Monday, February 15, 2010

Some days, life gets in the way

This was one of those weeks where family, friends, and work caused me to cancel workouts. I could beat myself up about it, but actually, shouldn’t those be the exact things that come in the way of my training? After all, it’s about fitting in training around my life…not the other way around. The important “things” in life are my family, friends, and work. These are the priorities I have, will, and should sacrifice for before other things.

Life balance is perhaps the most difficult goal for us to obtain. I think it’s important we remember that life balance does not necessarily mean we get equal portions of each life priority in our day. We should have higher percentages of those parts of our life that demand and/or deserve most of our attention. Our family, friends, and work should account for the higher percentages while other areas get fit into the day.

My grandparents taught me that life is made up of four areas: love, work, play, and religion/spirituality. It doesn’t mean we give 25% to each area to make up 100% of our life. You have to decide what makes up each area and how much you devote to each. Just make sure your priorities are the right ones and then schedule them into your life. You’ll be a happier and more successful racer for it and you’ll enjoy a happier, more successful life.

Monday Canceled workout

Tuesday Canceled workout

Wednesday 30 minute run

Thursday 30 minute bike

Friday Off

Saturday 30 minute run at race pace

Sunday 45 minute bike ride (15 minutes at race pace)


Schmidty said...

Karl, I appreciate your comments on life balance. We all know that in training we have to equally train all aspects of our condition in order to have optimal performance. However we tend to forget that same rule in our day to day lives. When we strike a balnce between family, friends, work, spirituality, and other it is amazing how everything is clear in our life.
Excellent comments this week my friend.

CBacon said...

the balance message is great one and no worries on missing short term physical're an Ironman...