Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dinos Weekly

Mon: 1 mile run w/u, 3 mile run at 7:20, 1 mile cool down.... transition to 20 mile bike at 16mph

Fri: 5 mile run at 8:20
Sat: 4 mile run at 8:40
Sun: 12 mile bike at 17 mph

Had some major stressors this week..... feeling very fatigued....... sore back... Havent told you guys, but my oldest son is going in the wrong direction. Hes been skipping school, making failing grades, and smoking a lot of weed..... Not comming home for days and basically uncontrollable. I filed "beyond control" charges on him and have to take him to court tommorrow.... Its a tough thing for a dad to do. First to admit that I cant control my son..... second to put the fate of my son up to a judge..... They will give him a curfew and make him piss in a bottle every month... then its up to them if he fails.... Im potentially signing him up for Juvenille Lockdown if he fails any rule the judge gives him..... Weighing very heavy on me and this household..... loosing a lot of motivation for many things... Gotta snap out of it and drive onward.......


1 comment:

BigDaddy said...

Dino, sounds like your working through some rough things, family-wise. Wish I had some words of wisdom but coming from someone that's not a parent probably wouldn't mean much. I can say this on behalf of all your TTT brothers - we will always support you anyway we can. Don't sweat the motivation to train. It will come. Sounds like right now, your family needs have to be on the front burner.