Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weekly Update

Mon Core work
Tue 40 min bike workout
Wed-Fri Core and upper body
Sat 1:15 bike workout
Sun 1:15 run

After the shooter lock down at school last week, I gave thanks for my life while grieving where we (society) went wrong in the young student's life who took his own. How many other students are in that kind of pain, that living hell?

Depression and mental illness run in my family. I've seen what it can make good people say and do. Exercise has been an outlet for me, but it's been the unconditional love and understanding and forgiveness of my wife, kids, other family and friends that really make the difference.

Make time for your family and listen to them. It can make all the difference.

Kia Kaha!

1 comment:

DinoBravo said...

well stated. Depression suks... I feel as though im sliding that way again... im so over worked right now that I have no time for life. an interesting bumper sticker I saw stated, "My job ate my life." How true this is for me. Most look forward to the weekend, I look forward to mondays as I know everybody else is now at work like me... my weekend this week includes 24 hours of work. 12 sat. and 12 sun. No fucking Life!