Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bacon Weekly- Prep Week-Marathon training

Mon- n/a
Tues- n/a
Wed- 1000 M swim... FS
Thurs- 3 miles- 10 min pace, Zone 1/2
Fri- 4 miles- 9:30 min pace, Zone 1/2
Sat- off
Sun- 3 miles, t-mill, 10 min pace

This was the set-up week for the full marathon training which officially starts in the morning. The program is set at 5 run days per week; to include 1 long run, 1 speed/hills day, and 3 steady runs. After consultation with the swim instructor, I have chosen to add 1 swim day on an off day and 1 swim day on a run day.....don't want to lose my base as my big goal for 2010 is the Longhorn 1/2 Ironman...Karl and I briefly discussed it several months ago, but this post makes it my official BIG goal for 2010...that said, the marathon is a big goal for me too...would like to carry a nice pace in the marathon, so plan to train to do more than finish. Adapting to the cold-weather runs has been easy for me; however the 10-20 degree runs I can't handle....don't have and don't want to buy the clothes for those runs either..... 30 degrees and above and my plan is to run outside when I can....if I can adapt to some lunchtime runs with no shower after, I can take advantage of the warmer days and sunlight...those dark,cold morning runs are for the birds, but I''ve done em and I'll keep doing them to reach my goal.

Wore my new kicks the Adistar Ride II for Christmas. I ran in the Adistar Ride I last year and they treated me well, so no reason to switch. Although a roomy toe box left me with a nice pinky-toe blister on the run today, so will have to tighten up the laces for sure.

Last week was also my last swim at the YMCA...I really liked the place, but a nice offer to join the Owensboro HealthPark was too much for me to stay. The new place is premium, killer locker rooms, pool, t-mills, tv screens everywhere, ping pong:), indoor track. It's more people than I typically like to workout around, so my hermit-like workouts are over.

Picked up the latest Ipod shuffle and it's amazingly small. I really like has a small built in clip, so no more flipp'n arm band for me....the headphones weigh more than the ipod....

On a final note, my brother has returned from Iraq and is drawing down in Seattle preparing to return to Mayfield, KY on Tuesday morning. Glad to have him back. He turned into a runner while in Iraq and ran many 5k races and ran his first 10k about 3 weeks ago and had a realy good time too...proud of him and his service to our Country.

I'm out...Bacon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another terrific post. So glad to see you with plan in hand and on the road to new goals. Freakin' outstanding! Keep working on that swim. Once you get that down, you'll have nothing holding you back.
Best of all, your brother is home. All this stuff we are doing, all the troubles and issues we have are nothing compared to the sacrifice he and his family endured over the past year. To know he's home safe and sound is the most important thing we've posted in this blog...ever!
Kia Kaha!