Monday, August 11, 2008

Weekly (Weakly)

Previous week- vacation in Maine to see my family.  Good spirit lifter.  No regular training.  Walked 3 mi. two days and hiked 8 miles on Mt. Megunticook (fairly steep climb- spectacular view).  Nutrition not bad, but too many barley & hops calories.  

This week- back to more normal routine.  Did my daily 10 - 12 mile ride, off Tues. / Wed. (Conference in the 'ville).  Pleased with time & effort on 22 mile ride Sat.  (15.6 mph with strong headwind on back leg).  Noticed a lot of tightness in my right tricep on long ride.  Maybe gripping too tight?  Hopefully ready to ramp up training this week.  Looking forward to 40+ mi. ride with Claude B. this week - good motivation!  Get some!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you and Bacon are hooking up for a long ride. Kia Kaha! Look forward to hearing more about it in your report next week.