Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mark's 26.2 Description

Classic description of my brother's marathon experiences:

For me. You start out and it’s a crap shoot – it might be the fastest and best first mile I’ve ever run or my back starts hurting immediately and my legs feel like I’ve never moved them before. If I quit after 1-3 it is usually a good time overall. If go through six I usually start to wonder at some point why I run and if it really makes any sense. Through 13 I start to question if I’m capable of such a feat. Somewhere between 10-13 I start wondering if I need to poop and what I’ll do to hold it or start trying to think about construction sites nearby (best bet for a port-o-potty). Between 13-18 I do really feel good – its like “wow Miller you are a stud. Those girls thought you looked hot”. I’ve actually seen pictures of me at this point and I’m certain the girls didn’t think I looked hot but were probably wondering if I should be running at all and probably felt a little uneasy about not asking if I needed help. Nonetheless I enjoy 13-18. 18-21 suck. The pain that was in my heel is now in my ear for some reason and I’m not certain I’m thinking straight. I would quit right now but I’m nowhere near where I’m headed so I keep plugging along. 21-26 suck even more. I know some people get that nice high at this point and it takes them through the finish line – not so much for me. It just sucks even worse. My stomach now decides it wants to quit, my body says it needs more fuel, my legs say you have to run lighter and my core says sorry I can’t help you out – basically none of it works together. Good news – that last .2 is AWESOME! Depending on the venue if I can see the finish line I know I can do it. If I can’t someone needs to tell me I’m close. Once I make that realization it is on. I speed up to about a 12.3 min/mile and sprint my way to the finish line. Nothing better!!!

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