Friday, April 2, 2010

New Blog Post: Armed With Information, People (STILL) Make Poor Choices

Seems so counterintuitive, doesn’t it? Even with detailed information, we still make poor choices.

We have all the information we need to make the right choices. We know what we NEED to do to lose weight, get healthy, eat better, stop a bad habit, quit procrastinating, succeed at work, have better health care, etc. It’s having the WILL and the DISCIPLINE and the PERSEVERANCE and the COMMITMENT that is our problem.

Nothing worthwhile is easy and convenient. We sacrifice whether we take the easy path or the less convenient one. It’s what we sacrifice that makes the difference.

Do we sacrifice less television time for spending more time with our kids or going for that walk we keep telling ourselves we need to take or for that trip to the gym we joined on January 1? Or do we sacrifice our health, our mental well-being, and our relationships with real people to stay caught up with our virtual friends and television shows?

Will we make the right choices or CHOOSE to make excuses and experience regret for making the wrong ones? We have no one else to blame. The choice is ours.

Posted via email from Karl Miller's Posterous

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