Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Why I don't say NO to donors and volunteers. #fundraising




We work so hard to get our donors to say “YES” to us and yet, are we saying “YES” to them?

We should try our best not to say "NO" to donors, prospects, and volunteers. The more we say "NO", the easier it is for them to say "NO" to us.
We should also strive to find a way to say "YES." Perhaps we cannot do exactly what they ask, but we should be creative in finding a solution. If we are not willing to go out of our way for them, why should we expect them to go out of their way for us?

I recently had a lead volunteer of our university tell me that one of the reasons she so liked a particular gift officer colleague was because he so rarely said “NO” to her ideas. She said the previous gift officer she worked with was always finding a reason why he could NOT put her ideas into play.
Try not to say "NO" and find a way to say "YES." Use this strategy and when you one day go to them with your big "ASK," it will be much more difficult for them to say "NO" to you.



Posted via email from Karl Miller Lugo

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