Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bad to the Bone Duathlon

Wow! A course that definately lived up to the name...... Dino did a little exterra run through some of the steepest, rockiest, hills I've ever witnessed.........Totally brutal........ A 3.5 mile cross country run that included two spots roped off where they highly recommended competitors to walk for fear of breaking an ankle.......Also inlcluded a sway bridge to cross and many creek rocks and tree roots on the trails......The 26.5 mile bike was no better........huge climbs (the evil twins) as they were called were brutal....... going up at 5 mph........down at 45 mph........ unbelievable.... went through "Rabbit Hash" (made Seree look like a big city). Took Dino about 2:28 to finish........the winner huffed it out in a few seconds over 2 hours....... was pleased with overall performance........ really dehydrated and it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds beautiful! I know you enjoyed the scenery on those leisurely hikes up the Bone Lick mountains...just before you vomited a big bunch of Gu!
Way to give it hell, Dino.
Bacon and Willoughby, I expect you both to sign up for the Bad to the Bone next year.