Mon- Nufin
Tuesday- Arm, Shoulders, Abs
Wednesday- 3.1 run (27.16)
Thursday- off
Friday- 11.2 mile bike
Saturday- 3.1 run (27.44)
Sunday- 3.1 run (26.32)
Great trying to drop a few extra pounds before the BDB so beefed up the run this week...paid off's run is the fastest time I've recorded and like Karl, the weather is helping. Also am starting too tune in the best time for me to run; which is about 1-2 hours after lunch...I'm slower in the early some new bibs this week with a fancy butt pad so my bike was more comfortable...also picked up new shoes in BG; then ordered some Shimano pedals (Discovery Channel Edition) to enhance my current shoes are MTB shoes and the pedals on the road bike are really MTB pedals they create a hot spot that drives me dropped a few bucks before the BDB...should be set-up this week and try them out on a 30 mile benefit ride this Sunday... Also picked up a new Trek helmet...not sure helmets have levels by the way...great for the entry level rider on mine...does owning an advanced level helmet get you a break when your head hits the pavement? If so, I'm taking mine back.
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