Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blog Post: TeamTopperTri Weekly Update #triathlon

This week didn't go so well from a quantitative view, but the quality of my workouts was the best of the year. Focusing on my running form over the past year is paying dividends. I can feel myself getting faster and doing so at a lower energy cost. The improvement and its benefits have been great for my motivation. Running is my weakest area so the greater speed and efficiency bode well for my continued growth in the sport.

I'm still not swimming but considering I was a once-a-week swimmer (twice-a-week at best), I know it won't take long to get back into swimming shape. I just have to find a new swimming location and make the time to get the workout in. I'm focusing on my run and bike until after the Shiner 100 mile bike ride on May 1. The goal is to have a swimming location found and membership paid in order to start swimming in May. I also need to get some triathlons on the calendar. That always help keep the workouts a priority.

On a personal note, I joined the site DailyMile a few weeks ago and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting some great new friends who also share the endurance lifestyle. Whether it's training for their first 5k or their 10th ultra marathon, the site has something for everyone. The posts are inspiring and the community is very supportive. You can link it to both Facebook and Twitter, so it allows you to communicate through several social media concurrently. See it as an addition to our TeamTopperTri team.

I also went "live" with the Karl Miller page on Facebook. It's a way to promote my blog and perhaps make a few more connections. I'm trying to do all I can in creating, growing, and maintaining my personal brand. Whether through DailyMile, LinkedIn, Facebook, TeamTopperTri,, and more, I want to be proactive in promoting and protecting the Karl Miller and Karl Miller Lugo names on the web.

Here's how the week went:
Monday Strength and core work
Tuesday 30 minute run with my son riding his bike beside me. My daughter ran the final .5 mile with me.
Wednesday Off
Thursday Off
Friday Off
Saturday 1:15 hour run. I felt light and fast and like I could run forever. I negative split the run and had little physical or aerobic fatigue. It was the best run of the year.
Sunday 2:15 hours bike ride. This was supposed to be a 2:30 hours workout, but I shaved 15 minutes off my return trip by going into the big gear for much of the second half. The wind was really strong, so perhaps I had more wind at my back on the way home...even though it felt as if it were at my face in both directions. :-)

This coming week is a busy one at work. I have two trips out of town along with a couple of special events on campus. My weekday workouts should be OK but I fear my weekend workouts, especially the long bike ride, may be near impossible to get in. With a century bike ride in two weeks, I really hate to miss it but I see no way around it.

All my best to each of my TeamTopperTri mates in the coming week with a special shout out to Claude and Dennis as they taper into the Derby Marathon and Mini-marathon this coming weekend. This will be Claude's first marathon and we are all so proud of him. They will both do great and we look forward to celebrating their success.


Posted via email from Karl Miller Lugo

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