Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Bacon just went for a full physical yesterday...time to make sure all the pipes are flowing and everything greased. Also, go for the treadmill stress test to ensure the ticker is functioning well when maxed. I'll give my results, but mainly wanted to throw it out and encourage everyone to do the same...if you have yet to do so that is.....

Was disappointed to find my BP at 140/80; especially considering it was spot-on until my intensive traning began? Will continue to monitor. The EKG continues to show an irregular heartbeat; however after analyzed it appears to be a "normal" condition or basically just a subset of beats that are just different, not bad different, just different...so that puts my mind at ease because I knew of the irregular heartbeat previous. Also found out that my lungs are LONG; which I did not know previous. During the chest x-ray he had to do my lungs in 2 sections because he could not fit them on 1 slide. I asked him if that was good and he said "i don't know" and I said "we'll better long than short, yeah" again no reply...apparently humor is not allowed in the x-ray room...probably the magnetic nature of my personality might throw off the machine. Will post again after my stress test.....

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