Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bacon Weekly

Mon- 1 hour cycling- 5X1 minute all out pace...4 minutes rest
Tues- Morning-45 run HR zones 1&2 Afternoon- swimming- 400 warm up; then 800 meters, 20 sec rest between each 200
Wed- 30 min cycling- small ring spinner
Thurs- swimming- 1200 meters worth of pain
Fri- OFF
Sat- Brick- 1 hour cycling, 30 mins in HR zone 1; then 30 mins in HR 4 and 5a; followed by 30 minute run; 15 mins in HR1&2 then 15 minutes in HR zones 4 and 5a
Sun- 20 mile Yewell Hike and Bike Trek for St. Josephs Peace Mission for Children...this was the ride where I got caught in the hurricane last year...great ride averaged 19.1 mph and mostly in the small chain ring which the training program called for; however went big ring a few times and hammered down.

This is the taper week leading to my race on nervous but have put in the work, so I feel strong in ability to finish just short on experince, but that will come I know...have practiced my transistions and rode and ran my brick yesterday in no socks and had no problems...laced my shoes with Yankz today and they work really great...

On the personal notes for us looks as if we're all expereincing something different and difficult for each..without addressing each situation, but as you all know.... nothing worthwhile is easy...I believe God places these obstacles in our way based on the needs and experiences will have/need in the future or what he is prearing us to do in service....everyone keep your head high and remember we have each other, loved ones, and God that will watch over us. We must continue to do things that make him happy however...we're already treating the body like a temple with our exercise so I know he's happy about that:)

Keep moving forward, Claude

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