Monday, August 18, 2008

BigDaddy Weekly

Good week overall.  Noticed a little weakness - muscle fatigue early in the week but managed to get 50 min. on the bike nearly everyday except Sat.  Decent nutrition but could be better.  Attitude was a little poor - esp. Fri., but you can't get younger.  Big thumbs up and thanks to Claude B.  on the ride yesterday.  40 mi. at 13.8 mph - very good first 20 mi. but last 10 really pushed me.  My legs were spent for the last 5 which was a little surprising and disappointing, probably couldn't have done much more.  Certainly know what I've got to work from now.  Ride route was very good - several hills with 1 or 2 punishing- and several straight stretches; hopefully typical of BDB.  

First time I've pushed my body like that in a long time - good I'm sure.  Do need to work on energy sources during rides and definitely need to work on strengthening core.  Good thing for the deep ditch that kept Claude and I from becoming Alpo!

1 comment:

DinoBravo said...

nice 40 your beginning to understand what it takes....I can remember my first 50...brutal....need the food and need the fluids.....great job