Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Camera reminder

Anyone have a decent digital camera? I'll bring mine, but it's average.... with Karl's connections, Team Topper Tri will make the WKU Alumni magazine, so a good group shot is key, and with a little shameless corporate promotion, I'll post our group as Team LinGate affiliate riders and put us on our new website.....


BigDaddy said...

Dino Bravo is my official papparazzi photog. Since he will finish way ahead of the rest of us, he should be able to get some shots.

Anonymous said...

Dino, Bighead, and Willy took some great shots last year. It will be difficult to get shots during the race, but we definitely need some pre and post race shots. I'm assuming they'll also have an official event photographer. It's worth spending a few dollars to get some of those shots.

DinoBravo said...

Ive got a decent digital camera......plus a little knowledge of photo shop to fix and defficiencies........ i'll bring it along