Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dinos Update

Not many workouts to report due to knee injury and enormous amounts of overtime at work. Two things for sure: I must get the knee fixed and I must change jobs. Both of these are my next things on my "to do" list. Ive been to the Doctor reference the kneee and am currently in physical therapy (which is only sugar coating the pain) I have 2 more sessions before I fail therapy..........then will get my insurance to cover a MRI. Feels like a torn meniscus that I had in the right knee about 5 years ago. A simple scope and about 6-8 weeks, the knee will be fixed and I will be back on track.

As for the job........ Im really stumped. I feel institonalized with "factory work". I became complacent with a paycheck and some benefits and am now stuck with little skills and no confidence that I could do something else more enjoyable.

I must change both: the status of my knee and a new job to continue my athletic desires. So wish me luck and spread the word that Dino needs a new job in the Louisville area. (will be moving there in the next few months).....

Still enjoying the progress made by other members of Team Topper Tri! Do us proud in November. Will be routing you on! Follow your dreams and some day they will become reality. Others may have to be a little more patient for that day!


Anonymous said...

Dino, hope you get the knee issue figured out soon. I like your attitude about it (6-8 weeks and then back on track).
As for the job, I challenge all out TTT brothers to get the word out to everyone you know in "da Ville." I am sure that through our network, we can make some connections for brother Dino.
Send a message out today to all your friends/acquaintances letting them know you have a friend looking for work in Louisville. Let's see what we come up with.
Kia Kaha!

CBacon said...

heck yeah boy...hang in there with the knee and keeping learning the entire time...after my surgery I've tried to replace some of that training time with research keep on keeping on...on the Louisville deal...shoot me some thoughts on what you're looking and I'll spread the word.