Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 3- 9th

Sunday: 6 consecutive college full court basketball games. (< 5 minutes between games)

Mon: Family surprised me for my birthday so this became an off day. Great day!!

Tue: Cross-fit: 5rnds each of: 100 rump ropes, 25 GHD sit-ups, 25 Hip Extensions.

Wed: 32 min run. Cross-fit: 5rnds each, Olympic bar squats to military press, 25 pushups.

Thur: Off

Fri: Cross-fit: Power Cleans (7): 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 135, 135 lbs. Dumbbell curls (7sets/10 reps): Alternating: 25, 30, 35, 40 Together: 25, 25, 25.

Sat: Stair climbs with 5 lb swinging dumbbells (10 minutes), Cross-fit: 3rnds 21-15-9 reps 95lb Thrusters, 21-15-9 split leg elevated pushups between rnds.

It was a great long holiday break and I was back to work Monday, also my birthday. Despite starting work on my birthday it was a great day. I have started playing organized basketball regularly again with a pretty competitive group of guys. It’s pretty serious and we don’t take many breaks. It is a lot of sprinting and physical play. Not that basketball Bacon used to play.

My state trooper body I train with turned me on to, and all I can say is that is kicking my ass. I have not been this sore since I played ball in college. A lot of the movements are strange and some of the exercises I just can’t do yet but they offer plenty of substitutions. I like the core workouts and the focus on my leg strength. I am sure it will produce some great sprinting and hopefully climbing legs. The web site offers great video instruction and helpful hints. I suggest checking it out.

This week starts my cycling training and I am ready for the weather to pass. Warmer days are ahead I hope or I see boring days on the indoor trainer in my future.

L3-Live, Learn, Lead

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Schmidt Dog, WOW! This wore me out just reading it. That crossfit is getting a lot buzz and attention. The people doing it, swear by it. I look forward to hearing more about it from you. I'm not sure I'm ready for it, but I do plan to incorporate more all over body strengthening this year than the past 3 years.
Hope we can get something planned soon. If no one else can join us, let's just do something in Austin again. The weather is back in the 70's this week! :-)
Sorry I missed your birthday. Not sure how that happened. Sounds like it was a great day. Happy Birthday, albeit belated!