Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bacon Weekly

Well boys, not much to report on the Bacon weekly......ran at the Hard Rock hotel on Monday morning; then nada...After returning from San Diego to the big ice mess in O-boro...had my family, my mom and in-laws all at our house so threw my fitness schedule and nutrition schedule all to bits....Should return to normal next week....will be at gym in the morning and hope all returns on mom got power in Madisonville, but Samantha's mom and dad are still here....with so many freezers threw massive amounts of red meat straight to my house...choice cuts that either be eaten or we ate...unfortunatly that derailed my other positive habits too...has some ice cream, chips...a bunch of stuff that's never in the house, but our extended families brought a lot it was tough....just considering it a complete rest and cheat week...will probably do me good anyway... 54 degrees today...all is melting....

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