Sunday, April 25, 2010

Great Peformances

I was all set to to sit down this evening and write up my weekly training recap and then I read Dino and Claude's posts. I will quickly say that I had a regular week of training, enough said. My report this week is to honor and praise the great performances of our TTT brothers. If a person doesn't smile, or get a little misty reading these posts then your just not getting the point of all this. You haven't figured it out and you don't understand what it takes to complete these feats of greatness. It's not just logging miles, and writing down training journals. It is the mental, physical, and spiritual commitments that are made my individuals, their families, their employers, etc. that center us as humans in an effort to achieve greatness.

Great performances deserve all the credit and high praise. Dino's performance may be his best ever when you consider everything that has and is going on in his life this year. There is no doubt that Claude's Dad was pushing him along in the valleys, and that God's hand placed Samantha and the girls, as well as Dino and his wife in the right place at the right time.

This post is all about you fellas. Congratulations!! The finishing times don't matter, it's the effort and the sacrifices that were made to lead up to these great performances that are celebrated. I am very proud to be part of this group, it is your inspiration that continues to lead me in this journey.

Well done fellas!

L3 - Live, Learn, and Lead.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post, Big Dog.