Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bacon Weekly- Fall Strength Begins

Mon- Legs and Shoulders, core
Tues- 1350 meters, mix of drills and FS,BS,BS
Wed- Arms and Back, core
Thurs- off
Fri- Chest and Triceps, core
Sat- sick
Sun- sick

This was the beginning of my fall strength program that I wrote based on a book I read and a few internet resources. Basically, a 5 day per week program with an optional 6th day if I feel froggy. 3 days in the gym, 1 swim, and alternating bike/run each weeks for 16 weeks. The first 8 weeks are to build muscle endurance, high reps low weight....Right now, I;m doing 55% of my 1 rep max, 3 sets, 20 reps each set....brutal really...the third set is a real challenge; the next 4 weeks are muscle size weeks, increased weight, fewer reps; then finally 4 weeks for muscle strength, even higher weight and fewer reps (85% of 1 rep max, 3 sets, 3 reps). Interestingly enough, the muscle size weeks aren't for glamour....the book stipulates that muscles must be a certain size in order to accomodate addtional strength and is why it sits where it sits in the program. All that said, I caould barely walk, lift my arms, or other body parts this was brutal...also got sick towards the weekend and spent it resting in bed....ready for week # 2; then have some major travel for last 2 weeks of is nice, but no rain has everyones allergies reaking havok....

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