Tuesday, September 2, 2008

BDB Driving Arrangements

Let's post our thoughts again on travel arrangements for the BDB and see if we can figure out who, what, where, when, why, and how....trying to put the rest of the months calendar together and not sure when I'll need to depart and time, etc......


DinoBravo said...

I figure it will go a little like this....... Ashley will meet me at my place in Harned..... We will travel to O'boro to meet with you and maybe even Big Head. We can then either take two rides from there or try to cram all in one. Don't know because of the bikes....My rack only holds two bikes....probably better off taking two rides and splitting up....I guess departure time will be early Friday morning.... unless you guys want to leave Thursday afternoon and arrive late that night.....Im open for suggestions

Anonymous said...

I believe our plan is for me to travel to Dallas on Thursday to meet up with Mark and his friend. We'll continue on up to LR that night, so we can "sleep in" on Friday and have a nice full rest day (drive the course, get to the expo and packet pick up, etc.)before the Saturday wake-up call and ride.