Sunday, October 31, 2010


I appreciate all the positive responses to the GABRAKY post. Since then my activity level has dipted as I have really focused my attention on Doctoral work. At the moment I have several courses that are kicking my rear worse then any hill climb on a bike. Perseverance is the key word. Like everything we do in life we just need to stick it out and ride out the highs and lows and everything will come around. The easiest thing in the world to do is quit. For me that is just not an option. This week I am mostly exercising the brain, but did sneak in the following:

Sunday: Off
Monday: Swim 1250 yards
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Swim 1500 yards
Thursday: Off
Friday: Off
Saturday: LWC 5K Homecoming run - TM: 28:06

Special thanks to all of you that supported my wife Rebecca during her Susan G. Comen 3 Day cancer walk. Many of you commented on her face book page about her "feet" pictures. Pretty sick stuff, I didn't know blisters could look like that or that a person could walk that wrapped up in medical tape. The best part was that all of you contributed to her success and the success of so many other walkers that helped raise the money to continue the fight against cancer. Thank you.

Last Saturday and Sunday was a special weekend for Cole and I. We slipped away to Louisville and hung out with my Dad all weekend. We attended the USGP of Cyclocross at the newly dedicated Eva Bandman Park along River Road. Cole got to hang out with his favorite cyclist and LWC Hall of Fame Athlete/Cyclist Tim Johnson. Tim kicked ass on Saturday with a win and then followed it up with a third place on Sunday. Tim takes great care of us and introduces Cole and I to so many of the pro's including his teammates Jeremy Powers (J-Pow), Jamie Discoll, Katy Antonneau and off course owner and ace team mechanic Stu Thorne. Check out the entire team at

Tim's mom Claudia was down from Boston for the race so I got to spend quality time with her, she is such a great friend. The weekend was filled with LWC Cycling Alums like Kris and Ryan Waldo, The Caldwells, and Austin Hicks. Current LWC cyclists were racing in events both days so it was exciting to watch all day. It was just a fabulous weekend.

The new Cyclocross park is amazing. Most believe it is the first official dedicated space for cyclocross practice and races in the US. The design is incredible and left many cyclists in the pain cave. Very proud of all the people involved and the city of Louisville for making this a reality. Look for the World Masters and Elite Pro Championships Event coming in 2012-13. Make plans to attend, this will be the first time ever outside of Europe and it will be in our backyard. It will be as big as the Ryder Cup, thousands upon thousands.

Have a great week.

L3- Live, Learn, and Lead


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