Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bacon Weekly

Tuesday- 2 mile easy run Cincinnati
Sunday- 5 miles at 47:52

Easy week to report....several travel days derailed my swim training...Cincinatti was COLD so our outdoor pool was out of service, so no dice there....long selling days did give me plenty of walking though. Returning home was filled was typical life stuff that didn;t make room for training. Today's run was about 59 degrees and cloudy and very much reminded me on the many days of marathon training last you remember 75% of that program was winter training for me so I am accustomed and rather enjoy the brisk temps....actaully I can't wait for the dark, bitter cold 25 degree mornings again...something eurphoric about the cold and lungs...I like me a freak..... I finished writing my strength program last week and that training begins in the morning...just took my measurements so I can track my progress. Samantha just found out last week that an ailing foot will require's been a long term injury for her and we finally decided to get it squared away...likely sugery in November and 6 weeks of no driving means I'll need to step up. It will be tough for her to balance it all with the holidays, but as my mom often says " if it don't eat you, it will make you stronger". She'll be in a boot and able to walk the entire time but no driving for the 6 weeks; then another 3-5 months of recovery before she will be able to run again, but she/we know it's better to sqaure it away now so she can resume her fitness lifestyle in the Spring....short term loss...long term gain.