found my rhythm. I negative-split the run and finished strong.
Watched a little bit of the replay of the Ironman World Championships before going out with my family. We enjoyed a nice afternoon together. I climbed a tree with my kids. My brother and I climbed trees a lot growing up and doing so with my own kids this afternoon was a special moment.

And now for the explanation of my post's title.

My feeling is that Team Topper Tri has come to the fork in the road. In one direction, we can continue making weekly updates whenever it's convenient. In another direction, we can decide to commit ourselves anew to making our weekly posts. And in yet another direction is the end of the Team Topper Tri blog; an idea whose time has run its course.

I hope it is our decision to pick the middle road, a road to a new dedication to the blog. It doesn't mean that a post has to be about your weekly workout update. Perhaps you want update your fellow members on personal, family, or work issues and moments. Perhaps you want to share your thoughts on something you've experienced. Perhaps you want to get our thoughts on an idea or a feeling. Whatever it is, whatever is filling your mind or touching your heart, I hope you'll share it.

This blog has seen us through a lot of transformations: new experiences, new jobs, new relationships, new homes, new families, and so much more. It has seen us through good times and not so good times. It has certainly meant a lot to me and I'd hate to lose it. That said, this is not MY blog. This is the Team Topper Tri blog. It is OUR blog. It is anyone who wants to join's blog. If it has lost its importance in your life, I can respect and appreciate that. I'll follow your lead.

I am renewing my commitment to post. You might even notice that I've begun posting my triathlon tweets even to the Team Topper Tri Facebook page. I am renewing my commitment not only to Team Topper Tri but to all my social media outlets. I'm connecting with people from across Austin, from across Texas, from across the US, and from across the world. I'm not being reactive. I'm being proactive about my virtual relationships as I have seen many of them become real-world relationships.

If you have lost your excitement about TTT, tell me what you think we need to do to get it back. Perhaps you want to use another blogging platform or want to refresh our look. Perhaps you need to hear something different from the members. Whatever it is you need, let us know.

I'm making a commitment to you and to our followers and anyone who wants to join us to uphold my part of our tacit bargain. I hope you'll agree to do the same and I look forward to hearing your thoughts to my post.

Your brother always,


Kia Kaha!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Louisville Slugger 4-miler

First of all.... Nice work Smitty....... Awesome road trip and yes, next time take the bike. Your report makes mine seem senseless.... but here goes.

Participated in the Louisville Slugger 4-miler at the Riverbats stadium downtown. I ran with Melanie, her cousin and spouse. (recruiting more into the lifestyle) A nice race of about 400 people. I ran well averaging a 6:55 mile for 4 miles. I ran well but no podium call this time. There was a group of 40 year old military men running in the lower 6 min. pace time.... Dino couldnt hang. Oh well, Im beginning to loose the competitive juices and just try to run well and have fun. Still getting some 20 mile bikes and 1 hour runs in my week. Discovering more places to ride and run that are really picturesque for the louisville area.... none compare to smitty's report.... but, hey.... thats not fair....



Sunday, August 1, 2010

Read Schmidt Dog's Post...INCREDIBLE!

Dear TTT members and followers,
I'm passing on leaving a weekly review this week and will only say that you need to read every line of Schmidt Dog's post and try to envision what he saw and try to feel what he must have felt.
More from me to come next week!
Kia Kaha!