Monday, March 15, 2010


Havent posted in awhile, but here goes... Im running to maintain sanity only.... still maintaining fitness level.... doing 3-4 mile speed, 5-6 mile maintenance runs and 8-10 long runs. Prepping for the Ky Derby Mini marathon. Will not be a personal best but intend to finish around 1 hour 50 min. or so. Going to run it for fun and tradition.

Other life: just finished a 65 hour work week... working 7 days a week and a couple of 12 hours mixed in.

Going to school on tues and thurs. 104 average so far... imagine that

have signed a contract for a house in historic old louisville on 2nd street. a couple blocks from 4th street live. Also will be next to the downtown YMCA. Look out.... indoor pool and anything else I can imagine. Also close to central park, and a short bike ride to Cherokee park. Not to mention JCTC, UL, Churchill downs and any form of stimulation I could possible imagine. Really excited, but really stressed with all the paperwork, and coordinating, and packing, etc ..... thank God Ive got a great logistics manager in the form of my lovely wife!

Also trying my best the raise 5 kids and make sure they have what the need.

Im a busy man.... busier than I have ever been in my life! CRAZY! Im running for totally different reasons presently.... but still love it and must do it. Bettering the I Am every day.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dino, you are our wise, spiritual force. You are handling so much and doing so with such a great attitude. "Bettering the I Am every day." What else is there to add.
Keep it up! We are all cheering for you.
Let us know when the first kegger is at the new house!!! We need to break it in RIGHT!