Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bacon weekly

Well boys, one week and a few days after the surgery and I'm beginning to feel like this thing might finally shrink enough not to hurt! This has been quite an experience in swelling! Everything seems to be moving the right direction however and I'm hopeful that my doctors appt this Thursday will cut me loose to at least hit the pool. My envy is at its highest level as the great Fall weather is sending many bikers and runners past my house and they all get the evil eye! I have enjoyed the time away; however my superior eating has fallen victim to the lazy couch days of college and I ready to return from the dark side. Samantha's training is still progressing and she's reach the training where she runs 20 consecutive minutes to which she never thought she would be able to do....she'll be ready the the BG 5k and I'll be able to return the favor and cheer her on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great report. Glad you are getting back in the game and really happy for and proud of Samantha. Tell her I'm rooting for her and look forward to the BG 5k report.